2021-2022 学年江苏省扬州市邗江区第三共同体八年级(下) 期中英语试卷 二、单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)在下列各题 A、B、C、D 四个选项 中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案 1 . ( 1 分 ) ﹣ Is Russia _______ European country ? ﹣ Yes , though most of it lies in _______ Asia.(  ) A.a; an B.a;/ C.an; / D.an; a 2.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣ Where is Millie? ﹣﹣﹣She _______ to New York on business . She __________ the airport at five in the morning.(  ) A.has gone, has left for B.has been, has left for C.has gone; left for D.has been, left for 3.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣ Have you watched the popular film? It is very funny. ﹣﹣﹣Really, when_______it(  ) A.will you watch B.did you watch C.have you watched D.do you watch 4.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣How pleasant ______ is to go fishing with my father! ﹣﹣﹣ Yes, parents and children should spend more time together.(  ) A.that B.he C.this D.it 5.(1 分)The_______in London is very famous all over the world.(  ) A.Tower Bridge B.Golden Gate Bridge C.Sydney Opera House D.Great Wall 6 . ( 1 分 ) ﹣ ﹣ ﹣ ______ Tom with his sister _______ the Leaning Tower of Pisa ? ﹣ ﹣ Yes,only once.(  ) A.Have; been in B.Has; been to C.Has; gone to D.Have; been to 7.(1 分)— When did your parents ________? — They ________for twenty years.(  ) A.marry;have got married B.get married;have got married C.marry;have been married D.get married;have been married 8.(1 分)Uncle Wang looks so fine these days.He _________ a lot,but he has given it up.( ) A.was used to smoke B.used to smoke C.gets used to smoking D.is used to smoking 9.(1 分)In the past,the old man felt_______ lonely from time to time.(  ) A.bit B.a little of C.a bit of D.a bit 10.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣ Sam, can you tell me ______? ﹣﹣﹣ Try Music World on Garden Street.(  ) A.why to buy a CD B.where to get a CD C.how to choose a CD D.when to record a CD 11.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣____________ fantastic time we had in Hong Kong Disneyland! ﹣﹣﹣Oh,I'm glad to hear that.(  ) A.What a B.How a C.What D.How 12.(1 分)He is a man with rich _______ .He often tells us many of his exciting _______ in Africa.(  ) A.experience;experience B.experience;experiences C.experiences;experience D.experiences;experiences 13.(1 分)This car can travel _________ top speed_________ a very short time.(  ) A.with;in B.with;on C.at;in D.at;on 14.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣It's too hot in the room.Would you mind me_______ the window? ﹣﹣﹣_______.Go ahead.(  ) A.to open; Of course not B.opening; Certainly not C.opening; Of course D.to open; Good idea 15.(1 分)﹣﹣I'm going to Nanjing for my summer holiday. ﹣﹣ _______.I would go to a cooler place if I were you.(  ) A.I don't think it is a good idea B.Have a nice holiday C.I am jealous of you D.It can't be better 三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最 佳答案。 16.(15 分)Once,when I was a young boy,I boasted (吹嘘)that I determined (决定) to win first place at the coming piano competition , yet I knew this goal was ( 1 ) impossible.Every year,the best players from all over the state took part in this competition.It was a huge deal,especially for a beginner like me. But my mom was my number one(2)   .Every day after school,she would sit down right next to me ( 3 )     Miss Green was giving me piano lessons or I was ( 4 ) my piano piece.When I couldn't and wouldn't play any longer ,she would always say , "If you determine to win,then act like it.Don't (5)   ."After every practice,my whole body was in pain for numb (麻木的) fingers and stiff (僵硬的)back.However,I didn't want to disappoint my mom,so I kept on practicing (6)    I finally fell asleep on the piano keys. Finally,the big day (7)   .Right before my (8)    to perform,my mom said, "I know you want to win,so listen to me:Be there for the (9)    not for the success,okay?" I managed to nod. When I walked onto the stage,I was afraid that the judges would hear the(10)    of my heart instead of the music.Carefully,I took a (11)    before the piano and began to play.Slowly,I began to (12)  deeper into the music.   the world around me.I just let myself fall deeper and (13)   I really won first place.The experience made me realize that determination is not just saying that you will win.When you have solved difficulties and kept going ,you can truly say you're determined. (14)    my mom always said, "It's (15)    to beat the person who is the best,but it is harder to beat the person who never gives up." (1)A.nearly B.mainly C.hardly D.exactly (2)A.teacher B.supporter C.listener D.reader (3)A.during B.because C.while D.if (4)A.writing B.practising C.singing D.making (5)A.worry about B.give away C.give up

doc文档 江苏省扬州市邗江区第三共同体2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中英语试卷

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