Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum ? Section B 2a-2e 一.从方框中选出合适的单词或短语,并用其适当形式填空 fear, whenever, thousands of,mostly, all year round 1. Students can ask for help       they need it at school. 2.This kind of animal       lives on tree leaves. 3. Every year in New York,       people gather on Times Square to celebrate the arrival of the new year. 4.Jenny is ill in hospital, and she       that she will not catch up with her classmates when she is back to school. 5.The temperature is almost the same in Singapore       . 二.用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子 6.She didn't feel     on her own.(safe) 7.My sister has taught     in a university in the past two years.(Japan) 8.There are some     living in the forest.(fox) 9.I met some     on my way home. They asked me the way to the hotel.(India) 10.She worries about her pay and living conditions     .(most) 11. The     music will make you feel relaxed.(peace) 12.It's not     a question of time.(simple) 三.根据汉语意思完成句子 13.今晚电影院里四分之三的座位是空的。             the seats in the cinema are empty tonight. 14.你曾经去过一个说英语的国家吗? Have you ever been to             ? 15.一方面,你想要努力学习。另一方面,你又沉迷于网上冲浪。                 , you want to study hard.                 , you are crazy about surfing online. 16.你和别人交流时将不会有任何困难。 You won't                 with others. 17.无论你是坐出租车还是坐地铁,你都必须按时到达那里。      you go by taxi     by subway, you must get there on time. 18.冬天去游泳似乎很奇怪,但许多人对它感兴趣。              to go swimming in winter, but many people show interest in it. 四.单项填空 (  )19. —It's very important for us to keep     . —You are right. We should learn how to protect ourselves when we're in trouble. A.rapid B.safe C.lucky D.social (  )20. —The picture of the Snowflake Boy has become very popular recently. —Yeah, it receives     Internet hits a day. A.thousands of B.thousand C.hundred D.hundreds (  )21.The man had a GPS. He didn't have any problem     the way to the town. A.find B.found C.to find D.finding (  )22.—Do you know     or not the scientist will come to our school tomorrow? —Sorry, I don't know.But     he comes, I'll give you a call. A.whether; if B.if; whether C.if; if D.whether; whether (  )23.You can call me     you need my help. A.whatever B.whenever C.whoever D.however (  )24. —Dear, how is your homework going? —Oh, Mom, I've just finished     of it. A.second three B.two third C.second threes D.two thirds 五.阅读理解 Dear Dongdong, I have been in Hong Kong for a whole week and I will stay here for another week. Hong Kong is really a great place to visit.There's so much to see and do there.And I have done so many wonderful things. I've taken the cable car(缆车) to the Peak Galleria(山顶广场).I've been to Hong Kong Racing Museum.I've learned a lot about horse racing there.I've also visited Ladies' Street.In the street,I bought some beautiful clothes for my mother.Last night,I went to a Chinese concert.Chinese traditional music has always been my favorite.This morning I went to Ocean Park and watched the dolphin show there.Dolphins are so clever.They can jump from the water to touch a ball,sway(摇摆) their bodies to the music,kiss people and even do math.Mr.Host is going to take me to an Italian film festival in Hong Kong Cultural Center tomorrow.I'm so excited because I have never seen an Italian film before. That's all.Hope to hear from you soon. Yours, Daming (  )1.Daming hasn't been to ______ yet. A.the Peak Galleria B.Hong Kong Racing Museum C.the Italian film festival D.the Chinese concert (  )2.In ______,Daming learned something about horse racing. A.Ocean Park B.Hong Kong Racing Museum C.Hong Kong Cultural Center D.Ladies' Street (  )3.Last night Daming went to ______. A.Ladies' Street B.a Chinese concert C.the Italian film festival D.the Peak Galleria (  )4.Dolphins can't ______. A.ride bicycles B.kiss people C.do math D.dance (  )5.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT TRUE? A.Daming has planned to stay in Hong Kong for two weeks. B.This morning Daming went to watch the dolphin show. C.Daming likes Chinese traditional music very much. D.Daming has taken the bus to the Peak Galleria. 六.完形填空 Do you love visiting museums? Today, museums around the world are holding(举行) “Slow Art Day” in order to  1  their visitors to take their time and enjoy art more deeply. This is a fast world  2  the Internet is a huge and busy place. There are millions of websites for people to choose from. A research has shown that a person usually spends 15 seconds on a website  3  moving on to other things. You might  4  peop

doc文档 Unit9 SectionB 2a-2e同步达标作业2021-2022学年人教版八年级英语下册

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