Beijing Zoo Module6 A trip to the zoo Unit2 The tiger lives in Asia. Learning Aims 1.Can read and write the new word s. 2.To know the animals in the pass Africa 非洲 African adj. 非洲的 n. 非洲 Asia 人 Europe 亚洲 leaf n. 叶子 little 欧洲 only adj. 极少量的 grass n. 草 about adv. 仅仅;只 large adj. 大的,巨大的 kilo adv. 大约,大致 usually adv. 通常 people n. 千克;公斤 alone adv. 独自地 n. 人,人们 strong adj. 强壮的;强大的;强烈 New words 的 catch v. 抓住;接住 even adv. 甚至 Europe North America Asia Africa South America Africa America Asia Europe Fast-reading Read the passage and answer the How manyquestions. animals are mentioned (提到) in the passage? What are they? Five animals. They are elephants, pandas, zebras, tigers and monkeys. Where are they live in? The elephant lives_______________. The panda ____________________. The zebras_____________________. The tigers______________________. The monkeys___________________. Careful-reading Read Paragraphs1&3 and fill in the table. Name Elephant Zebra Home Africa and Asia Africa Food plants and a little fruit leaves as well as grass It _______ doesn't ____meat. eat It______water. likes It is _____ black and_____. white It ______ ___bamboo. doesn't eat Read Paragraph2 and answer the questions. 1.How many pandas are there in China? There are only about 1,800 pandas in China. 2.How many pandas live in zoos? About 200 pandas live in zoos. 3.How much bamboo does the panda eat? The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day. Read Paragraphs4&5 and fill in the table. Name Home Food Others Tiger Monkey Asia Africa, Asia and America many kinds of animals meat,leaves, fruit and eggs It's _____and _____. large strong It usually lives alone. It likes ____water and ___ is ____ good ___swimming. at There're about_____kinds 200 of monkeys. Watch and read after the video Retelling Test Asia good leaf kilo alone 1. We can see some yellow ______ leaves on the tree in autumn. 2. I don’t want to go there ______. alone 3. Tom, as _____ well as John and Bill, often plays football after school. 4. China is an ______ Asian country. 5. — Can I help you? — Yes, I want two _____ of oranges. kilos Summary Words: Africa leaf strong Phrases: a little be good at live alone African grass only Asia Europe kilo people catch little African large about usually alone even as well as live in Asia all over the world, 30 kilos of bamboo, Homework Read and recite the passage Describe an animal you like best Animals are our friends. We should love them.

ppt文档 Module 6 Unit2课件2021-2022学年外研版七年级英语上册

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