2022 年中考备考话题阅读专项模拟训练【安全与自我防护】 Passage1 (2022·辽宁抚顺·三模) Last week, I fell down when I was playing games with my friend. I hit my teeth badly. My mom took me to the dentist’s in her car. The dentist checked my teeth and told me to take some medicine. He also said that I might have a toothache for a week. Lisa I went to the cinema with my parents. It was very hot in the cinema and I started to feel sick. I then fell on the floor and my mom tried to wake me up. My dad called an ambulance (救护车) and listened to my heart. I woke up and the doctor checked the rest of my body. He said I was fine, but he also told me to go home and rest for two days. Nancy This morning, I fell over and broke my leg when playing soccer. The teacher took me to the hospital. The doctor asked me to stay here for three days. She told me to stay in bed for at least two more weeks at home. Grace 1.What happened to Lisa? A.She felt sick. B.She had a cough. C.She hit her teeth. D.She broke her leg. C.Her friend D.Her teacher 2.________ called an ambulance for Nancy. A.Her mom B.Her dad 3.How long did the doctor ask Grace to stay in hospital? A.For two days. B.For three days. C.For a week. D.For two weeks. 4.What did the doctor ask Nancy to do? A.To have a rest. B.To drink more water. C.To do more exercise. D.To take some medicine. 5.What do the three students talk about? A.Careless mistakes. B.Hobbies. 【答案】1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D Passage2 (2022·广西来宾·一模) C.School activities. D.Accidents. If a flood(洪水)happens where you live, you need to be prepared. Here’s how to do it. Make an emergency kit(应急包). Keep it in an easy-to-reach place. It should include things such as water, canned(罐 装的)food, a flashlight and first-aid kit. Prepare waterproof(防水的)clothing and a life vest(救生衣). Put your valuable things in waterproof bags and keep them somewhere safe. Follow these tips to stay out of danger during a flood. Look out for flood warnings. Head to higher ground and stay there. Do not attempt(尝试)to walk or drive through flooded areas, as they can be deeper than you realize. Leave your car. It won’t help you if it gets stuck in the water. Even after the flood ends, it might not be safe to return home quite yet.Keep following the latest local news. Don’t use electronics until they are fully dry. Do not use or touch anything that the water touched, including food. Don’t forget that viruses(病毒)can spread after a flood. 根据表格内容,选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。 6.What should go in your emergency kit? ① bottled water ② canned food A.①②③ ③ valuable things B.①②④ ④ first-aid kit C.①③④ D.②③④ 7.When a flood comes, you should go to ________. A.higher ground B.an empty square C.a riverbank D.an underground parking lot 8.If your car gets stuck in a flood, what should you do? A.Stay inside the car. B.Try to pull the car out. C.Leave it alone. D.Keep the car clean and dry. 9.When the flood is over, you should ________. A.go home as soon as possible B.turn on lights even if they are wet C.collect food from the water D.protect yourself from viruses 10.The passage probably comes from ________. A.a sports magazine B.a story book C.a safety handbook D.a history novel 【答案】6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C Passage3 (2022·广西贵港·二模) https://www. healthychildren. org Home fire safetyLearn how your family can prevent home fires, escape from a home fire in 2 minutes, and recover after a home fire. Need Help Now? If you need help after a home fire, please contact(联系)your local Red Cross. Do You Know? ●If a fire starts in your home, you may have as little as two minutes to escape. ●During a fire, early warning from a working smoke alarm can save lives. Top Tips for Fire Safety √ Install(安装)smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas. √ Test smoke alarms every month. If they’re not working, change the batteries(电池). √ Talk with all family members about a fire escape plan and practice the plan twice a year. √ If a fire occurs(发生)in your home, GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL FOR HELP. Never go back inside for anything. You must learn what else to do to keep your loved ones safe! 11.What can you do if you need help after a home fire according to the passage? A.Ask for help at any time. B.Contact your local Red Cross. C.Call a fireman. D.Ask your neighbors for help. 12.We should test smoke alarms ______. A.every day B.every week C.every month D.twice a year 13.According to the passage, which of the following is not one of the top

doc文档 2022年中考备考话题阅读专项模拟训练 安全与自我防护

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