2022 届广东省部分市高三英语第二次模试题分类汇编 完形填空 2022 届广东省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟测试(二模)英语试题 (解析版) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分 满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 Joriden’s love with migrating (迁徙的) raptors (肉食鸟) started when he saw a group of strangers scanning the sky with telescope on top of a hill in his village. His____21____drove him to find out what they were doing. To his joy, the strangers____22____him to take a look. With just one quick look, Joriden was____23____. “The sight is very____24____,” says Joriden. “They take away my stress. I____25____watching these mighty birds.” Joriden used to hunt birds for fun or food. But the____26____with the birdwatchers shifted his mind. Now, not only did he____27____his fellow youths or even older folk to____28____birds they’ve caught, but he also____29____the community members to stop cutting trees in the mountains to____30____the roosts (栖息地) of the migratory birds. Raptors are____31____indicators of the health of the environment. They sit on top of the food chain, thus their health depends on the health of the whole ecosystem they live in. Declines in their population can indicate a____32____in the specific ecosystem that raptor species depend upon or visit. Raptors, which are natural predators (食肉动物), are also____33____to human food security and livelihoods. If their population____34____, the population of harmful insects and animals along their migrating path will increase,____35____agricultural productivity. 21. A. joy B. curiosity C. experience D. confidence 22. A. reminded B. urged C. allowed D. convinced 23. A. attracted B. controlled C. rewarded D. accepted 24. A. regular B. strange C. famous D. impressive 25. A. imagined B. avoided C. enjoyed D. risked 26. A. encounter B. discussion C. adventure D. training 27. A. wait for B. send for C. rely on 28. A. sell B. raise C. scare D. release 29. A. warned B. persuaded C. forced D. 30. A. protect B. locate C. clear D. hide 31. A. natural B. statistical C. subjective D. faulty 32. A. probability B. problem C. secret D. pattern 33. A. familiar B. accessible C. obvious 34. A. doubles B. decreases C. varies 35. A. boosting B. maintaining C. affecting D. appeal to expected D. beneficial D. ages D. measuring 2022 届广东省广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(二)(二模)英语试题(解 析版) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。 Dad is a busy mechanic. Every Saturday he puts on his apron and produces delicious bread. I think he bakes to____21____. I’ve been feeling stressed out myself as I found out I didn’t____22____ for the swim team. Now I’ll have to wait a whole year to try out again. I think Dad knew how I____23____, so this Saturday he invited me to help him bake. Dad first got out everything needed, and then told me to____24____ the ingredients (配料) with a spoon. After that he showed me how to knead the dough (揉面团). It took only ten minutes but a(n)____25____ amount of energy to complete. Next came the____26____ part — doing nothing. We waited for the dough to slowly____27____, then punched (捶打) it down and waited for it to rise again. Dad said the waiting is always the hardest part as you have to____28____ the thought of putting the dough____29____ into the oven. While we waited, we sat and talked. ____30____ is like the dough that rises and fills a room with emptiness____31____ you punch it down with words. It felt good to listen and share our____32____. As the flour dust quietly____33____, time seemed to slow down. The dough would rise at its own ____34____. We could do nothing to make it rise faster. I learned how to bake, and I also learned to____35____ the slowly ticking rhythm of time, to relax and let the bread rise. 21. A. forget B. exercise C. learn D. relax 22. A. care B. qualify C. plan D. vote 23. A. failed B. felt C. performed D. tried 24. A. cook B. shake C. taste D. mix 25. A. surprising B. increasing C. extra D. limited 26. A. best B. last C. most difficult D. most rewarding 27. A. swell up B. turn up C. stand out 28. A. accept B. consider C. repeat D. resist 29. A. carefully B. completely C. directly D. quickly 30. A. Embarrassment B. Hunger C. Silence D. Stress 31. A. unless B. though C. even if D. so long as 32. A. recipes B. duties C. snacks 33. A. froze B. settled C. gathered 34. A. cost B. convenience C. pace D. will 35. A. appreciate B. control C. ignore D. suffer D. come out D. thoughts D. dev

doc文档 2022届广东省部分市高三英语第二次模拟试题汇编:完形填空

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