1.介绍富有中国特色的礼物 假定你是李华,你的留学生朋友 Jack 准备暑假回国,打算为他妈妈准备几件富有中国特色的礼物,特 来向你咨询。请你给他回复一封邮件。内容包括: 1.建议礼物可以选择旗袍和中国结;2.说明选择礼物的理由并表达祝福。 Dear Jack, I’m glad to hear that you are coming back home during the summer holiday and you want to bring a few gifts for your mother that symbolize the Chinese culture. In my opinion, you can buy the following two presents. First of all, cheongsam, a very beautiful traditional dress for Chinese women, can show the real beauty of a woman, thus I am sure that your mother will like it. What’s more, the Chinese knot, which is a pretty decoration popular with Chinese, is usually hung in the sitting room of our home. It stands for unity and good luck. Meanwhile, I’m convinced that it will bring good luck and happiness to your family. Have a good vacation and remember me to your mother. Yours, Li Hua 2. 中国传统乐器:古筝 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友 Peter 对中国传统乐器很感兴趣,写信请你向他介绍一款中国传统乐 器,请按以下提示给 Peter 写一封回信,介绍中国传统乐器——古筝。 1. 古筝是最古老的中国传统乐器之一,有 2500 多年历史; 2. 古筝是拨弦乐器,早期有 5 根弦,发展至今有 21-25 根弦;古筝音色圆润清亮,音域宽广,有“东 方钢琴”的美称; 3. 随信附寄一张古筝乐曲光盘。 1. 词数 120 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语和结束语已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:the Chinese Zither 古筝;plucked instruments 拨弦 乐器;string 琴弦;sonorous 圆润低沉的;the Chinese piano 东方钢琴 Dear Peter, I have gladly received your letter telling me that you’re interested in traditional Chinese musical instruments. Now, I’d like to tell you something about the Chinese Zither, one of the most ancient Chinese musical instruments with a long history of over 2,500 years. The Chinese Zither is a plucked instrument and is played with both hands. In the early times, it had 5 strings and has developed into 21 to 25 strings up to now. The Chinese Zither has a wide range and sonorous sound. As its playing appears and sounds like playing the piano, the Chinese Zither is sometimes called “the Chinese piano”. Enclosed with the letter is a CD of masterpieces of the Chinese Zither. I hope you’ll enjoy it. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 3. 介绍中国画 假定你是李华。你的美国朋友 David 生日将至,你画了一幅中国画“竹”,作为生日礼物寄送给他。请 你写一封信,说明其寓意并表示祝福。 注意:1. 词数 100 左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear David: How’s everything going? As your birthday is drawing near, I’ve prepared a gift for you. It’s a Chinese painting “bamboo”, which I specially drew for you. In Chinese culture, bamboo carries many best wishes and excellent qualities. On one hand, it stands straight and stays green all year round, so it’s always full of life. I wish you as strong and energetic as bamboo. On the other hand, it’s hard outside but hollow inside. If compared to bamboo, one is usually considered to be strong-willed and modest.I hope you like the gift and wish you a happy birthday. Yours, Li Hua 请你根据下面的图片,以“Value Chinese Opera”为题写一篇英语短文,内容包括: 1.描述感受; 2.分析意义; 3.提出倡议。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右; 2.文章题目已为你写好。 Value Chinese Opera ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Value Chinese Opera The other day, CCTV 11 broadcast a drama program performed by the old, middle and young artists. In the show, they all showed their superb skills, leaving a deep impression on me. Opera is one of the traditional treasures of China, and also an important carrier of Chinese traditional culture. The stories told in operas convey the ideals and aspirations of people, and the patriotism, excellent character and traditional virtues they embody are the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation. However, nowadays few people really understand and appreciate opera, especially the young. Therefore, I hope we can pay more attention to it, thus inheriting and carrying forward the treasure. 【解析】 【导语】 这是一篇开放作文。要求考生以“Value Chinese Opera”为题,并结合图片内容写一篇短文,描述自己的感 受,戏曲的意义并提出倡议。 【详解】 1.词汇积累 重要的:significant→important 传递,表达:express→convey 体现:reflect→embody 珍贵的:invaluable→precious 2.句型拓展 同义句 原句:In the show, they all showed their superb skills, leaving a deep impression on me. 拓展句:In the show, they all showed their superb skills, which left a deep impression on me. 【点睛】 [高分句型 1]In the show, they all showed their superb skills, leaving a deep impression on me.(运用了现在分词 作状语) [高分句型 2]The stories told in operas convey the ideals and aspi

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