2022 年高考最新热点时文阅读-流行热词 题型 主要内容 1 阅读理解 介绍了中国的流行热词“躺平”,及其背后所反映的社会问题与现象。 2 阅读理解 介绍了韦氏词典增加的新词条 3 阅读理解 阐述了什么是元宇宙及元宇宙存在的个人数据安全隐患 4 七选五 介绍了“大数据”对我们生活的影响。 5 语法填空 讲述在竞争力越来越大的中国,“内卷”这个词淋漓尽致体现出了人们的现状,尤 其是现在的孩子们的学习上以及作者的建议。 01 (2022·福建福州·高二期末)China’s young people have created yet another word to reflect their growing disappointment with the stressful work culture. The new lifestyle hot word, tang ping, is an action rather than a feeling — deciding to just go by, using a minimum effort at an unsatisfactory job. Wendy said that her lying-down philosophy could be summed up as “Putting the peacefulness of the body and soul first.” “According to the mainstream standard, a good lifestyle must include working hard, trying to get good results on work evaluations, struggling to buy a house and a car, and having babies,” she said, “However, I am looking forward to ‘lying down entirely’— quitting my job and living off my savings.” Tang ping has come under fire from Chinese state media. “No matter what, young people must have confidence in the future,” read a newspaper. “China is the world’s most populous country, with rich labor resources and a huge market advantage. The only happy life is a hard-working life. “The lying-down community obviously isn’t good for the country’s economic and social development,” said Guangming Daily. However, the newspaper added that tang ping shouldn’t be ignored without reflection: if China wants to encourage hard work in the young generation, it should first try to improve their quality of life. “The state is worried about what would happen if everyone stopped working,” said Huang Ping, a literature professor. “But humans aren’t merely tools for making things,” he said. To lie down is a reasonable choice rather than a negative attitude. For some young people, it’s a way for them to reduce pressure. “When you can’t catch up with society’s development— say, high house prices — tang ping is actually the most practical choice.” he said. Lying down can be seen as the opposite of involution ( 内卷), referring to societies becoming trapped in continual cycles of competition. “In a relatively good social environment, people may feel involuted, but at least they’re trying” he said. “If it’s worse, people will tang ping.” Alternatively, the more motivated among the young generation have accepted FIRE—“Financial Independence, Retire Early” — in the hope of someday escaping the severe competition once and for all. 1.What is Wendy’s goal in life? A.To keep up with society’s development. B.To depend on her savings to live. C.To get promoted in her company. D.To be highly evaluated at work. 2.What do state media think the young should do? A.Improve their quality of life. B.Reflect on China’s development. C.Base their future on hard work. D.Live a happy life by lying down. 3.What does Professor Huang think of the “lying down” style? A.It means low quality of life for the young. B.It prevents the development of society. C.It motivates the young to welcome their future. D.It removes the heavy life pressure from the young. 4.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs? A.A healthy society doesn’t involve competition. B.Young people prefer involution to tang ping. C.Severe competition is the main cause of lying down. D.More active young people favour severe competition. 02 (广东省惠州市 2021-2022 学年高二上学期期末质量检测英语试题)As long as humans keep on human-ing, words will keep on words-ing. This week, Merriam-Webster announced it had added 455 new entries (词条) to the dictionary — including terms across cultural, political, and technical fields. A number of pandemic-specific terms, including “long COVID” and “super-spreader”, feel especially fitting of the times. So how are new words picked? Throughout the year, Merriam-Webster editors search written materials to find words that have appeared online and in print. According to the publisher’s guidelines, new words are added depending on how often they are used and whether they are used among ordinary people. Here are some of the examples: dad bod (informal): a physique regarded as typical of an average father; especially: one that is slightly overweight and not extremely muscular. long COVID: a condition that is marked by the presence of symptoms (such as fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, headache) which go on for an extended period of time (such as weeks or months) following a person’s initial recovery from COVID-19 infection. super-spreader: an event or locati

doc文档 44 流行热词-2022年高考英语最新热点时文阅读

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