备战 2022 高考考英语完形填空话题分类训练 (高考真题+各地模拟题) 专题 28 发明与创造 Passage 1 (2016·全国) While even the mention of a shark swimming close to shore is enough to make people hurry to ask for cover, the “WasteShark” is being welcomed with open arms. WasteShark is a tool designed to “eat” all 1 trash along coastal waters. Richard Hardiman 2 the idea about four years ago, after 3 two men using a fishing net to pick up plastic waste gathering along the Cape Town. “Their only 4 to stop this trash going out was the guy in the front with a net,” Hardiman said in his speech. “I thought 5 , ‘I could do that better.’” The inventor first made a model and tested it in his pool. It 6 ! Encouraged by the success, Hardiman worked with companies to 7 his dream. Coming on the market in 2016, WasteShark draws 8 from the whale shark, which can take in large 9 of small fish without much movement. WasteShark’s “mouth” can 10 plastic bottles and other waste from up to a foot 11 the water’ s surface. WasteShark can work for up to eight hours on a single 12 and collect as much as 1,120 pounds of waste 13 returning to the collection point. WasteShark can also collect data, so officials can 14 the area’s water quality. It causes no noise or light pollution. 15 , collecting the plastic before it gets to sea will help 16 the rare wildlife. “WasteShark is cheaper, 17 and more successful than other methods of dealing with trash in water,” said Oliver Cunningham, officer at an environmental technology company. Thus far, WasteSharks have successfully helped 18 the harbor waters in five countries. On March 4, 2019, the UK’s Sky Ocean Rescue and the World Wildlife Fund 19 a WasteShark in the Ilfracombe Harbor, which is 20 to many different species. 1.A.pushing B.floating C.preventing D.climbing 2.A.came up with B.set down with C.looked into D.stepped up 3.A.featuring B.observing C.promoting D.refreshing 4.A.approach B.race C.way D.trip 5.A.hesitantly B.sceptically C.constantly D.immediately 6.A.achieved B.shrank C.worked D.involved 7.A.foresee B.withdraw C.generate D.realize 8.A.inspiration B.response C.feelings D.admiration 9.A.numbers B.amounts C.series D.scales 10.A.attach B.shave C.restrict D.collect 11.A.above B.below C.beneath D.against 12.A.charge B.expense C.sheet D.reward 13.A.while B.after C.before D.unless 14.A.guarantee B.appoint C.influence D.determine 15.A.Besides B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Naturally 16.A.devote B.submit C.protect D.comment 17.A.fresher B.greener C.swifter D.tighter 18.A.set down B.build up C.clean up D.put down 19.A.purchased B.calculated C.evolved D.released 20.A.home B.opportunity C.conflict D.balcony Passage 2 (2021·辽宁抚顺·一模) Every year, the Rube Goldberg competition considers inventions made from everyday items. They use complex systems to carry out a 21 task, like opening an umbrella or watering a plant. The task for 2020 was supposed to be “turn on a light". 22 when a pandemic (流行病) happened, it was changed to “drop a piece of 23 into someone's hand". Most of those taking part in the competition are 24 . In past years, they built the machines 25 spread of the virus, organizers and on teams at school. But with schools closing to slow the 26 the rules. This year, competitors were 27 to send in videos of the machines to compete. And the team can include family members. One thing 28 . The machine still must complete the task in 10 to 20 steps. One of the impressive 29 was from Maryland. 11-year-old Caitlin and her 13-year-old brother Ben firstly designed their machine. After six hours and 106 failed 30 — the soap finally dropped right into Caitlin's waiting hands- they finally 31 it. In the video submitted, they 32 the process. Health experts say washing hands Kids may be 34 33 is an important protection against diseases. if they're thinking about a deadly virus each time they wash their hands. So, a fun competition may help to 35 good feelings about a task they must do over and over again. 21.A.challenging B.simple C.complicated D.special 22.A.Moreover B.Therefore C.Nevertheless D.Thus 23.A.water B.soap C.advice D.news 24.A.students B.volunteers C.amateurs D.professionals 25.A.in theory B.in advance C.in private D.in person 26.A.abandoned B.adapted C.adjusted D.observed 27.A.required B.forced C.recommended D.demanded 28.A.changed B.appeared C.improved D.remained 29.A.themes B.entries C.images D.choic

doc文档 专题28 发明与创造-备战2022高考英语完形填空话题分类训练(高考真题+各地模拟题)

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