7 年级下 Unit 4 一 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 I don’t want to stay in a _______ (noise) room. 2 My father _________ (relax) on Sundays. 3 There are __________ (many) students in our class than (比) in Class 2. 4 Tom practices ________ (play) soccer every day. 5 Don’t speak so much in class ! You must learn _________ (keep) quiet. 二 单项填空 1 There is an English test today . __________________ A Have a good time B Good luck C Bad luck D Thank you 2 She often helps her mother _________ dinner at home. A do B does C make D makes 3 What do you usually do ________ breakfast? I take a walk. A between B from C for D before 4 Lin Tao always gets to school ________ time , and he never arrives late ___________ school. A on, for B at , for C on , to D in ,to 5 There are ________ rules in the school. A too many B too much C much too D very much 6 Can you go _________ on school nights? A up B out of C out D in 7 We have to _________ the school uniform at school. A wear B put on C in D dress 8 What time will your friend __________ in Beijing? At 8:00 tomorrow morning. A arrive B get C arrive to D get to 9 Our teacher is strict _________ us. A in B for C with D at 10 Sam, ________ the rules in your school. A break B follow C stay D make 11 I don’t like singing, my brother doesn’t like singing _________. A too B also C as well D either 12 Remember ____________ the book here next time. A bring B to take C to bring D to carry 13 Some of the students are talking and laughing in the classroom . It’s kind of ________. A noisy B strict C quiet D sleepy 14 Don’t ____________ your books in your bedroom. A keep B bring C leave D leave for 15 Don’t make noise in the library. ______________ , Ms Wang. I will not. A Excuse me B Sorry C It’s OK D No problem 二 完型填空 evin is from England. He 16 in London. He likes 17 to different places. Last weekend, he 18 to Chongqing on vacation 19 his wife and son. On Sunday afternoon, the 20 was rainy. So they visited a museum. The museum was too crowded. His 21 was lost. They were very worded (担心). But at last (最后) many Chinese people helped them 22 his son. They were very 23 . So when his friends ask Kevin, "What do you 24 China?" He always 25 ,"I love it". ( )16. A. to live B. lives C. live D. lived ( )17. A. go B. goes C. to go D. to goes ( )18. A. came B. comes C. arrived D. arrives ( )19. A. and B. or C. of D. with ( )20. A. sun B. food C. weather D. water ( )21. A. daughter B. wife C. son D. brother ( )22. A. find B. finding C. look for D. looking for ( )23. A. boring B. happy C. sad D. difficult ( )24. A. like B. think C. come from D. think of ( )25. A. speak B. speaks C. says D. say 三 阅读理解 A Hello! My name is John. There is a park near my home. People like to go to this park after work. Some of them go to the park every day. Look! That is Mr. White. He is sitting on the chair and watching the children. Some children are playing a game. Some boys are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree. They are talking. There is a small river(河) in the park. We can see some boats(小船) on the water. Some children are sitting in the boats with their fathers and mothers. Listen! A girl is singing. This is a nice park. I come here after school every day. ( )26. What's near John's home? A. A school. B. A park. C. A zoo. D. A museum. ( )27. There are some in the park. A. boats B. buses C. kites D. eats ( )28. Lucy is talking with ________. A. Mr. White B. the boys C. children D. Lily ( )29. John can't see in the park. A. trees B. women C. men D. dogs ( )30. What is John doing? A. He is sitting in a boat with his parents. B. He is playing games with some children. C. He is singing a song in the park. D. He is watching the people in the park. B Waiters Wanted King Restaurant needs five waiters. Work hours: 6:30 a.m. --- 11:30a.m. 2:00 p.m. --- 7:00 p.m. Height: > 165 cm Age: 20-25 Tel: 678-5342 Teachers Wanted Are you good with kids? Do you like to play games with kids? Can you sing or dance? Can you draw? Do you want to be a teacher? We need a man teacher and a woman teacher for kids. Age: 20-35 Call Park School at 678-2345. ( ( ( )31. 678---5342 is a ________ telephone number. A. school's B.TV station's C. restaura nt's D. park's )32. The Park School wants _______ teachers for kids. A. two B. three C. four D. five )33. The waiters in the resta urant work _______ hours every day. A. 8 B. 10 C. 9 D. 11 ( )34. The word "height" means(意思是) ________ in Chinese. A.体重 B.身高 C. 距离 D. 长度 ( )35 If a 30-year-old man ca

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