Unit 4 基础知识巩固练习 I.根据提示填单词。 1. Mr. Li is s in his work. 2. Remember (bring) your uniform tomorrow. 3. The song 4. (听起来) beautiful. (带)your sister here with you. 5. We practice (play) basketball every day. 6. It is very i 7. Be q for us to learn English well. , the boy is reading a book now. 8. I joined an English club to p 9. My grandmother always r my birthday. She never forgets it. 10. A lot of fruit can help you k 11. It's English. healthy. (noise) here. Let's talk in a quiet place. 12. Betty reads (many) books than Mary. 13. Every week he helps me 14. I have to do the (learn) math. (dish) every day. 15. That old man often 16. Do you (relax) under the tree. (记得) his telephone number? 17. My father often listens to light music to 18. How 19. It's (放松) after work. (可怕的) the car accident is! (重要的) to have a good study habit(习惯). 20. Don't 21. We must keep 22. He is a (打架) with your friends. (quiet) in the library. (luck) boy. 23. The radio is too (noise). Would you mind turning it down? 24. My father likes (read) newspapers at night. 25. I want (learn) English from you. 1/6 II.句子翻译。 1. 父母不应该对青少年要求过严。 Parents should not too teenagers. 2. 玛丽太小还不会整理床铺。 Mary is too young to . 3 医生嘱咐他按时吃药。 The doctor asked him to take the medicine . 4. 在图书馆,我们必须遵守规则。 We have to in the library. 5.-你喜欢听音乐吗?- 不。 - you like - No, music? . 6.上课不要听音乐。 Don't in class. 7. 上课我们不能迟到。 We can't class. 8. 你必须准时。 You must be . 9. 我们能把 CD 带到学校吗? Can we the CD players school? 10. 学生上学必须穿校服。 The students have to at school. 11. 玛丽经常在周末练习吉他。 Mary often on weekends. 12. 吉娜是个好女孩,她经常晚餐后清洗餐具。 Gina is a good girl. She always after dinner. 13. 我有时候帮我妈妈做早饭。 2/6 I sometimes help my mom . 14. 我的父母对我要求严格。 My parents . 15. 在学校,你必须留短发。 At school, you must . III.单项选择。 1. He has work to do. A. B. much too too many 2. Tom often helps me A. learning B. B. many too with C. in D. learns with C. at D. on after dinner. A. do the dishes B. do the dish C. does the dish D. does the dishes C. during D. at quietly D. quiet C. arrive D. arrive at C. outside D. next 5. We can't watch TV A. A. school nights. in B. 6.- Please be A. quite B. gets to B. C. reach to the school gate. on 9. I shy home before 6:00 p.m. 8. Let's meet A. on ! It's a reading room.- Sorry. 7. Linda has to B. out carefully, but I can't anything. A. listen to; hear B. listen; hear C. listen to; listen D. hear; hear 10. We students should A. wear A. school uniforms every day. B. 11. Tom, 12. D. me. in 4. He often too much my English. 3. My father is strict A. C. put on C. dress D. in doesn't read C. not reading D. don't read in bed. not read B. late again, Bill! 3/6 A. Don't to be B. Don't be 13. It's raining all day, so I A. must C. Not be D. Be not must to D. can stay at home. B. have to C. 14. - Mum, may I go to the cinema? -No, you can't. You A. can B. may C. 15. When the light is red, you finish your homework first. must cross the road. You A. can; must B. can; must not C. can't; must D. can't; must not 16. -Could I use your ruler? -Of course, you A. can B. 17. When will you A. arrive could at 19. Miss Jones A. puts on B. get . C. will D. need C. reach to D. arrive at B. in C. for D. with C. in D. dresses D. arrive at a ring every day. B. wears . A. No, I don't B. Don't worry C. Sorry, I won't D. I don't know C. get 21. Please call us when you come B. London. arrive in 22. Sam is a good boy. He never A. studies 23. I like to A. wear B. with his classmates. fights C. talks D. plays C. put on D. take off relaxed D. surprised in D. at white shirts in summer. B. dress 24. - Tigers can eat people.-That sounds A. ugly B. terrible 25. Please bring some pens A. for wait for the green light. their students. 20. - Don't be late again, Tom.- A. can't that village? 18. First of all, teacher must be strict A. D. B. . C. your school. to C. I:1.strict 2.to bring 3.sound 4.bring 5.playing 6. important7. quiet8. practice9. remembers10. keep11. noisy12. more13. learn/to learn14. dishes15. relaxes 16. remember17. relax18. terrible19. Important 20. fight 21. quiet22. Lucky23. Noisy24. reading25. to learn 4/6 II:1. be, strict with2. make her bed3. on time4. follow the rules5. Do, listening to, I don't 6. listen to music7. be late for8

doc文档 Unit 4 Don't eat in class 巩固练习-2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级下册

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