2021-2022 学年八年级英语下学期期末复习挑战满分百题斩(广州专 用)04 阅读填空(5 选 5) (2020-2021·广州海珠区·八下期末) When you travel in Chengdu, never miss the wonderful face-changing at the local tea houses. How much do you know about this traditional skill? Let’s learn something about it. ____1____ And it is also a very lively way to show the thoughts and feelings of different characters of the play. It is widely believed that the skill of face-changing could date back to ancient times. To scare away the dangerous animals and protect themselves, the ancient people painted their faces in different colors, making themselves look fierce (凶猛的). ____2____ Generally speaking, there are three kinds of skills of face-changing, including wiping( 擦 ) the face, blowing the face and pulling the face. ____3____ Before performing the skill of wiping the face, the actor will first spread some special paint on the face. Then he could change the color of his face in a second by wiping it. When the actors perform the skill of blowing the face, he blows a small box full of cosmetic powders( 化妆粉) which is placed on the stage. And then the powders are blown to his face, changing the color into another. ____4____ Under the cover of the dancing movements, the actor pulls each piece of the facial makeups which is tied with a thin thread(线). The actor must do the movements carefully and very quickly. ____5____ This was his latest Guinness World record. In a word, the skill of face changing is very unique(独特的) and amazing in the arts of Sichuan Opera. Do you like this traditional skill? A.Later, it developed into a famous art form. B.The skill pulling the face is more difficult. C.Sichuan Opera master Peng Denghuai changed 14 masks in 25 seconds. D.Face-changing is a unique skill which is widely used in Sichuan Opera. E.Besides, breathing is another skill of face-changing, but few people know it. (2020-2021·广州越秀区·八下期末)阅读短文及文后选项, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Becoming “Parents” Have you ever seen chicks being born? Recently, our biology teacher asked us to do a chickhatching(孵化)project. ____6____ It kept the temperature at 37.8℃. All we had to do then was to wait for the chicks’ birth. I couldn’t help smiling when I saw the birth of two baby chicks.We thought the weather outside was warm, so we put them in a box outside.We used a blanket to keep them warm. ____7____ They both died. All of us felt extremely sad when we saw this. Our biology teacher said, “Life is fragile (脆弱的).We should cherish(珍惜)the chance to live.” ____8____ How exciting! One of them was yellow and the other was black.They looked cute and beautiful. A few hours after they were born, their coats were dry. We took better care of them this time, feeding them with bread, fruit and vegetables. ____9____ We love them. We take care of them and they get older day by day. ____10____ I’m really glad that we had this project. I have learned a lot from it. I hope the chicks will grow healthily and happily. A.The feeling is just like parents seeing their children growing up. B.But the weather got colder at midnight and the worst thing happened. C.We got some eggs and carefully put them in a machine. D.A few days later, another two chicks came out to see the world. E.As they grew stronger, we took them out of the machine and put them in a box. (2020-2021·广州番禺区·八下期末)阅读短文及文后 A~E 选项,选出可以填各题空白处的最佳选项。 Have you ever bought any second-hand things? ____11____ One million people are selling over 2 million second-hand items, such as clothing and books every day. People have made more money in recent years and bought more things than they really need. As more people turn to a simple lifestyle, they are selling their used items for cheap. Shoppers like the low prices. ____12____ Chen is a college student in Shanghai. When she wants to buy books, she searches for the books she wants on a second-hand book-trading site and adds them to her shopping cart, just like on any other shopping sites. ____13____ The price is as much as 70 % lower than new books. Besides lower prices, people can also find out-of-print books. Yan is a picky ( 挑剔的) reader. She has bought many classic versions (版本) of books. ____14____ “I looked for it for a long time. Now I have it!” she said. ____15____ Zhao, a college student in Harbin, once found a note in a second-hand book she bought. “Its previous (以前的) owner shared her thoughts and hoped I would enjoy it. It was so heartwarming,” Zhao said. “I want to do the same thing in the future, too.” A.They are also attracted to th

doc文档 第4斩 阅读填空(5选5)-2021-2022学年八年级英语下学期期末复习挑战满分百题斩(广州专用)

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