专题 01 单项选择 100 题(考点全囊括) 一、单项选择 1.—How can I go to the supermarket, Paul? —________ bike. It’s not far from here. A.On B.By C.In D.With C.In D.With 2.—How do you learn English so well? —________ chatting with my uncle online. A.For B.By 3.The book is made ________ paper and the paper is made ________ wood. A.of; of B.of; from C.from; of D.from; from 4.Although the old tree in the yard ________ for many years, I still miss the days when I grew up with it. A.is dead B.has died C.has been dead D.dies 5.—Vince, is it difficult to use a computer? —Not at all. ________ A.Sounds good. B.Good idea. C.Easier said than done. D.It’s a piece of cake. 6.Zhong Nanshan is a hero in our heart. Everyone in our class ________ him. A.admires B.remembers C.follows D.encourages 7.If you are not strict with yourself, you will ________ doing nothing. A.put off B.give up C.make up D.end up 8.Sometimes small things decide ________ we can achieve success or not. A.which B.whether C.what D.when 9.The girl wanted to know ________. A.whose digital camera it is B.how much did the digital camera cost C.if the digital camera was made in Japan D.where her father will buy her a digital camera 10.They said to us, “Are you afraid to leave this house?” They asked ________ us afraid to leave ________ house. A.that were we; this B.that we were; that C.if were we; this D.if we were; that 11.The teacher asked Lucy ________. A.where does she come from B.what did she like best C.if she could speak Chinese D.when was she born 12.We’re not sure if it ________ tomorrow. If it ________, we won’t climb the South Hill. A.will snow; snows B.will snow; will snow C.snows; snows will snow 13.I can’t decide ________ to buy a new bike or ________ a used one. A.what; to find B.whether; to find C.how; look for D.why; to look for 14.I am not sure ________ uncle is coming tomorrow or not. A.that B.if C.of D.whether 15.—Do you know ________? —It happened across from the shopping mall. A.when the accident happened B.when did the accident happen C.where the accident happened D.where did the accident happen 16.—Could you tell me ________? — You can go to the town library. A.where I can get some information about the town B.where can I get some information about the town C.where I could get some information about the town D.where could I get some information about the town 17.—Did you notice ________ in his office? —Yes, he was going over our homework. A.how Mr. Li was doing B.what is Mr. Li doing C.what Mr. Li was doing 18.—Can you tell me how to get to the park? —________ —Thank you all the same. A.Show me the map, please. B.Certainly. It’s opposite the museum. C.Sorry, I don’t know. I’m a stranger here. D.Sure. Turn right and go along Rock Road. 19.— Could you tell me ________? I’m going to pick you up at the airport. — At five forty-five this Friday. A.where you met me B.who you are coming with C.when you came here D.what time you are arriving D.snows; 20.—Tom ________ every day. —Really? But why is he so weak now? A.used to exercise B.is used to exercising C.used to stay up late 21.In daily life, everyone should ________ the lies. After all, being honest comes first. A.pay attention to B.get used to C.stay away from 22.Her son ________ Coke, but now he always drinks mineral water. A.used to drink B.was drinking C.is used to drinking D.is used to drink 23.The problem is very serious, so you need to go there ________. A.in public B.in person C.pass by D.take pride in 24.Pets ________ a lot of care and attention. Once you have them, treat them carefully. A.enjoy B.follow C.require D.mention 25.I don’t know how to ________ the old clothes. Maybe I can give them away to the charity. A.hand in B.deal with C.take up D.end up 26.I live near a very big supermarket, so it is ________ for me to buy what I need. A.comfortable B.convenient C.inexpensive D.complicated 27.You can see the post office is ________ the right, just next to the library. A.in B.of C.on D.at 28.Nancy has a good sense of ________. She hardly gets lost when going to a new place. A.patience B.direction C.condition D.confidence 29.To keep safe, everyone ________ to wear a seat belt in the car. A.suppose B.is supposed C.supposed 30.There used to ________ an underground parking lot in our school. But now it is used to ________ P.E. class. A.have; have B.be; have C.have; having D.be; having 31.In many places in Chi

docx文档 专题01 单项选择100题(考点全囊括)-2021-2022学年九年级英语上学期期末复习挑战满分百题斩(人教版)

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