高考英语读后续写素材 Laugh and Smile 笑 1. Her laughter lingered around the room.她的笑声在房间里回荡 2. There was a burst of laughter when he appeared. 他出现时候下面一阵大笑 3. We were laughing so hard that we were in tears. 我们笑得眼泪都出来了 4. She wore a shinning smile on her face.她脸上带着灿烂的微笑 5. Her little face lit up when I give her the present. 她的嘴角露出一丝淡淡的笑意 6. She looked at her with a soft smile on his lips. 她看着她,唇上露出一抹温柔的笑意 7. He smiled his consent.他微笑以示同意 8. A gentle laugh from him broke the quiet. 他那微微的一笑打破了安静 9. He winked, and she smiled back at him.他眨眨眼,她报以微笑。 10. Her face brightened up at the thought that she was going to visit her grandparents. 想到要去看望祖父母,她的脸上露出了笑容。 Grin 咧嘴笑 1. All at once, Mick’s serious expression softened into a grin. Mick 的严肃表情一下子变成了笑脸。 2. He was grinning from ear to ear.她笑得合不拢嘴。 3. She came out of her office with a big grin on her face. 她走办公室出,笑容满面。 4. They grinned with delight when they heard our news. 他们得知我们的消息时,高兴的咧嘴笑了。 Sneer 嘲笑 1. Kate looked back over her shoulder and sneered.Kate 回过头来看,冷冷一笑。 2. She fixed a superior sneer on her face and turned to face him. 她转过身来面对他,脸上还挂着傲慢的嘲笑。 3 You may sneer, but a lot of people like this king of music. 你可以嗤之以鼻,但很多人喜欢这种音乐。 Cry and Weep 哭泣 1. A single tear ran down his cheek.一滴眼泪顺着他的脸颊流了下来。 2. Grandpa wiped the tears from his eyes.爷爷失去他眼中的泪水。 3. He looked like he was close to tears.他看起来快要哭了。 4. He was in floods of tears on the phone.他在电话里失声痛哭。 5. Her eyes blurred with tears.她的眼泪模糊/Tears blocked her vision. 6. Her watered a little at the words.听了这话,她的眼睛有点湿润了。 7. Her feelings at last found expression in tears.她的感情终于用眼泪表达出来了。 8. I couldn’t hold back my tears.我控制不住自己的泪水。 9. I tried to fight back the tears.我努力地忍住不让眼泪流出来。 10. She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen.她突然哭了,跑出了厨房。 11. The memory brought on a sudden burst/flood of tears. 往日的回忆让人泪如雨下。 12. She was crying/weeping tears of anger/frustration/shame. 她留下了愤怒/沮丧/羞愧的泪水。 13. Tears poured down her face.她泪如雨下。 Hunger 饥饿 1. Her senses became dizzy with hunger.他已经饿的头昏眼花了。 2. His hunger increased by the hour.他的饥饿感每时每刻都在增加。 3. Her stomach rumbled(发出隆隆声)and she realized she’d missed lunch. 她的肚子咕咕直响,她才意识到自己还没吃午饭。 Thirsty 口渴 1. He felt a burning thirst.他口干舌燥。 2. The food increased my thirst.食物是我更口渴了。 3. We were dying for a Coke.我们很想喝杯可乐。 Illness 疾病 1. He tried to stand up. But he fell back in his chair, feeling both his strength an his reason leaving him.他想站起来,可是觉得无力,精神恍惚,又倒在椅 子上。 2. He was running a high fever.他正在发高烧。 3. He was seized with a fever.他突然发起了高烧。 4. Kate didn’t sleep a wink last night. Kate 昨晚一夜没合眼。 5. I felt my stomach start to kick up.我感觉胃里开始不舒服。 6. His health went from bad to worse during the past year. 在过去的一年里,他的身体状况每况愈下。 Faint 昏厥 1. She lost her awareness.她不省人事了。 2. The patient remained in a coma(昏迷)for a fortnight. 那个病人两周以来一直处于昏迷状态。 Weakness 虚弱 1. He is as weak as a kitten.他的身体很弱。 2. Her long illness has weakened her so much that she has difficulty walking. 她因长期患病导致身体非常虚弱,连走路都困难。 3. His legs gave way under him.他两腿发软,站不住。 4. The blood drained(流走,流干)from his face, leaving the skin dead white. 他的脸失去了血色,皮肤变得惨白。 Tiredness 疲惫 1. Exhausted by overwork, he blacked out and fell to the ground. 他因加班而精疲力尽,眼前一阵发黑,昏在地上。 2. His eyes grew bloodshot from lack of sleep.由于缺乏睡眠,他的眼里充满了血丝。 3. I can’t keep my eyes open----I’ve got to go to bed. 我累得眼睛都睁不开了,我得上床睡觉了。 4. Their constant quarreling is wearing us out.他们老是吵架,把我们弄得精疲力尽。 5. A terrible tiredness had overcome her, leaving her no energy for extra activities. 她疲惫不堪,再也没有力气参加其他的活动。 6. We sat down and stretched out our tired legs.我们坐下来伸展疲惫的双腿。 Pain 疼痛 1. He felt a sharp of pain in the head.他的头感到一阵剧烈的疼痛。 2. My neck felt stiff and my shoulder hurt.我的脖子感到僵硬,而且肩膀痛。 3. Lisa felt a dull ache spreading up her arm.Lisa 感到整条胳膊隐隐作疼。 4. She felt hot and her head was beginning to ache.她感到很热,头开始疼起来。 Hurt 受伤 1. He fell and bruised(挫伤、碰伤)his leg.他摔倒了,碰伤了腿。 2. He was wounded in the shoulder.他的肩受了伤。 3. His whole body was covered with cuts and bruises.他浑身都是伤口和瘀痕。 4. I slipped and twisted my ankle.我滑倒了,扭伤了脚踝。 Numbness 麻木 1. After the stroke, he had no feeling in his left side. 中风之后,他左半身失去了知觉。 2. His feet have gone to sleep. 他的脚麻木了。 3. It was so cold that my fingers had gone numb.天太冷了,我的手都冻僵了。 Recovery 恢复 1. After a day or two in bed I’ll bee back on my feet again. 在床上躺了一两天以后,我又恢复如初了。 2. Thanks to the doctor’s care, the aged patient is out and about again. 多亏于医生的护理,这位老人现在可以正常行动了。 3. She is progressing well after her operation.她手术后恢复得很好。 4. Thomas is making a good recovery, although he is still

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