Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountain s. How 1 to memorize words 2 to change words 3 to use words 1. shoot /ʃu:t/ v. 射击;发射 sh 树 oot~root 根 变 他射中了树根。 过去式 & 过去分词 shot 现在分词 shooting shooting star l 流星 记 2. stone /stəʊn/ n. 石头 谐音“石头” [U] 石头 [C] 石块 The houses are built of stone. 记 3. weak /wi:k/ 记 反义词记忆法 变 别 adj. 虚弱的 ; 无力的 strong adj. /strɒŋ/ 强壮的 ; 坚强的 比较级 weaker 最高级 weakest adv. weakly n.weakness Vs. wake /weɪk/ v. 醒来 ; 叫醒 4. god /gɒd/ n. 神 ; 上帝 汉语顺口溜 黄金 (gold) 好 (good), 上帝 (god) 到 变 goddess n. 女神 记 5. remind 变 考 /rɪ ˈmaɪnd/ v. 提醒 ; 使想起 n. reminder 提示 短语 remind sb. of sth. 动词基本考法 2017 广东中考 - I hope not to forget my promise to come to your party next Friday. - Don't worry. You will ________ the time one day earlier. A. remind B. be reminded key: D C. remind of D.be reminded of 6. bit /bɪt/ n. 一点 ; 小块 记 短语 a little bit=a little=a bit=kind of+adj./adv. 考 中考真题考法 2014 成都中考 12 选 10 When you look at a problem form different views,  you get  different answers.Just turn it in your mind  ___________bit, and you may see it in a completely  new way. key: little 变 a little 7. silly /ˈsɪli/ adj. 愚蠢的 ; 不明事理的 si 四 +lly 联络员 四个联络员 , 个个都愚 蠢 eg. It's a silly idea. 记 10. object / ˈ ɒbdʒɪkt/ / ˈɑ:bdʒekt/ n. 物体;物品 ; 宾语 v. 反对 ; 拒绝 变 ob- 表“离开“ +ject 表“扔” 短语 object to doing sth. 反对 做某事 eg. I really object to being charged for parking. 我非常反对收停车费 objective adj. 客观的 , 宾格 的 objection n. 反对 记 11. hide /haɪd/ v. 隐藏 ; 隐蔽 hi —“ 害”的谐音 de—“ 得”字的拼音 变 ; 记忆方法:他害得我躲藏起来 hide and seek 捉迷藏 hide-hid-hidden ”hide sb/sth from sb/sth :把某 人 / 某物 / 某事(隐)藏起来不让某人 / 某 机构发现 / 找到等; eg. You'd better hide your 记 12. tail /teɪl/ n. 尾巴 pigtail 习语 with your tail between your legs (informal) 无地自容;垂头 丧气;灰溜溜 记 13. magic / ˈ mædʒɪk/ adj. 有魔力的;有神奇力量的 n. 巫术;魔法 记 变 例 别 “ 卖几个”的谐音; n. magician 魔术 Raisin is going magic vs. 记忆方法 : 卖弄几个魔 师 to perform magical 术 adj. magical 魔术 magic at the 1. magic 既作 n, 的;有魔力的 party. 又作 adj. adv. magically 如 通常只做定语 魔法般地 2. magical 只能 做 adj. 即可作定语 ,又可作表语 14. stick /stɪk/ n. 棍;条 v. 粘贴;刺入 walking stick 手杖 变 stick to (doing) sth. 坚持做某事 eg. Raisin sticks to writing. stick-stuck-stuck 记 15. excite 变 /ɪk ˈsaɪ/ v. 使激动;使兴奋 n. excitement 兴奋;激动 adj. exciting 令人激动的 excited 感到激动的 excitement 中考 Since tasting the ________ of big city life, she 考 never wants to live in the country again. 16. western / ˈ westən/ adj. 西方国家的;(尤 指)欧美的;西方的( w 可以小写) 记 变 反义词记忆法 eastern adj. 东方的 n. west 西边 eg. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The main difference between Chinese and ________ 练中考 eating habits is that unlike the _______, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. key: Western; 17. once upon /ə ˈ pɒn/ /ə ˈpɑ:n/ a time 从前 同 long long ago 练中考 Once upon a time there lived an old man and his wife. 18. stepsister / ˈstepsɪstə(r)/ n. 继姐(妹) 记 合成词记忆法 step+sister eg. stepmother/stepbrother 例中考 She is a friend of my stepsister. 19. prince /prɪns/ n. 王子 变 princess n. 公主 例中考 When will the prince marry the princess? 20. fit /fɪt/ v. 适合;合身 adj. 健康的 变 短中考 fitness n. 健康;适当 例1. This coat fits me very well. keep fit 保持健康 2. The haircut suits you. 3. These shoes match my dress.

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