专练一 A (2021·合肥市高三第二次检测) Wine , an alcoholic drink 1.____________ (make) from fermented ( 发 酵 的 ) grapes , has been produced in China since around the Han Dynasty , when grapes came to this region.Before that, rice wine,beer and other alcoholic drinks were most 2.____________ (common) consumed.The Chinese do not see wine as one of the necessities of life ,but the culture of wine has made an impact 3.____________ the way the Chinese live. China’s industrialized grape wine production didn’t start until 1892,4.____________ a successful Chinese businessman called Zhang Bishi founded the Changyu Wine Production Company in Yantai , Shandong.China then introduced over a hundred types of wine and 5.____________ diverse range of wine - making equipment from Europe and recruited many foreign wine specialists.6.____________ (draw) upon the grape-cultivation and wine-making practices of European chateaux (城堡),China produced fifteen 7.____________ (variety) of brandy,red wine and white wine. In the late 1950s and early 1960s , several kinds of grapes for making wine 8.____________ (introduce) from Bulgaria and Hungary.And then they were grown intensively in China. With the rapid 9.____________ (expand) of China’s wine market ,grape wine yards and grape production bases 10.____________ (emerge) across the country from the coast of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea to Xinjiang so far ,and wineries (酿酒厂) are growing in leaps and bounds. 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,主要讲了中国葡萄酒的发展史。 1.made [考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中为非谓语动词。与 其逻辑主语 an alcoholic drink 之间为动宾关系,所以空处需要填 made。] 2.commonly [考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰谓语动词,需要 用副词,所以空处填 commonly。] 3.on [考查介词。make an impact on 为固定表达,意为“对……造成影响”,所 以空处填 on。] 4.when [考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处引导定语从句,先行词 1892 表示时间,关系词指代先行词在从句中作时间状语,所以空处填 when。] 5.a [考查冠词。a range of 为固定表达,意为“一系列”,又 diverse 的发音以辅 音音素开头,所以空处填 a。] 6 . Drawing   [ 考 查 非 谓 语 动 词 。 分 析 句 子 结 构 可 知 , 本 句 的 谓 语 动 词 是 produced,draw upon “凭借,利用”与其逻辑主语 China 之间为主谓关系,所以空 处需要填 Drawing。] 7.varieties [考查名词的数。根据空前的数词 fifteen 可知,空处需要填名词复 数,又 variety(品种)是一个可数名词,所以空处填 varieties。] 8.were introduced [考查时态语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,此处在句 中作谓语;根据本句的时间状语 In the late 1950s and early 1960s 可知,本句需要 用一般过去时;此处表示“几种用于制作葡萄酒的葡萄从保加利亚和匈牙利被引 进 ” , 需 用 被 动 语 态 ; 主 语 several kinds of grapes 为 复 数 , 所 以 空 处 填 were introduced。] 9.expansion [考查词性转换。根据空前的形容词 rapid 可知,空处需要用名词, 所以空处需填 expansion。with the rapid expansion of...“随着……的迅速扩大”。] 10.have emerged [考查时态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,此处在句中作谓 语;根据本句的时间状语 so far 可知,此处需用现在完成时;又主语 grape wine yards and grape production bases 为复数,所以空处填 have emerged。] B (2021·昆明市“三诊一模”质量检测) At present,the take-out industry has become a popular consumption pattern.Apart from 1.____________ (buy) food from take-out stores,consumers can order food at different times and in multiple places 2.____________ the help of the network.While we tend to think of take-out food as something originating in the modern era (时代) as a result of our “too busy to prepare my own meal” lifestyle ,the 3.____________ (true) is quite the opposite. The concept of take-out food can be traced back to both ancient Greece and ancient Rome.In the ancient Greco - Roman world , eating at home was highly 4.____________ (usual) for poor people.Because these people could not afford a private kitchen in their house to cook meals for 5.____________ (they) ,they had to buy 6.____________ (prepare) food from market and roadside stalls.Thus,7.____________ was called “thermopolium”came into being.The word “ thermopolium ” literally meant “a place where something hot 8.____________ (sell)” at that time.It was either an ancient form of a take-out restaurant 9.____________ an outdoor service counter that offered ready-to-eat food. Over the years , archaeologists have 10._________________(constant) discovered a number of thermopolia in Pomeii and Herculaneum ,two towns that were destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.In one thermopolium , the remains of cloth bags containing around one thousand coins were discovered , certainly showing the popularity of the establishment. 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。外卖食品看似是现代产物,但早在古希腊与古罗 马时期就已出现,并且广受欢迎。 1 . buying   [ 考 查 非 谓 语 动 词 。 from 为 介 词 , 其 后 跟 动 名 词 形 式 , 故 填 buying。] 2.with [考查介词。此处考查固定搭配 with the help of...,故填 with。] 3.truth [考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空处作主语,再结合空前的 the 可知,此处用名词形式,故用 truth。] 4.unusual [考查词性转换。根据下文可知,穷人负担不起为自己做饭的私人厨 房,因此穷人在家吃饭是非常不常见的,故填 unusual。] 5.themselves [考查代词。结合语境可知,此处是指为他们自己做饭,故填 themselves。] 6.prepared [考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作定语 , 且 food 与 prepare 之间为逻辑上的动宾

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