2022 届湖南中考英语一轮复习情景交际专题专练(一)五选 五(1) 一、从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话。 Ben: Wow, what a beautiful vase(花瓶)! Molly: ①_______ It took me two days to make it. Ben: ②_______. Molly: Yes, I made it at home. Ben: That’s fantastic. ③_______ Molly: First, I put some pieces of paper into water. Then I gently glued(粘贴) them onto a plastic bottle. After they became dry and hard, the bottle became a paper vase. Ben: ④_______ Do you mind making one for me? Molly: ⑤_______ I’ll make one for you the day after tomorrow. Ben: That’s nice of you. A. Thank you. B. Of course not. C. Sounds fantastic. D. How did you make it? E. You made it by yourself? 二、 Dear Miss Wang, My name is Simon. I am good at my lessons in my new school. ①_____ I always spend the school days on my own (独自). ②_____ Can you help me? I am the only child in my family. ③_____ My parents have no time to stay with me. I often see other students in our class go to school together. And they chat with their friends happily after lunch. ④_____ But I have no friends to talk with me. I want to make friends with my new classmates. But I just don't know how to have fun with them. ⑤_____ Thank you very much. Yours, Simon A. I feel very lonely. B. But I have no friends here. C. I have no brother or sister. D. Can you tell me what I should do? E. They also go to clubs after school together. 三、从方框中选择正确选项,将字母序号写在横线上。 A: Mike, please tell me about your morning. What time do you usually get up? B: ①______ A: What do you do then? B: ②______ At around 7:10, I eat my breakfast. A: ③______ B: Some bread, an egg and some milk. A: ④______ B: It starts at 8:00. A: Do you like English? B: ⑤______ A. What do you usually eat for breakfast? B. I usually get up at 6:15. C. What time does your school start? D. I brush my teeth and take a shower. E. Yes, and I also like Chinese and PE. 四、 A: Li Mei, come here, please. Look at this travel book. B: What? Travel book? ①_____ We will have an exam next Friday, you know. A: Of course I know, but after the exam, we will have a seven-day vacation. ②_____ B: Oh, where would you like to go? A: Sanya, Hainan, ③_____ B: Really? When are you leaving? A: Next Saturday. ④_____ B: I'd love to stay at home. A: Why? B: Because I want to review all my subjects. ⑤_____ A: I hope your dream will come true. B: Thank you! A. because I love places where the weather is always warm. B. I'd like to go sightseeing. C. I hope to go to a good senior high school next year. D. We should read a textbook instead of a travel book. E. What would you like to do? 五、 A: Mark, what are you doing there? B: Della, I'm reading a book written by Mo Yan. A: ①_____ B: Yes, reading books can help me greatly. ②_____ A: Really? ③_____ But how will you make your dream come true? B: I will keep reading and writing stories. A: That's a good idea! B: What are you going to be, Della? A: ④_____ B: Good! ⑤_____ A. I want to be a doctor. B. Do you like reading books very much? C. My dream job is to be a writer. D. Let's try our best to make our dreams come true. E. That's great! 六、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。 A: I'll miss you very much, Peter! B: ①_____ I've been here for three years. I'll miss my teachers and classmates, too. A: Yes, ②_____ B: But we'll make new friends! We may not see each other so often, ③_____ A: Yes, ④_____ B: And we can chat with each other on the Internet. A: ⑤_____ I hope we'll be good friends forever. B: Of course. A. Good idea! B. but we can get together in summer holidays. C. Oh, I feel just the same. D. we can have a good time then. E. I feel really sorry to have to say goodbye to you and all the other old friends. 七、 A: Hi, Bob. You look a bit excited. B: Yeah. I had a wonderful dream. I met a UFO in the dream. A: Sounds interesting. ①_____ B: It’s about 30 feet long and 9 feet high and it has yellow windows. A: ②_____ B: Yes. I saw two people wearing white suits. A: ③_____ B: They were carrying some kinds of machines. A: Do they look like us? B: ④_____ They are short and have large pink eyes. A: Did you talk with them? B: No. ⑤_____ A: Maybe they were afraid of you. B: Perhaps. What a pity! A. What were they doing? B. No, they don’t. C. What does it look like? D. Were there any people in the UFO? E. When they saw me, they shouted suddenly and then I woke up. 八、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。 A: Hi, Bob! How was your last weekend? B: ①_____ I really had a good time. A: ②_____ B: I played basketball. A: ③_____ B: Twice a week. I like it very much. How did you spend your last weekend? A: ④_____ B: Sounds intere

doc文档 2022年湖南省中考英语一轮复习情景交际专题专练(一)五选五(1)

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