2022 中考英语逆袭冲刺 压轴题特快专递 专题 01 单项选择 1.(2022·安徽·二模)Students ________ the playground after watching the football match. A.clean up B.look for C.close down D.set up 2.(2022·安徽合肥·一模)—Our team failed in the football match again. —________. We support you, always have, always will! A.Thar’s true B.Best wishes C.No way D.Cheer up 3.(2022·安徽合肥·一模)—Why is your maths teacher so popular in your school? —Because he is always full of ________ problem-solving skills. A.pretty B.awful C.stupid D.proper 4.(2022·安徽合肥·一模)—I don’t know ________ I can do it without your help. —Take it easy, and I believe you can do it. A.whether B.how C.why D.what 5.(2022·安徽合肥·一模)—Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful. — I agree with you. In fact, it ________ a lot in the past few years. A.changed B.will change C.has changed D.was changing 6.(2022·安徽合肥·一模)It’s not a good habit to ________ our parents whenever we are in trouble. A.pick up B.depend on C.come across D.look after 7.(2022·安徽合肥·一模)Our city has made great progress in the fight ________ COVID-19 so far. A.on B.for C.with D.against 8.(2022·安徽合肥·一模)—Steve is the only person that has the ________ to complete the hard task. —Yes. He is the bravest man I know. A.courage B.guide C.point D.excuse 9.(2022·安徽合肥·一模)There are so many interesting places in Hefei, ________ Rongchuang Park in Binhu. A.generally B.especially C.finally D.suddenly 10.(2022·安徽合肥·一模)My mother took those newspapers off the table to make ________ for the new computer. A.food B.money C.room D.position 11.(2022·安徽合肥·一模)—Peter got the first place in the National English Speaking Competition. He has prepared for it since three years ago. —That’s great! Everything comes to him who ________. A.loses B.helps C.waits D.forgets 12.(2022·安徽·合肥市五十中学东校二模)—What do you often do ________ classes to relax yourselves? —We often do some running or listen to music. A.in B.through C.between D.among 13.(2022·安徽·合肥市五十中学东校二模)—Your brother ________ your father very much. — Many people consider them as brothers when they hang out together. A.looks after B.takes after C.helps out D.cares for 14.(2022·安徽·合肥市五十中学东校二模)Tom hasn’t said a ________ word since last night because of his dog’s death. A.simple B.similar C.single D.silent 15.(2022·安徽·合肥市五十中学东校二模)Kate was ________ late for school. The bell rang right after she entered the classroom. A.still B.always C.already D.nearly 16.(2022·安徽·合肥市五十中学东校二模)—How many can I have? —You can have two, ________ are for Jack. A.the others B.others C.the other D.another 17.(2022·安徽·合肥市五十中学东校二模)Tom plans to take his son to the new movie as a ________ for his birthday. A.task B.treat C.choice D.visit 18.(2022·安徽·合肥市五十中学东校二模)It has been two years since my father ________ for England. A.was left B.left C.was leaving D.leaves 19.(2022·安徽滁州·一模)—Don’t forget to keep a safe distance (距离) at least one metre, Maria. —________. A.Sorry, I won’t B.No, I don’t mind C.I hope not D.Not at all 20.(2022·安徽滁州·一模)We are supposed to ________ our Chinese dream and put effort into it all the time. A.put down B.give up C.turn off D.stick to 21.(2022·安徽滁州·一模)The film “The Battle at Lake Changjin” tells the story of the Chinese People’s Volunteers fighting ________ in a war at Lake Changjin. They showed great courage in front of enemies. A.luckily B.simply C.bravely D.exactly 22.(2022·安徽滁州·一模)—Many school children in China are nearsighted(近视的). —It will be a serious problem ________ we do something to improve the situation. A.while B.if C.though D.unless 23.(2022·安徽滁州·一模)—The 2022 Winter Olympic Games took place in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. —________, our country has done a lot. A.As a result B.To be honest C.First of all D.For example 24.(2022·安徽滁州·一模)Zhang Guimei started the first free senior high school for girls to help them get an ________ Lijiang Yunnan. A.education B.suggestion C.invitation D.information 25.(2022·安徽滁州·一模)—In the past two years, China has played an important role in the battle against the COVID-19. —It has ________ lots of countries China’s plans and Chinese wisdom to beat the COVID19. A.directed B.included C.offered D.supported 26.(2022·安徽滁州·一模)Now people have realized that clear water and green mountains are as ________ as mountains of gold and silver. A.perfect B.valuable C.common D.peaceful 27.(2022·安徽芜湖·一模)My sister has three pen friends. One is _________ , and the other two are _________. A.Japanese; America

doc文档 专题01 单项选择100题-2022中考英语逆袭冲刺 好题特快专递(安徽专用)

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