2020-2021(下)第二次英语模拟试题                    命题人:孙秀红 I 听力测试(每小题 1 分,共 20 分) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适 当反应的答语。 1.A.Good luck. B.Congratulations! C.Enjoy yourself. 2.A.Nice idea. B.It doesn't matter. C.This way,please. 3.A.Sounds boring. B.Well.I like both. C.Best wishes 4.A.Have a nice day. B.Thank you. C.That's no excuse. 5.A.What a pity! B.Well done. C.I promise. (二)录音中有三个句子,每个句子对应一幅图片,每个句子听两遍,然后选择与句子内容相对 应的图片。 6.___________ 7.___________ 8.___________ (三)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C 中选出正确答案。 9.When was tea first discovered as a drink? A.About 1.500 years ago. B.About 3.500 years ago. C.About 5,000 years ago. 10.What is the man's advice on reducing air pollution? A.Riding a bike. B.Giving up smoking. C.Driving a car. 11.What's the name of the space station? A.Tiangong. B.Chang'e. C.Shenzhou. 12.Why did the car hit the walking man? A.The driver drove too fast. B.The driver was tired and sleepy. C.The driver talked on his phone while driving. 13.How does the woman go to the hospital? A.She walks there. B.She drives there herself. C.The man drives her there. (四)录音中有一段长对话,听两遍后,选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 14.What is the girl? A.A student. B.A computer seller. C.A shop worker. 15.What does the girl plan to do this summer vacation? A.Learn English. B.Do a part-time job. C.Go to high school. 16.Why does the girl need money? A.To travel to Canada. B. To help her uncle. C.To buy a present. 17.What does the girl want to buy for her friend? A.A watch. B.A computer. C.A bag. (五)录音中有三小段独白,听独白两遍后,根据独白内容,将信息配对。 18.Olivia A.be interested in 5G technology and a smarter life 19.William B.like travelling and always want to see the sea 20.Alice C.love animals and try to help the homeless animals II 单项选择 21.The English exam _____two parts, _____ objective item(客观题)and subjective item (主观题). Please complete each part carefully. A divides into ; includes C is divided into; included B divided into ; including D is divided into ; including 22.—Is that Lily under the tree over there? —It ____ be her. She is taking an exam in the classroom now. A. can’t B. might not C. must D not 23.It’s reported that _____ earthquake happened in Qinghai on May 22,2021 . Luckily, there have been no casualties(伤亡者) in ____ earthquake so far. A a the B an the C the an D.the a 24.Life is like a horse, and ________ you ride it ________it rides you. A. neither; nor B. either; or C. both; and D none ,of 25.—Maria, how do you like Journey to the West, one of the four classic novels of Chinese literature? —Wonderful! I like________ very much. A. one B. them C. it D. its 26.---Hurry up! ---One moment. I ______ my e-mail and then I’m ready to go. A. read B. was reading 27.—Mom, over? C. am reading D. have read can I go to play football with my classmates as soon as school is —________ You have to prepare for the coming entrance exam A. Why not? B. I’m afraid not C.I hope so. D. Of course. 28.---The pen writes well though it doesn't cost much. --- Let me have a try. So _____. A. it is B. does it C.it does D. is i 29.---I eat ____ meat and ___ vegetables than I did last year. ---That's why you're getting fatter. A less fewer, B .more fewer C. less, more D. many, much 30---_____ is the population of Dandong? ---Over 20,000,000,andaboutaquarterof the population ____from Donggang. A what are B How much is C How many are D What is 31.-Did you notice the teacher come in? ---No, I didn't because I _______ English A. practiceed reading B. have practiced reading C. was practicing reading D. am practicing reading 32---May I speak to Lily? ---Sorry, she _____ to the library. But she______ in an hour. A. has been to,will come back C has gone to,won’t be back B. has gone to,will be back D has been to,won’t come back 33 ---This is no-smoking zone. Can’t you see the sign? ---Oh, sorry. I ______ it. A. didn’t see B Haven’t seen C. won’t see D.Haven’t seen 34.Though she has difficulty_______English,she tries to make herself_____. A speaking; understood B to speak; understood C speaking; understand D to s peak ;to understood 35---Dad, Could you tell me _________? ---Well, it’s large and full of water. It covers about _____ of the earth. A.How the sea is ; one third B.what the sea is like; three quarters C.How’s the sea;three-fourth D.what the sea is like? three quarter 36. --- No life can be on the earth without water. ---Yes. Water _____ everywhere. A. Needs B. is needing C. is needed D. needed 37._______wonderful Cross the Yalu River《跨过鸭绿江》is!I’d like to see

doc文档 辽宁省丹东市2021年九年级二模英语试题

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