2021-2022 学年浙江省杭州市富阳区九年级(下)期中英语试 卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 4 小题,每小题 6 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、D)中选择最佳选项。 1.(6 分)Nuts are usually considered healthy food in daily life.But do you really know what benefits they can bring us?The following information may help you know more about some kinds of nuts. CASHEWS Gold﹣medal winning Olympic sprinter Kelly Holmes says she ate a bag of these wonder nuts after every race to help her recover.They're packed with zinc(锌) ﹣﹣brilliant for your immune(免疫) system. PISTACHIOS The Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair's favorite , these cut cholesterol(胆固醇)and are rich in vitamins B and E ﹣﹣ great for glowing skin. BRAZIL NUTS A study from the University of Illinois suggests Brazil nuts might help prevent breast cancer , thanks to their high selenium (硒)content.They give you energy,too. ALMONDS These are real heart savers , as they are rich in a form of vitamin E called alpha tocopherol , which lowers your risk of cardiac ( 心 脏 的)disease. Though nuts are helpful to people in many ways ,don't eat too many of them at one time.Eat properly and healthily! (1)Which of the following are Tony Blair's favorite nuts?     A.Almonds. B.Cashews. C.Brazil nuts. D.Pistachios. (2)According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?     A.Cashews are helpful for your immune system. B.Neither Vitamins B nor Vitamins E is good for your skin. C.Brazil nuts may help to prevent breast cancer. D.Almonds can help lower the risk of the heart disease. (3)Where would you probably read this passage?     A.A book about culture. B.A medical website. C.A fashion magazine. D.A school notice. 2 . ( 8 分 ) When Sammie Vance was eight , she learned about Buddy Benches from a video.The video showed how these benches(长凳)are used on playgrounds. "If somebody is lonely,they can sit on the bench then." Sammie explained. "Another person can come up to them and ask them to play." Sammie thought her school could have a Buddy Bench , so she and her mom set up a meeting with the headmaster.They learned of a local company , Green Tree Plastics , that recycles plastic bottle caps into benches. Sammie liked the idea of a Buddy Bench that would help kids and the environment.Her headmaster liked it , too.Then Sammie created a comic that showed how a Buddy Bench works.She and her mom posted it on the social media to ask friends and family to save caps.They also took the drawing to local businesses to ask for their help. As words spread , collection boxes at school and around the community began to fill up.People even shipped their caps to Sammie. "I got caps from 50 states,"she said. In just two months,the project collected more than 1,200 pounds﹣﹣﹣enough to make three Buddy Benches!After reaching her goal , Sammie set a new one﹣﹣Buddy Bench everywhere.So far , she has collected enough caps to give 100 benches to schools and organizations in 12 states.She continued to collect caps to share with kids working toward their own Buddy Benches.And she has made videos to encourage others to start their projects. (1)What did Sammie need so many caps for?     A.She wanted to create a comic. B.Her school needed the caps. C.She'd like to have these caps recycled. D.She'd sell those caps and set up a business. (2)What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refer to?     A.the comic that showed how a Buddy Bench work. B.the local company that recycled plastic bottle caps. C.the video that was watched by Sammie Vance. D.the idea that would help both the kids and the environment. (3)What's the right order of the story?     a.They called on friends and family to collect caps. b.Sammie saw a video about Buddy Benches. c.She has given 100 benches. d.She and her mother asked the headmaster for help. A.a﹣d﹣c﹣b B.b﹣d﹣c﹣a C.b﹣d﹣a﹣c D.a﹣b﹣c﹣d (4)Why does the writer list some numbers in the last paragraph?     A.To show Sammie's achievements. B.To tell readers the numbers of benches m need. C.To describe the problems Sammie was facing. D.To ask more readers to join in his project. 3.(8 分)This year,the First Class for New School Year moved the classroom to the Chinese space station.Three Chinese astronauts gave students a science lesson 400 kilometers above earth , as they stayed in the Tiangong space station.All members of the Shenzhou XII mission(任务) Zhai Zhigang,Ye Guangfu and Wang Yaping,the only woman,greeted all the students,teachers and other viewers and showed them how they live and work inside the space station.

doc文档 浙江省杭州市富阳区2021-2022学年九年级下学期期中英语试卷

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