专题 02 透过语境巧记高考英语 3500 词(3-4) 第三篇 An Unforgettable Cycling Tour Mark, a journal editor, who is fond of journey. Ever since graduation,he has been scheduled to organize a trip to an old temple. So as to save transport fare, he was determined to cycle there, although there would be many disadvantages. However, I preferred to travel by bus. Because Mark was very stubborn, which was his shortcoming, once he made up his mind to do something, no one could persuade him into changing his mind,not caring about others’ feelings. Finally, I had to give in to his determined attitude as usual. So we both set off with necessities wrapped in our woolen parcel, including our insurance contact, a map, wild survival tools and even pillows. When we were passing through high altitude, our pace slowed down as there were many sharp bends on the mountain road, under which a river was roaring while going through the deep valley,where the waves are rolling as if the water were boiling. In addition, the weather forecast wasn’t reliable either. We had got to hide into a cave, In which we had a poor view of everything. Mark made a fire and we sat beside the flame to warm ourselves. At midnight, it stopped raining and brilliant stars were so beautiful that I couldn’t help thinking what an unforgettable trip it was! 译文: 一次难忘的骑自行车旅行 马克是一位杂志编辑,他喜欢旅行。自从毕业,他一直计划组织一次去一个古老寺庙 的旅行。为了节省交通费用,他决定骑自行车车去那,虽然有许多不利之处。可是,我跟 喜欢乘公共汽车旅行。 因为马克非常固执,这是他的缺点。一旦他下定决心做什么事,没 有人能够说服他改变主意,不在乎别人的感受。最后,我像往常一样屈服于他坚决的态度 于是,我们带着包在一个羊毛包裹里的保险合同,地图,野外生存工具,甚至枕头等必需 品出发了。 当我们进过高海拔的时候,我们的步伐慢了下来,因为山路有许多急弯,下面的河流在 经过深深峡谷的时候在咆哮,浪涛滚滚仿佛沸腾了一样。另外,天气预报也不可靠。我们不 得不躲进一个洞穴里,在里面,什么都看不清。马克生火,我们坐在火焰旁取暖。 在午夜,雨停了,灿烂的星星如此美丽以致于我不禁想这是一次多么难忘的旅行啊! 高考词汇每日测 第三天(必修一 unit3) 1. 2. journal 18. altitude 34. temple 3. source 19. reliable 35. schedule 4. parcel 20. flow 36. waterfall 5. transport 21. make up one’s mind 37. cave 6. determine 22. pillow 38. fond 7. insurance 23. ever since 39. pace 8. prefer 24. give in 40. be fond of 9. determined 25. midnight 41. bend 10. wool 26. persuade 42. shortcoming 11. disadvantage 27. at midnight 42.stubborn 12. Change one’s mind 28. cycle 43.organize 13. view 29. flame 44.attitude 14. fare 30. graduate 45.care about 15. journey 31. beneath 46.boil 16. as usual 32. finally 47.detail 17. route 33. valley 48.forecast 第三篇同步巩固练习 一、单句语法填空 1. Mike insisted that he (be) right and that we 2. The number of older Americans preferring 3. Such a positive attitude (work) rather than retire is on the increase. life plays an important part in lifting your spirits. 4. She left school three years ago and (work) as a nurse ever since. 5. He found that the task was very difficult 6. There was no way she could persuade him 7. If you don’t speak good English, you’ll be 8. John is recognized to be (cycle)there to avoid the heavy traffic. (complete). her honesty and innocence. a big disadvantage when you try to get a jib. (rely) and hardworking , so you can rely 9. Though they met with great difficulty , the team made up their 10. I got a place next to the window, so I had him. (mind) to go on with the experiments. good view of the sidewalk. 二、单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误) 1. Don’t get yourself persuaded to buying things you don’t really need. 2. I am tired of the partner I have been working with ; he is too hard a person to get along. 3. What I care for is whether we can have a good time in the voyage. 4. It was a great fun swimming in the river especially as it gradually became much warmer. 5. The scientist prefers going to work on foot every day to drive his car. 6. I’m so sorry that I failed to finish repairing your car in schedule. 7. There are many books on the shelf in my father’s office, some of them are well worth reading. 8. There is an old factory near the park, it has not been used for a long time. 9. The reason for that he didn’t attend the meeting is that he was ill yesterday 10. Facing with the difficulty, he won’t give up his dream. 三、短文语法填空 Mark, a journal editor, who is fond of journey. Ever since___1___( graduate) , he has been scheduled to organize a trip to an old temple. So as to save transport fare, he was__2___(determine) to cycle there, although there would be many disadvantages. However, I preferred to travel by bus. Because Mark was very stubborn,___3____was his shortcoming, once he made up his mind___4__(do) something, no one could persuade him ___5___changing his mind,not___6___( care) about others’ feelings. Finally

docx文档 专题02 透过语境巧记高考英语3500词

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