常州正衡中学 2020-2021 学年 八年级下册第二次月考卷 一、单项选择(1’*10) 1. Life is like________one-way journey.So,enjoy life every moment as______of them will happen the same way. A.the;nothing B.a;none C.an;none D.a ;no one 2. ________it seems_______to spend little money solving the problem alone. A.What difficulty;of her B.How amazed;of her C.How easy;for her D.How hard-working;for her 3.Headmaster Zhang Guimei is awarded as this year’s Top Ten Moving Characters of China,because she is honest,hard-working and______dedicated to education. A.above all B.in all C.at all D.after all 4.We will hardly know the true value of a moment______it becomes a memory. A.if B.unless C.because D.until 5.Although hard work may not bring us______sometimes,if we are lazy,we won’t have a chance to become________forever. A.success;success B.successful;success C.success;successful D.successful;successful 6.There were several backpackers in Fujian Province________above the sea waves and the firemen could not get_______to the cliff. A.were hanging;close B.hanging;close C.were hanging;closely D.hanging;closely 7.-----I wonder what makes you such a good manager? -------I_____as a social worker for five years and it makes a great difference to my today’s work. A.work B.have worked C.was working D.worked 8. -----Why didn’t Sally sing the solo song for us last night? ------She said that her throat hurt,but that was only a(n)________.I saw her make a speech. A.excuse B.matter C.result D.expression 9. ----Tianwen,the first Chinese Mars probe,finally landed on Mars on May 5th.All Chinese scientists and engineers have worked for it over ten years. ----How proud we are!_________. A.Rome was not built in a day B.Many hands make light work C.Actions speak louder than words D.Where there is life,there is hope 10.----We are very lucky to have Bob as our leader. ------________He is the most helpful person that I have ever met. A.Sounds great! B.Why not? C.My pleasure. D.I can’t agree more. 二、完型填空(1.5’*12) In the 1880s, gold was discovered in Alaska, the USA. Many people came to the area hoping to get 11 . New towns were built and grew quickly. One such town called Iditarod grew so quickly during 1909 that it became the 12 city in Alaska. In the summer months,people could take things to those towns by 13 . But in winter, the rivers and the ocean frozen and there was no way to get to them. So, in 1910, a winter track ( 小道), known as the Iditarod Trail,was built.And people would use teams of dogs to pull sleds(雪橇). It took a team of dogs about three weeks to travel 14 Alaska.They stopped at “roadhouses”and the drivers could get a 15 bed for the night and something to eat for both themselves and their dogs. The trail was used every winter until the 1920s when planes replaced boats and dog teams. However, in 1925, a disease 16 the city of Nome. The disease could be cured, but, 17 ,the nearest medicine was in Anchorage, right on the other side of Alaska. Planes were still quite new, so 18 knew if they could fly in such cold weather. So people 19 that the medicine would be carried using teams of dogs instead. The trip was over 1,000 kilometres, 20 most of it along the Iditarod Trail. It took twenty teams just six days to finish the journey.On the way,a dog called Balto 21 to go any further and saved the team from falling into icy water. The disease was stopped and Balto became a hero. Nowadays a dog sled race is held every year from Anchorage to Nome, 22 the route of that famous journey in 1925. It is called known as “The Last Great Race on Earth”. 11.A. free B. famous C. rich D. safe 12. A.largest B.smallest C.warmest D.coldest 13.A.truck B.boat C.air D.train 14.A. among B. along C.above D. across 15. A. warm B. free C. soft D. clean 16. A. dropped B. passed C. hit D. controlled 17.A.sadly B.luckily C.suddenly D.finally 18.A.nobody B.somebody C.anybody D.everybody 19.A.wondered B.felt C.forgot D.agreed 20.A.so B.and C.or D.if 21.A.wanted B.refused C.managed D.hoped 22.A.choosing B.planning C.following D.sharing 三、阅读理解(2’*10) A Was there really a murder in the neighbour-hood? Lenny said she saw someone run past her window when she was feeding her baby. Closely The Adventures of Detective Charlie 4 checking the scene the next day,Detective Charlie found some dirty footprints at the back of the house' which weren't any of Lenny's family members. Detective Charlie made up his mind to get to the bottom of the mystery. The Case of a Murder in the Neighbourhood Jamie Pinkaton over 50,00

doc文档 江苏省常州正衡中学2020-2021学年八年级下册第二次英语月考卷

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