课题 Sea water and rain water 课型 第(1)教时 新授 累计教时数( ) 三维目标 Language objective: to learn how to use “quarter” and the structure “one of + 形容词 最高级+名词复数 Skill objective: to be able to say something about the oceans Emotion objective: to arouse the students’ attention to protect the oceans 教学重点 … quarter(s) of …/ one of +形容词最高级+名词复数 教学难点 … quarter(s) of …/ one of +形容词最高级+名词复数 策略方法 Powerpoint 流程和环 节 师生双边活动 教师 学生 I. While task 1. Show a picture of the earth. Ask the students what they can see and how much of the earth is water and how much of the earth is land. New words: percent; quarter A quarter=one fourth three quarters= three fourths 1. Know how much of the earth is water or is land. Learn the use of a quarter and three quarters. 2. Ask the students where we can find water. Let them do brainstorm. 2. Do brainstorm about where we can find water. 3. Ask the students what animals they can find in the oceans. Name some of them. Then give the five animals appearing in the text to them. 3. Name some sea animals and learn the animals in the text. 4. Ask the students how are the animals. Teach the structure: one of + 形容词最高级+名词 4. Learn the structure: one of + 形容词最高级+名词复数 复数 5. Let the students make some sentences by using the structure 5. Make some sentences by using the structure 6. Ask the students to read all the questions and answers together. 6. Read all the questions and answers together. 7. Let the students read the text silently and find out which paragraph talks about the following information. 7. Read the text by themselves and match the paragraphs with the correct information 8. Ask the students to choose one of the information they are interested in most and say something about it. 8. Say something about the information they are interested in most IV assignment Read and recite the text. Do some related exercises. 课题 Sea water and rain water 课型 第(2)教时 新授 累计教时数( ) 三维目标 Language objective: a quarter of +可数名词/不可数名词 One of + 形容词最高级+名词复数 Skill objective: To let the students know how to use key phrases to make sentences Emotion objective: To let the students care more about the oceans 教学重点 a quarter of +可数名词/不可数名词; One of + 形容词最高级+名词复数 教学难点 a quarter of +可数名词/不可数名词; One of + 形容词最高级+名词复数 策略方法 Powerpoint 流程和环 节 师生双边活动 教师 学生 I. pre-task 1. Let the students do a quiz. Choose a number they like and answer the question behind it to review what they have learnt in last class. 1. Do a quiz to review what they have learnt. II whiletask 1. Ask the students to open their books and read the text together then finish the table on page 63. 1. Read the text together and finish fill in the table on page 63 2. Show some questions to check whether the students have understood the text well. What animals can we find in the oceans? What else can we get from the oceans? How do fishermen catch fish and prawns in the sea? Are oceans clean nowadays? What must we do? 2. Answer some questions by reading the text 3. Emphasize the use of “a quarter, three quarters”. Ask the students to pay attention to the verbs. 1) Almost three quarters of the Earth is water 2) About three quarters of the teachers in our school are women teachers. 3) A quarter of the news is about that dangerous typhoon. 4) Half of the students in our class are from Shanghai. 3. Pay attention to the use of “a quarter, three quarters” and the verbs after them 4. Ask the students to review some adjectives and their superlative degree forms 5. Ask the students to complete some sentences with the proper forms of the adjectives 6. Review the use of “one of + 形容词最高级+ 名词 复数 ” Give the students some pictures and phrases and ask them to ,make some sentences. Ⅲ. post-task Show a passage about the earth. Tell the students that the earth is sick. Tell them we must stop polluting the oceans. Ask them to write down their promises. IV assignment Read and recite the text. Do some related exercises. 课题 Sea water and rain water 课型 4. Review the superlative degree forms of some adjectives. 5. Complete some sentences with the proper forms of the adjectives 6. Make some sentences by using “one of +形容词最高 级+名词复数” Read the article about the earth and write down their promises. 第(3)教时 新授 累计教时数( ) 三维目标 Language objective: use … to do; use … for doing if 条件状语从句,主将从现 Skill objective: To be able to say what will happen if there is no rain. Emotion objective: To arouse the students’ consciousness of saving water 教学重点 use … to do; use …

doc文档 Unit 9 教案2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语六年级下册

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