Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. Section A 【学习目标】 1. 新词汇及拓展运用,重点词汇用法及短语动词用法。 2. 掌握情态动词 could 表达如何为他人提供帮助,相关短语动词的学习及运用; 3. 动词不定式的掌握和运用。 【自学完成】 1.根据读音规则拼读新单词,在不会的单词下做标记,向同学老师请教 2.能熟读 2d,3a,4b 和 Grammar Focus 3.完成下列短语和句子 1)打扫城市公园 ____________________ 2)使...振奋起来 _________________ 3) 分发,散发_______=___________ 4)想出;提出(主意、计划等) ________________ 5) 推迟_________________ 6) 打电话给(某人) ___________________ 7) 曾经..., 过去常常 ___________________ 8) 照顾,非常喜欢__________________ 9) 张贴标牌__________________ 10) 同时_____________________ 11) 参加...选拔,试用________________ 12)在 4 岁时 __________________________ 13 如此强烈的一种满足感___________________________ 14)放弃 ____________ 15)志愿去做某事________________________________________. 【自主探究】 观察:My mother wants me to drink milk every day. He found it hard to catch up with others. I decided to visit my uncle. We could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up. Let’s make her laugh. I don’t know what to do next. He was able to swim last year. 思考:动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种形式,其结构为:to+_______ 这里 to 是不定式符 号, 无意义。动词不定式____人称和数的变化。否定形式:not+to+_________。动词不 定式和后面的名词等构成不定式短语,在句子可以用作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、 定语、状语等。 快乐尝试:Would you like _______ (play) basketball? He hopes ________(be) a teacher. His parents expect him _______(go) to college. She works there once a week _____(help) kids learn to read. My mother wouldn’t let me ________ (go) to the movie. He made me ______ (tell) him all the things. They don’t know where _______(build) the new house. 【课堂活动】 1. 自学情况交流:小组交流自学中存在的问题(老师点拨) 2. 学习策略培养: 口语训练: 1) ---- I’d like to work outside. --- I’ll help clean the city park. ---You could give out food at a food bank. ---I’d like to help homeless people. ---We need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up. 2) 阅读策略培养(2d) 1. Who worked at the old people’s home last summer? 2. Who is going to help the old people there this summer? 3. What can we help them out with?(What can we do for the old people?) 4. Why do old people need help? 5. Do you think we have to care for the old? Why or why not? 3. 阅读练习(3a&3b), 动词不定式学习及运用 3c 4. 根据 3a 填空 Mario and Mary ____ ___ several hours each week ___ ____ others. Mario wants ___ ___ an animal doctor. He __________ at an animal hospital. He wants ____ _____ more about ____ ____ care for animals. Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself ____ ____ ______ of four. Last year, she decided ____ ____ ____ for a volunteer afterschool _______ program. Mary still works there once a week ____ _____ kids _____ ____ read. Volunteering here is a dream come true for her. She can do what she _____ ____ ____and helps others at the same time. 【当堂反馈练习】 1. You’d better ______ ______ ______ (想出) a better plan. 2. Who will ________ _____ ________ (自愿回答) this question? 3. You could put up a _______ (布告) here. 4. With no one to talk to, he ______ very ________ ( 感觉很孤独). 5. The life _______ _____ ______ (曾经是) very interesting in my school days. 6. My brother wants ________ (be) a pilot. 7. You’ll never learn __________ (ride) a bike if you don’t practice. 8. Mike taught his grandpa how__________ (use) the computer. 9. Mr. Smith helped the young man _________ (find) a job. 10. The students decided __________ (work) out the problem by themselves. 11. He volunteers _________ (work) on the farm. 【反馈小结】 互相检查错误订正情况,教师巡视答疑 回想本节课所学的内容,你学到了哪些?你还有什么疑问?请记录_____________________ ____________________________________________ 【课后延伸】 选择并用正确的形式填空 ( )1.My father _________living in the village. A. used to B. is used to C. use to ( )2.Mary _________ be short, but now she is tall . A. was B. is C. used to ( )3.The sweater _______ keep warm.. A. is used to B. used to C. did use to ( )4. Let’s __________, OK? A. cheer him up B. cheer up him C. cheer he up ( )5.We all expect him _______ here on time. A. coming B. to come C. came ( )6. He made me ____ him all the things. A. to tell B. tells C. tell 【知识探究】 1) 辨析:lonely 与 alone 区别; lonely 情感上的孤独,寂寞。alone =by oneself 独自一人 e.g. She lives _____and often feels________. 2) so 与 such ①He has ____ a beautiful bike. We all go to see it. ②She is ____ lovely a girl. We all like her. ③He is ________ that he gets great marks. A. so a clever boy B. such clever a boy C. so clever a boy D. very clever boy

doc文档 Unit2 Section A 1a-3c学案:2021-2022学年人教版八年级下册英语

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