Unit 5 复习检测 一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. Tom was tired and he fell __________ (sleep) soon. 2. Most people in those __________ (area) were having supper at home when the rainstorm came. 3. The sun __________ (rise) in the east. 4. What will they do with the __________ (fall) tree? 5. The news __________ (report) that the famous singer gave a concert in our city last week. 二、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空 date light match wind kid 6. You’re __________! It’s impossible for chickens to swim. 7. The strong __________ blew away the roof of the house last night. 8. Now people hardly ever use __________ to make a fire. 9. There is no __________ in the room, so I can’t see anything. 10. —What’s the __________ today? —It’s November 17th. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 11. 躺下来放松一下, 然后你就能睡着了。 Lie down to relax, and then you can __________ __________. 12. 如果你已看完那本杂志, 给我看看行吗? If you’ve done with that magazine, can I __________ __________ __________? 13. 火车的噪音逐渐变弱, 最后消失了。 The noise of the train __________ __________ and finally disappeared. 14. 当暴风雨来的时候, 他正在睡觉。 When the rainstorm __________, he __________ __________. 15. 起初, 萨姆什么都不想说。 __________ __________, Sam didn’t want to say anything. 四、任务型阅读 There is a song in England that starts, “Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside.” ______16 I have never lived beside the seaside before, but now I live in a small town next to the sea, and I can see the water from my window. The noise of the waves can be very peaceful. Life seems to happen at a slower pace here. Before I moved here, I had been living in London, which is very different. Where I live there is no beach. Instead, there is a harbor. It means that you can look straight down into the water to see what is there. I like seeing the fishing boats. ______17 As you can see, living beside the sea has many advantages. ______ 18 1. Smells of fish. The problem is when I hang my clothes out to dry, they come back having a bad smell of fish! 2. Sea birds. I really don’t like them. ______19 3. The wind. It is very windy here. At the moment it is all right, because the days are still quite warm. During the summer, the wind is nice and refreshing. ______20 But, in the end, I think the advantages are more than disadvantages. So I can sing, “Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside,” and I won’t be lying at all. 根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使文章意思通 顺、内容完整。 A. In many ways, I prefer this. B. I have a few problems though. C. They are quite loud, and not very pretty. D. There is something very special about being near the sea. E. But I can imagine that in winter the strong wind will be very cold indeed. 五、完形填空 When Sean was only a 5-year-old boy, his father’s friend Paul once ______21 the little boy home in his police car. Sean was interested in the car, the lights and the uniform. He decided to be a hero like Paul. However, a high school English teacher ______ 22 his dream. She believed that he had a true gift for ______23 and should not waste it being a police officer. Sean followed his teacher’s advice, and finally he became a ______ 24 for a newspaper. During the years, he changed several jobs but ______ 25 made him really happy. Actually, he had never really given up his childhood ______ 26 to become a policeman. “I feel like a loser,” Sean says. He was ______ 27 and lost 25 pounds in a few months. For a long time, Sean sent emails for a job as a police officer. There was no reply. That morning, Sean checked the email box as usual, but he found an unexpected email in his box. Was it possibly ______28 this time? Phoenix was in great need of police officers and one of Sean’s old friends ______29 him, “Do you still want to be a police officer?” “Phoenix was a city 500 miles from ______30 home,” says Sean. “But here, at least, was one more ______31 I felt reborn.” In order to pass the test to enter the police academy, Sean ______ 32 began training, setting a daily running rule of a mile and a half. ______ 33, Sean passed the written exam and completed the physical test. Later, Sean finished his education in the police academy. The following year, Sean got a prize ______34 his excellent job. “It took me 35 years. But a promise is a promise,” Sean says. “I did it. It just proves that it’s never too ______35.” 21. A. guided B. led C. carried D. drove 22. A. broke B. made C. kept D. supported 23. A. listening B. writing C. singing D. fighting 24. A. teacher B. driver C. reporter D. manager 25. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything 26. A. life B. work

doc文档 Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came练习2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级下册

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