Lesson 9 A cold welcome 用所给单词或短语的正确形式填空。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. strike twelve refuse to welcome begin to look at gather shout About one hundred people ________________ in front of the bank last Friday. He ________________ friends from across the world to experience the "greatness" of the Great Wall. I lost control of my anger and ________________ at him. The child ________________ the stranger with distrust. He worked until the clock ________________. When they ________________leave, we had to call the police. After waiting for half an hour, she ________________ get angry. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 没有人愿意受到冷遇。 Nobody wants to ___________________. 2. 在那一瞬间,我看见他投出一只球。 I saw him throwing a ball ___________________. 3. 飞机二十分钟后起飞。 The airplane takes off___________________. 从[A]、[B]、[C]、[D]四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I planned to reach London _______ Wednesday morning, but I didn’t arrive _______ Friday evening. [A] on; on [B] in; in [C] in; till [D] on; until 2. I was born _______ a cold evening in November. [A] in [B] on [C] at [D] by 3. Take this medicine and drink plenty of water, you’ll be fine _______ 3 days. [A] in [B] after [C] later [D] since 4. Mike does his exercises _______ seven _______ the evening. [A] by; to [B] at; in [C] by; of [D] at; on 5. The English teacher told me to get there _______ half past ten. [A] in [B] at [C] on [D] in 用所给的介词填空。 on at in until under past during 1.These products will be produced _______a month. 2.He went to Shanghai _______ September 3, 1991 and came back _______ a cold morning last year. 3.They talked on and on _______ four o’clock in the morning. 4.Why do we put a tree in our house _______the Christmas? 5.These animals only come out _______ night. 6.We leave Dover _______ ten and we should be across in France by midnight. 7.It was ______midnight when we got home. Lesson 9 A cold welcome Key to the exercise 词汇部分 Part I 1. gathered 2. welcomed 3. shouted 5. strucktwelve 6. refused to 7. began to 4. looked at Part II 1. receive a cold welcome 2. at that moment 语法部分 Part I 1. D 2. B Part II 3. A 4. B 5. C 3. in twenty minutes’ time 1. in 5. at 2. on; on 6. at 3. Until 7. past 4. during

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新概念英语第二册Lesson 9  A cold welcome 同步练习 第 1 页 新概念英语第二册Lesson 9  A cold welcome 同步练习 第 2 页 新概念英语第二册Lesson 9  A cold welcome 同步练习 第 3 页 新概念英语第二册Lesson 9  A cold welcome 同步练习 第 4 页
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