7 下 Unit7 Reading 课时练习 一.根据句意用所给汉语或单词的适当形式填空。 1.His teacher (点头)and said,”How clever you are!” 2.I read that piece of (新闻) in the (报纸). 3.She was crying because she was (bad) (受伤的). 4.He was (勇敢的) enough to (救) the boy from the river. 5.There is too much (垃圾) around, so we should clean up the park. 6.--Do you know the (消防员) numbers.--Sorry, I don’t know them. 7.At that (时刻), the fire (烧伤) his arms and face. 8.Her elderly sister told her not to play with (火柴). 9.We should be (小心的) with fireworks and matches. 10.Nothing can stop him from (保护) the environment. 11.When the house was on fire, there was too much (烟雾) in it. 12.He (倾倒) some water over his coat to make it (湿的). ( ( ( ( 二.单项选择 )13.--Look at the sign”No smoking”. --Sorry, I’ll my cigarette(香烟)at once. A.put up B.put out C.put on D.put off )14.Fire may be very dangerous so we should be . A.enough carefully B.carefully enough C.careful enough D.enough careful )15.She saw them football on the playground on her way home. A.played B.to play C.playing D.are playing )16.The fires are dangerous, but the firemen are able to . A.put it out B.put out it C.put them out D.put out them 三.句型转换,每空一词。 17.Mom told me, “Don’t put anything hot into the rubbish bin.”(改成同义句) Mom told me into the rubbish bin. 18.The superman is very helpful and brave.(改为同义句) helpful and brave he is! helpful and brave ! 19.We can protect ourselves with a wet blanket, can’t we?(改成同义句) We can a wet blanket ourselves, can’t we? 四.完成句子。 20.妈妈叫我头发要远离火源。 My mother asks me to . 21.那个房子着火了,里面有太多的烟雾。 The house was , and there in it. 22.我们没有时间考虑隔壁发生了什么。 We didn’t have time . 23.那些消防员足够勇敢,从火中救出了那个小男孩。 The firemen to the fire. 7 下 Unit7 Reading 课时练习 一 根据句意用所给汉语或单词的适当形式填空。 1nodded 2 news newspaper3badly hurt 4 brave save 5rubbish 6 fireman 7 moment burnt 8 matches 9 careful 10 protecting 11 smoke 12 poured wet 二 单项选择 BCCC 三 句型转换,每空一词。17not to put anything hot 18 What a superman/How the superman is 19 use to protect 四.完成句子。20 keep my hair away from fire 21 on fire was too much smoke 22 to think about what happened next door 23 are brave enough save the boy from

doc文档 Unit 7 Reading 课时练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册

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Unit 7  Reading 课时练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 1 页 Unit 7  Reading 课时练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 2 页 Unit 7  Reading 课时练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 3 页
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