期中语法复习 U1 get on with “进展”; “与……相处 (融洽)” 常考:How are you getting on with .......? How are you getting on with your new classmates? be famous for… (以 /由于……出名) fame-famous be (well) known as… (以 / 作为…) know-known-knowledge 知识(不可数名词) Shanghai is famous for its night views. Qingpu is known as its fish and rice. It is + adj. + that (主语从句), 表示 “……太……了” It is +adj +for\of sb to do sth It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop. To one’s surprise In surprise 惊讶地 Be surprised at sth It is + adj. + to do sth. 表示“做……太……了” It is easy for me to shop on the Internet. have been to sp. 去过某地,人已回 She has been to Beijing. have gone to sp. 到 某 地 去 了 , 人 不 在 说 话 现 场 She has gone to the shopping center. have been in sp. 在某地待了一段时间 She has been in London. 做题看句意主考选择题 one of +形容词最高级+名词的复数最..之一 one of the largest cities 名词复数和最高 级要注意 suggest doing sth 建议做某事 suggest-suggestion(s) 考查单复数问题 suggest that sb. (should) do 建议某人做某事 think of 想出 Can you think of more interesting places? 你能想出更多有趣的地方吗? What do you think of .......=How do you ......like ? 考阅读回答问题最后一问 sb is interested in sth./ doing sth. 某人对(做)某事感兴趣 考查 ving 较多 places of interest= interesting places 名胜;有趣的地方 national n, 国家--international, adj 国际的-native adj, 本地的 -nationality n 国籍 an international city float-floating adj 漂浮的 floating restaurant decide(v)- decision 注意拼写 make a decision 做一个决定 decide ( not ) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事 decide-decided-decided 同意句 decide to do sth =make up one’s mind to do sth =make a decision to do sth 改写句子 take part in 与 join 都有“参加”的意思 take part in 表示参加某项活动;take part in a competition/contest 参加竞赛 compete-competition 该单词拼写,好多学生写错 join 表示参加或加入某个团体或组织,join the Party 入党 attend v. 参加/出席(会议,讲座)attend a meeting 参加会议 【提示】take part in = join in design v./ n. 设计; -- designer n.设计者 tour-tourist(s)= travel(l)er=visitor 游客 复数 出现 many\a lot of \a few\the number of 后跟复数名词 be different from 与...不同 反义词 the same as 与…相同 the differences between A and B A 和 B 之间的区别 go sightseeing 去观光 【 联 想 】 go shopping 去 购 物 ; go swimming 去 游 泳 ; go fishing 去 钓 鱼 ; go travelling 去旅游 let/make sb (not) do sth 让某人做某事 Would rather do sth 宁愿做某事 Why not do s th =why don’t you do sth 为什么不做某事 send sb sth.=send sth to sb science n. 科学 scientist n. 科学家 for + 一段时间/ since -----用 how long 提问 in +一段时间 ----用 how soon 提问 Once/twice/three times 等频率、次数 -----用 how often 提问) A is in the south of B. (B 包含 A) A is on the south of B. (A 和 B 接壤) A is (to the) south of B. (A 和 B 不相邻) 指点迷津:in the south of, on the south of 与 (to the) south of A 包含 B A 与 B 接壤 A 与 B 不相邻 B is in the south of A. B is on the south of A. of A. B is (to the) south 时态:if 引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句使用一般现在时表将来--主将从 现 If it doesn’t rain, they will go on a picnic tomorrow. 从句…… 主句…… Unless=if…….not Please tell me if he comes back. 如果他回来了,请告诉我一声=If he comes back, please tell me. 熟读音标,默写单词,写出中文意思: 1.[gaid] ________ ________ 2.[tʊə(r)] ________ ________ 3.['pidʒin] _______ _______ 4.['ri:zn] _______ _______ 5.[kri:k] _______ _______ 6.[bΛnd] ________ ________ 7.[grænd] ________ _______ 8.['θiətə] ________ ________ 9.[bə,tænikl 'gα:dn] _______ _______ 10.[,ɔ:ri'entl] _______ _______ 11.[pЗ:l] _______ _______ 12.['sent∫əri] ______ ______ 13.[tek´nDlədʒi] ______ _____ 14.['saitsi:iŋ] _______ _______ 15.[vju:] _______ _______ 16.['pærədais] ______ ______ 17.['ðeəfɔ:(r)] ______ _____ 18.[sə'praiziŋ] ______ ______ 19.['distrikt] ______ ______ 20.['mæglev] ______ ______ 21.[steit] ______ ______ 22.[ri'zɔ:t] ______ _______ 23.[əb'zЗ:vətri] ______ ______ 24.['plα:zə] ______ ______ 25.[ kru:z] ______ ______ 26.['fləUtiŋ] __________ __________ 选择题 1) --- Lily has never seen this movie. --- ________. A) So has Kate B) Neither has Kate C) Kate has so D) Kate has, either 2). Whales are one of _______ in the world. A. largest animals B. the largest animals C. largest animal D. the largest animal 3) We ________ water the garden because it rained yesterday. A) must B) mustn’t C) need D) needn’t 4) They ________ to that park many times since they moved here. A) will go B) went C) have gone D) have been 5) Today it is convenient ________ mobile phones and keep in touch with others. A) use B) to use C) uses D) using 6) This famous poet wrote 102 poems altogether last year. The underlined phrase means _______. A) together B) after all C) both D) in all 7)If you go to Sichuan Road, you__________ many shops. A. see B. will see C. to see D. seeing 8)How are you ________ your project? A) getting on for B) getting on to C) get

doc文档 Unit1-Unit5期中复习资料2021-2022学年牛津上海版七年级英语下册

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