2021-2022 学年中考一轮复习单元 45 分钟跟踪综合测试 人教版英语七年级(下)units 7--9 一、单词填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 1. Put on your g________ so that you can see more clearly. 2. My mother will take me to Chengdu on v________ this month and I am really looking forward to it. 3. The temperature in that city stays above 38 degrees on hot ________ /′sʌm ər/ days. It's really hard to stand. 4. Linda is ________(烹饪) dinner with her brother in the kitchen. It smells so good. 5. Danny, you can p________ up your picture on the wall to give your room a fresh look. 6. The kinder we are to those around us, the w________ the world will be. 7. The doctor advised us to drink more water in such ________(干燥的) weather. 8. It rained ________(猛烈地) last night and we have to cancel the camping today. 9. People often go to the park n________ our neighbourhood for a walk after meals. 10. Jack is interested in this program because it helps h________ learn more about the secrets of the nature. Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 11.Please tell your brother ________l(call) me back. 12.I can see some ________(mountain) in the photos. 13.They're having a good time________(play) soccer in the playground. 14.Just go along New Street and turn left at the________crossing(cross). 15.The ________(art) is full of imagination,so he drew many fantastic paintings. 16.My mother asked me to clean the table after ________(cook) the nice fish. 17.To protect the environment,supermarkets don't provide plastic bags for shoppers ________(free). 18.The police warn the drivers to drive slowly on ________(snow) days because it is dangerous. 19.My friend David is of medium build.He has brown hair and wears ________(glass). 20.A lot of students enjoy ________(discuss) with each other to solve problems in class. 二、10 空完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) 趋势性话题 美育类 Many young girls are waiting in long lines to shop at Brandy Melville. Everything in the shop seems to be designed only for thin girls. Teenagers are facing a lot of __ 1__ to lose weight and fit into the latest fashions. Is it really __2__ for them to pay much attention to their appearances(外貌)? A girl named Zhang Lin who comes from Shanghai wanted to be ___3___ than she is now. Without having lunch at school, she became thin __4__ at first, but later she found it difficult to be on diet on school days. She often felt hungry and sleepy in the afternoon, __5___she couldn't focus on her study. What's worse, after a period of time, the condition resulted in failure in study and her grades __6__ a lot. Videos, advertisements and shop windows pass on messages ___7___ what we should look like. That's why it's hard to love your body these days. But according to a research, enjoying your appearances can make you happier. You should ___8___ people who have a healthy body online. They'll show you that beauty has more than one side. What's more, you should start ___9__ your body. Try to be thankful instead of being ashamed(羞耻的) of it. Loving your body doesn't mean that you can't achieve health ___10__. However, when you achieve them with love and support for yourself, you're more likely to get there. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A. trouble A. possible A. healthier A. quickly A. but A. improved A. at A. compete A. changing A. goals B. knowledge B. necessary B. taller B. slowly B. so B. doubled B. in B. follow B. worrying B. forms 三:阅读理解(2021 连云港改编)(共 10 分) C. information C. difficult C. thinner C. suddenly C. or C. got C. about C. guess C. controlling C. sizes D. pressure D. popular D. fatter D. freely D. as D. dropped D. of D. believe D. thanking D. tasks You might have seen beautiful rainbows in the sky before. They form when sunlight falls on water drops in the air. But in fact, moonlight can also create rainbows in the same way. They are called “moonbows”. They are similar to rainbows, but they are created by moonlight instead of direct sunlight. Moonbows are rarer than rainbows. Different weather and astronomical (天文学的) conditions have to be just right for moonbows to be created. The moon has to be very low in the sky—only 42 degrees from the horizon ( 地平线). The moon period has to be a full moon or nearly full. The sky must be very dark for a moonbow to be watched clearly—any bright light can obscure it. Water drops must appear in the air in the opposite direction of the moon. Moonbows appear on the opposite side of the moon and usually look white to the human eye. This is because their colors are not bright enough to be noticed by the human eye. It is possi

doc文档 单元复习05 七年级(下)Units 7--9 【综合检测】-2022年中考一轮英语单元复习过过过(人教版)

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