85 坚守粮食安全底线,确保国家安全 2022 年中考英语时文热点话题题型专练 背景资料:全国多地出现各类毁麦事件 农业农村部相关司局负责人:全面排查各类毁麦情况 确保夏粮颗粒归仓 2022-05-10 16:48·新华社 针对近日媒体反映个别地方毁麦开工及网上流传的“割青麦作饲料”短视频,记者 10 日采访了农业农村 部相关司局负责人。该负责人表示,农业农村部对此高度重视,“五一”期间就组织相关省份进行核查核实。 近日,农业农村部又下发通知要求各地进一步全面排查毁麦开工、青贮小麦等各类毁麦情况,对违法违规 行为,发现一起处理一起。 该负责人表示,去年以来小麦生产经历了抗秋汛、促弱苗、防病虫等多个关口,经过多方努力,目前 小麦长势良好,丰收的好形势实属不易。下一步,农业农村部将指导各地持续强化小麦后期田管,落实“一 喷三防”全覆盖等增产措施,提前组织好跨区机收,确保颗粒归仓。该负责人强调,还有 20 天左右小麦就 成熟收获了,对被征用为建设用地的麦田,也要在小麦成熟收获后再开工建设,珍惜农民朋友 200 多天的 劳动成果,中国人的饭碗大家一起端。 一、阅读理解 A On May 22nd, Yuan Longping died. He was born in 1930. And he is called China’s “Father of Hybrid Rice(杂 交水稻)”. Yuan was an academician(院士). What he did for Chinese people made him a national hero. He is famous across the country. He spent all his life working to make the hunger around the world less and less. He also helped to feed the country with the most people. Yuan once said he had two dreams. One was to enjoy the coolness of the shade(阴凉) under the rice crops. The second one was that his hybrid rice could be grown all over the world. When Yuan died, all the Chinese people felt very sad. Many people read the news online. He was very brave and protected(保护) China’s food security(安全). He is the brightest star, guiding people on their way forward. 1.Yuan Longping was ________ years old when he died. A.89 B.99 C.91 D.81 2.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A.With the help of Yuan, people made a lot of money. B.Yuan Longping was famous because he crossed the country. C.Yuan hope to see his hybrid rice grow just in China. D.It took him almost a lifetime to work on the food of China. 3.What’s the best title for the passage? A.Father of Hybrid rice. B.Two Dreams of Yuan Longpin. C.China’s Food Security. D.How to Stop the Hunger. 【短文大意】本文向我们介绍“中国杂交水稻之父”袁隆平的生平经历。 【答案解析】 1.【答案】C 【解析】细节理解题。根据"On May 22nd, Yuan Longping died. He was born in 1930.”可知,袁隆平出生于 1930 年,去世于 2021 年,享年 91 岁,故选 C。 2.【答案】D 【解析】推理判断题。根据"He spent all his life working to make the hunger around the world less and less.”可 知,他花了毕生的精力使全世界的饥饿越来越少,所以“他花了几乎一生的时间来研究中国食物”表述正确, 故选 D。 3.【答案】A 【解析】最佳标题题。本文向我们介绍“中国杂交水稻之父”袁隆平的生平经历,选项 A“杂交水稻之父”符合 主题,故选 A。 B October 16 is World Food Day. This day is also the anniversary (纪念日) of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (联合国粮农组织). More than 100 countries are holding special events. All of these aim to celebrate the establishment of the FAO in 1945. The theme chosen for this year’s World Food Day is “Water: Source (资源) of Food Security”. A UN report says that over 6 million people have died from hunger and related diseases so far this year alone. More than 850 million people, or about one in seven, around the world do not get enough food, and the need for food will increase as the world’s population grows. The UN also reports that by the year 2030, the world may need 60% more food. Most of that increase will have to come from agriculture supported by water irrigation (灌溉). However, fresh water is already in short supply in many countries. Jacques Diouf, the director of the FAO, says that there are 20 countries that do not have enough water to produce enough food for their populations. Ten nations use more than 40% of their total fresh water for agriculture. He fears that the problem will only become worse as the need for water by people and by industry grows. So water is one of the most important things in the world today. 1.The underlined word “establishment” has the same meaning as ________. A.建立 B.捡起 C.结束 D.构成 2.In the world, more than ________ people have died because of hunger this year. A.2 million B.6 million C.850 million 3.Mr Diouf’s words show that he most worries about ________. D.100 million A.the short of water B.the future of the FAO C.the overgrowth of population D.the development of the environment 4.The reading above implies (暗示) that ________. A.fresh water for US is quite enough B.the world’s population is getting smaller C.we will need more water to irrigate D.industry is the most important thing today 5.The passage is mainly about ________. A.how to celebrate World Food Day B.the increase of food in many countries C.the UN Food and Agriculture Organization D.the importance of water for food 【短文大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了纪念“世界粮食日”的目的和世界上很多人面临饥饿的问题, 根本原因是水的缺乏。 【答案解析】 1.【答案】A 【解析】词义猜测题。根据"More than 100 countries are holding special events. All of these aim to celebrate the establishment of the FAO in 1945.”可知,举办特别活动的目的是为了庆祝联合粮农组织的建立。故选 A。 2.【答案】B 【解析】细节理解题。根据"

doc文档 85 坚守粮食安全底线,确保国家安全 2022年中考英语时文热点话题题型专练

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