江苏省南京市外国语学校 2021-2022 学年译林牛津英语七年级下册 Unit 5 测试卷 (时间:60 分钟,满分:100 分) 一、词汇检测(10 分) 1. I planned everything 2. The TV in our new flat is sixty 3. The maths teacher asked for two pieces of 4. It’s too late now. I think you should stop 5. He hid in the 6. This summer is hot, so I 7. My brother is very young, so he can’t look after 8. You should sleep with the door 9. There were at 10. We live in a (仔细地) for our trip to Beijing. (英寸) in size. (粉笔) just now. (搜寻) for the lost cat. (灌木丛), so I couldn’t find him. (buy) a beautiful hat yesterday. (him). (close). (little) three thousand apple trees on the hill. (wonder) world with a lot of amazing things. 二、单项选择题。(15 分) 1. When he first came, he couldn’t A. tell 2. Sam a word of English. B. speak almost two days A. spent; making C. say the model plane. B. cost; to make C. spent; to make 3. --I didn’t see you in the classroom, David. Where --I D. spent; make you? to borrow some books from the library, Mr Zhang. A. are; go 4. They B. was; am going all the drawers A. looked; for 5. D. talk useful information it is and 6. Judy can speak English D. do; go the missing paper. B. looked for; / A. What a; how a C. were; went C. searched; for D. searched for; / happily we are playing! B. What; how Chinese. C. What; how an D. What a; how A. as good as B. as better as C. as nice as 7. --Who watered the flowers beside the window? --My mother A. was 8. B. is C. does D. as well as . D. did did you talk to about it? A. What 9. They B. Where C. Who to the museum three days ago. They A. will go; went B. forgot A. show it to you C.went; will go D. left tomorrow. B. show them to you 12. The two girls stopped A. talking A. both D. show you them C.chatting D. to chat side of the road? B. all C.the other D. another things I saw in the museum that day made me A. amazed; surprised C. show you it to me when they saw me. B. to talk 13. Can you see the trees on D. went; went it at home. C. leave 11. I took many photos there. I will 14. The there again tomorrow. B. go; will go 10. --Where is your English book? --Sorry, I A. forget D. How B. amazing; surprised . C. amazing; surprising D. surprised; amazing 15. Seeing their teacher into the classroom, they stopped A. walk; telling B. walking; to walk at once. C. walk; to tell talking 三、句型转换。(每空 0.5 分,共 10 分) 1. When my sister reads books, I read books, too. (改为同义句) My sister and I read books . 2. We took the homeless child to Nanjing Help Centre yesterday. (对划线部分提问) you the homeless child yesterday? 3. To their surprise, they saw that it was just a little cat.(改为同义句) They were that it was just a little cat. 4. That big fish is the same size as this one.(改为同义句) D. walking; That big fish is this one. 5. After that Lily was no more afraid. (改为同义句) After that Lily afraid . 6. It took me two days to make a pumpkin lantern. (对划线部分提问) it you to make a pumpkin lantern? 四、完形填空。(10 分) There are all kinds of trains in the world. Trains can 1 people, animals or things. Some trains are 2 , and some are slow. They can reach most of the cities and towns. Some trains go 3 the hills if they are too high to go over. In big cities, the streets are usually 4 and some cars and buses often have to wait. So you can find trains under 5 and trains on a rail(隧道) above the streets. People can quickly be brought in or taken out. Can a train run over 6 ? Yes, it can. There are many bridges over the rivers. But it is not easy to 7 the bridges. Today’s trains have dining rooms for people. You may 8 something in them on the way if you are hungry. Trains are 9 to men, women and children. Many children like to play with model trains. With the model trains they can build their own rails and 10 the wonderful world of trains. 1. A. help B. carry C. save D. move 2. A. cheap B. expensive C. fast D. empty 3. A. through B. among C. during D. above 4. A. full B. dirty C. free D. busy 5. A. seas B. farm C. ground D. garden 6. A. water B. air C. forest D. mountains 7. A. mend B. watch C. reach D. build 8. A. cook B. eat C. find D. pick 9. A. useful B. polite C. bad D. lucky 10. A. hate B. are afraid of C. get on well with D. enjoy 五、阅读理解。(20 分) A The first crocodiles (鳄鱼) lived on the Earth about 240 million years ago. How much do you know about these animals? Here are some amazing (令人惊奇的) facts about them. ◆ The bigges

doc文档 Unit 5 单元测试卷江苏省南京市外国语学校2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册

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