一 Hongbao, usually a red envelope with some money inside, is a kind of traditional gift in China. It is considered as a way to show love, 1g_______ wishes or blessings (祈祷). This tradition 2 s_______ more than 2,000 years ago when old people began to give money to their grandchildren for good luck and safety in the coming New Year. Different 3 f______ the traditional red envelope with money inside, the virtual hongbao becomes quite popular now. It provides people with a 4 c_______ to give or to receive hongbao on the Internet. This new form of hongbao is becoming more and more popular among the Wechat users. During 5 t_____ Spring Festival, I gave out more than 300 yuan by 6 u______ Wechat, and got half of the money I gave. Although the 7 s_____ hongbao had only 0.01 yuan in it, my friends and I still had great fun. No matter how people send red envelopes, the meaning behind it is the same. 8 H_______, some people, especially the young, spend too much time playing with 9 t_____ mobile phones to get the virtual hongbao. This not only makes them lose the time they spend with their family 10 b______ also is bad for their health and study. So what do you think of the virtual hongbao? 二 Humans are mammals(哺乳动物). Most mammals are born able to do many things. Some can walk 1 w______ a few minutes of being born. They have to be able to run away if danger is near. But human babies are born helpless. They need the care of 2 a________ to live. In the first month of life, babies cannot smile or sit up. They cannot even 3 h______ up their own heads without some help from grown-ups. In the next few months, babies grow a lot. They learn to roll over, support their heads, and even sit up 4 w______ being held. Babies 5 a________ have to learn to use their hands. It takes months for them to learn to reach for objects. At around six months old many babies can move an object from one hand to 6 a________. Babbling is how a human baby learns to speak. Babies all seem to make similar sounds by babbling. They try to imitate ( 模仿 ) the 7 s________ they hear from adults. It will 8 t_______ about nine months before a baby can say real words. Somewhere around a baby’s first birthday he or she may stand or walk with help.9 S_____ the baby will run around on his or her own! The first year of a baby's life is a time of 10 g_________ and learning. Growing sure takes a lot of work! 三 We experienced a special period in 2020. Xu Yi, a middle school student from Hubei, told 1 s_________ interesting to us. Let's check out his story and resolution for the new term. When Xu Yi was learning English 2 a______ an exchange student in the UK, his English friend invited him to take a Chinese culture course. Then, at 9:30 a.m. the next day, it finally came. He 3 f_________ the friend to the classroom and was welcomed by classmates. They gave him presents 4 w_______- moved and excited him. The lesson was about 5 a______ancient Chinese character ( 字 体 ) called Xiaozhuan. The teacher clearly explained it from its history to development, how it worked in society 6 a____ why it was so popular in Qin Dynasty. She also 7 t_______ the differences between Xiaozhuan and the modern Chinese character. On the one hand, Xu Yi takes pride in Chinese culture. On the 8 o_____ hand, it's a shame that he knows almost nothing about it. As a senior high school student, he is going to read as many books as possible to open his 9 m_______. He hopes every Chinese person will 10 l_____ and value Chinese culture. After all, everyone is responsible for keeping it. 四 When most people 1 l______ a language, they usually start with some simple words like "thank you" and "bye-bye". I was the same. One of the first words I learned in Chinese was xiexie. I often said it 2 b_______ I wanted people in my new home to think I was polite. But soon I found that it wasn't that easy. At first, I noticed people seemed confused when I always said xiexie, as if it wasn't 3 n_____: They reacted (反应) in the same way to my use of qing. But 4 i____ my eyes, it was very common. For example, when I was making a request in the UK, I said,“Could you please help me?” I didn't know why people didn't say "please" or "thank you" in China as often as we did in the UK. Was there something wrong with 5 m_____? I didn't understand it 6 u______ I realized the cultural difference behind it. My Chinese friends told me using "please" could prevent ( 阻 碍 ) the building-up of a 7c______ relationship. So I shouldn't be so

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