初三暑假阅读能力训练 Day1 一、完形填空。 Katy Sullivan is an actress, an athlete (运动员), and a person who also refuses to accept the words no or I can't. She was born without the lower half of her 1 and has worn prosthetic (假体) ones all her life. She grew up in Alabama, US and had a(n) 2 childhood. She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and the swimming pool. She feels lucky 3 her family treated her in just the same way as the other members. When a person is born without legs, there are plenty of things that are 4 could 5 anything. So she chose two jobs that are difficult, 6 to do. But Katy believed she with both legs. As a teenager, she once saw a good movie. Before it was 7 , Katy had made her mind up to be a(n) 8 . She did a degree in theater and then moved to Los Angeles, where she has played 9 in theater, television and movies. She has a positive (积极的) view of life. She thinks that if you believe 10 can do something, you should 11 it. So when Katy's friend asked her 12 she'd like to try running, she said "yes". She was given a pair of running legs and she 13 her new life. Katy was the first person in the world with two prosthetic legs to 14 running as a competitive sport. She entered the final of the 100 meters in the 2012 London Paralympics. Katy's family, friends, and fans look up to her as an 15 of someone who has overcome her difficulty and achieved her dreams. 1. A. arms B. legs C. feet D. hands 2. A. embarrassing B. lonely C. active D. strange 3. A. though B. unless C. before D. because 4. A. difficult B. important C. possible D. easy 5. A. achieve B. accept C. examine D. prevent 6. A. just B. also C. even D. ever 7. A. up B. over C. on D. out 8. A. athlete B. writer C. actress D. coach 9. A. games B. music C. sports D. roles 10. A. you B. we C. she D. they 11. A. depend on B. go for C. get used to D. look after 12. A. whether B. how C. when D. why 13. A. shared B. started C. changed D. prepared 14. A. fix up B. show up C. take up D. set up 15. A. ancestor B. enemy C. influence D. example 【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)C;(9)D; (10)A;(11)B;(12)A;(13)B;(14)C;(15)D; 二、阅读理解。 A Wind power is a very clean source of energy. This is how wind power works. Wind makes windmills spin ( 旋 转 ). When the windmills spin, they make electricity. Then we can use the electricity. A lot of people think that wind power is new, but that’s not true. For thousands of years, people have used wind to sail boats and move water. We still do those things today, but these days we mostly use wind power to make electricity. Wind power is a very popular source of energy. Most people think that we should use it more and more. First of all, it’s clean. Windmills don’t pollute the environment at all. Second, we can use wind power forever. After all, we will always have wind. Also, wind power is cheap, and it’s getting even cheaper. A lot of people don’t understand wind power very well. They believe that there are problems with wind power, but many of those problems are not real. For example, some people say that windmills are dangerous for birds. They used to be true, but it isn’t true anymore. Old windmills killed birds because they spun very fast. New windmills spin slowly, and they aren’t dangerous for birds. However, there are real problems with windmills. One problem is that many people think windmills are very ugly. This is a problem for people, because windmills are often in very pretty areas. Also, wind doesn’t blow all the time, so we can’t use wind power all the time. Finally, windmills are noisy. Wind power is becoming more and more common. Right now, more than 80 countries use wind power. About 2.5 percent of the world’s power comes from the wind. For some countries, that number is a lot higher. Wind power gives Denmark more than 25 percent of its electricity. 1. Why DON’T new windmills kill birds? Because ___________. A. birds don’t fly near them B. they spin slowly C. they are shorter than old windmills D. new windmills don’t spin 2. When did people start using wind power? A. About 25 years ago. B. About 80 years ago. C. About 500 years ago. D. Over 1,000 years ago. 3. ___________, so we CAN’T use wind power all the time. A. Windmills break all the time B. We can’t use windmills at night C. Windmills are too expensive to use all the timeD. Wind doesn’t blow all the time 4. What does the article say about wind power? A. Most people don’t lik

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