1.My mother usually says eating vegetables __________ good for my health. A.was B.were C.is D.are 2.Planting more trees __________ good __________ the environment. A.is; for B.is; at C.are; for D.are; at 3.In our school, about __________ of the students __________ girls. A.two thirds; are B.second three; are C.two third; is D.two three; is 4.People __________ overweight need more water than thin people. A.who is B.which are C.that is D.who are 5.—There are more and more Confucius Institutes in many other countries. —Yes. Chinese __________ in those countries. I am proud of that as a Chinese. A.speaks B.is speaking C.is spoken D.spoke 6.Mom said" You can watch TV after your homework__________". A.completes 7.What B.is completed C.has completed D.completing news it is! Nobody it__________. A.a surprising; believes B.surprising; believes C.a surprised; believe D.surprised; believe 8.The number of the students in our class ________ fifty. A large number of them ________ girls. A.is; are B.is; is C.are; is D.are; are 9.In our school library there ________ a number of books on science, and in these years the number of them growing larger and larger. A.are; is B.is; are C.have; are D.has; is 10.Jenny has __________ for five years. Five years _______ a long time. A.left home, is B.been away from home, is C.left home, are D.been away from home, are 11.Paper, one of the four greatest inventions in ancient China, ________by Cai Lun about 2, 000 years ago. A.was invented B.is invented C.were invented D.are invented 12.Not only Jim but also Lucy __________ a few cities since they came to China. A.will visit B.visited C.have visited D.has visited 13.So far, the number of people using 5G mobile phones__________ a lot. A.is increasing B.are increasing C.has increased D.have increased 14.—How much is the ticket to Central Park? —A one-way ticket __________ $40, and you can __________ another$20 for around-trip. A.costs; pay B.cost; spend C.pay; spend D.spends; pay 15.Two months __________ a long time. We can visit our grandparents during the vacation. A.am B.is C.are D.will be 16.The boys who __________ under the tree now will go to the speech competition. A.is B.are C.was D.were 17.Anyone __________ this opinion may speak out. A.that is against B.that are against C.who is against D.who are against 18.—I often see Peter's father play basketball on my way to school. —That's not strange. Not only Peter but also his father ________sports. A.enjoy B.enjoys C.enjoyed 19.I plan to travel to America next month, and I think 2000 dollars A.was B.are D.was enjoyed enough. C.is D.were 20.— Jane, I rang you up last night but nobody answered. — Oh, I together with my parents __________ walks in the park then. A.have taken B.was taking C.were taking D.had taken 21.The number of the whales __________ smaller and smaller because of human activities now. A.were B.was C.is D.are 22.There __________ an English show this weekend. Shall we go and watch it? A.are going to be B.was C.will be D.were 23.—Our computer is working again! —Yes, Our IT teacher__________ it. It took him about an hour. A.has fixed B.will fix C.is fixing D.was fixing 24.Mid-Autumn Day usually__________ on August 15th in the lunar calendar(阴历)every year. A.come B.comes C.is coming D.will come 25.Dan often__________ in his car to fish with his friends on Sunday afternoon. A.sets off B.will set off C.has set off D.is setting off C.had D.having 26.Neither Tom nor I__________ been to Beijing. A.have B.has 27.There are many websites on the Internet and there_________ a lot of useful_________ on the websites. A.are; informations B.are; information C.is; information D.is; informations 28.A large amount of money _________needed now. A.is B.are C.was D.were 29.Not only the parents but also their kid ________ happy so far. A.were B.was C.has been D.have been 30.—The number of tourists _________over 33 million this year. —Yes. A large number of tourists _________so far because of the new look of our city. A.is; have come B.is; has come C.are; has come D.are; have come 31.My brother will do this job better if he _______ how to use a computer. A.will know B.knows C.know D.knew 32.About _______ of the students in our school ________ girls. A.two fifth, are B.two fifths, is C.two fifths, are D.two fifth, is 33.Not only Tom but also my sister and I A.be interested in C

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人教版英语2022年中考语法14-主谓一致专项练习50题 第 1 页 人教版英语2022年中考语法14-主谓一致专项练习50题 第 2 页 人教版英语2022年中考语法14-主谓一致专项练习50题 第 3 页 人教版英语2022年中考语法14-主谓一致专项练习50题 第 4 页 人教版英语2022年中考语法14-主谓一致专项练习50题 第 5 页
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