2022 年中考英语练习 情景交际 Ⅰ.单项选择 1. —Would you mind telling me how to use this king of smart phones? —______. It’s very easy. Do it like this. A.Yes, of course   B.No, not at all C.No, thanks   D.Yes, you are right 2.—Are you confident about the soccer match against Class 1, John? —______ I’ve got everything ready! A.Of course not.   B.It’s hard to say. C.Sure, I am.   D.Just so-so. 3.—Let’s go to the beach tonight. —______ I have to prepare for the basketball game. A.Yes, please.   B.With pleasure. C.Go ahead.   D.What a pity! 4.(2021·盐城)—China has done a great job of dealing with poverty(贫困). —______. We’re so proud of being Chinese. A.Fantastic   B.Don’t mention it  C.I have no idea     D.Good luck 5.— Sorry! My bike was broken and have to have it repaired, so I am late. —______. Better late than never. A.Not really   B.Never mind C.Take it seriously   D.You are right 6.—Shall we go out and take a walk ? —__________. A.You’re welcome C.Don’t worry  B.That’s a good idea D.It’s none of your business 7.(2021·辽阳)—Julia,I’m sorry for what I have done. —_____.I know that people get mad easily when they’re under pressure. A.That’s for sure   B.Never mind C.With pleasure   D.Of course not 8.—Why not take your girl to watch the new movie A Little Red Flower? —______. A.Good idea   B.No problem C.Good luck   D.No way 9.—Oh, I left my mobile phone on the bus! —______. You’re always forgetting things. A.That’s too bad   B.It’s not a big deal C.That sounds boring   D.It’s my pleasure 10.—May I borrow your Chinese book, Lucy? —Sure. ______. A.I’m using it   B.I’m sorry  C.I hope not   D.Here you are 11.—Thank you for your help. —______. A.Good idea   B.Never mind   C.My pleasure   D.Don’t worry 12.—What do you think of talk shows? —______. A.Thank you   B.That’s all right C.I agree   D.I don’t mind them 13.—Don’t be noisy in the library, Tom. —______. A.Sorry, I won’t   B.No problem C.It doesn’t matter   D.You’re welcome 14.—Do you intend to stay in China for long, Tony? —____ And even if I go back to the UK, I’ll come back and visit you all. A.Pardon?   B.I hope so. C.That’ll be great!   D.Don’t worry. 15.—Shall we go hiking at six o’clock tomorrow morning? —______.Will seven o’clock be OK? A.It’s up to you   B.No problem C.I can’t make it   D.It’s a good idea 16.—Would you mind passing me a pair of new socks? —______.Here you are. A.I don’t agree   B.Sure, I’d love to C.Of course not   D.It’s a pleasure Ⅱ.情景交际 A篇 A:Oh, Tim. What are you doing? Your room is in a mess! B:I am so mad! 1.____ A:It’s wrong of him to do that. 2.____ B:I’m sorry. But I don’t know how. A:First, take a deep breath.3.____ B:OK, let me have a try. Take a deep breath… A:Does it work?4.____ B:Really?That sounds fun. A:Yes.Singing or running can help you let out your anger. 5.____ B:Sure.Let’s go! A.If not,you can sing or run. B.This can help you cool down. C.Tony just said bad words to me. D.Would you like to run with me now? E.But you should try to control your anger. B篇 A:You look unhappy today, Tony? B:1.____ It’s hard for me to learn English. Could you help me with it? A:Yes, I’d love to. 2.____ B:3.____ A : Don’t be shy. You should be brave and believe in yourself. If necessary , just take a deep breath and smile before speaking.You’d better speak English as often as possible. B:Really?I’ll try that way. 4.____ A:I often read English stories and magazines.It’s a good way to read aloud or retell a passage yourself to practice more. B:5.____ But I’m still... A:Cheer up.You can do a good job. B:OK, I’ll do as you said and never give up. A.What’s your problem? B.I did badly in the English exam. C.Firstly,I’m always afraid of speaking English in public. D.Thank you for your advice. E.Then,how do you improve your reading? C篇 A:Good morning, doctor! B:Good morning, young man!1.____ A:Not very well. I cough a lot these days. B:2.____ A:Yes, I have. But I don’t have a fever. B:3.____ A:Ever since the day before yesterday. B:Don’t worry. Some people have the same situation because of the cold weather. A:Really?4.____ B:Drink more hot water and stay at home. And then you’ll get better soon. A:OK, I will. Thank you! B:5.____ A.What should I do? B.You’re welcome. C.What’s the matter with you? D.Have you taken your temperature? E.How long have you been like this? D篇 A:Excuse me.1.____ B:Of course. You must follow the traffic rules. A:2.____ B:Only when we see the green“walk”sign. A:What must I do before

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