2020-2021 学年湖北省武汉市开发区八年级(上)期中英语试 卷 二. 选择填空(本题共 15 分, 每小题 1 分)从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。 1.(1 分)—What do you think of talk shows ? — .I think they are really boring.(  ) A.I like them B.I can't stand them C.I don't mind them D.I sometimes watch them 2.(1 分)—Do you mind if I look at your notes? — (  ) A.It's a pleasure. B.Don't mention it. C.Yes,please D.Be my guest. 3.(1 分)—Which month has days in a year? —February.(  ) A.the most B.more C.fewer D.the fewest 4.(1 分)—How many books did you sell in that school yesterday? — A.None .It seemed that most of students have got one.(  ) B.No one C.Nobody D.Nothing 5.(1 分)—I heard that Kate would sell the house at a low price to us at last. —Yes.I don't know what finally A.hurt B.decided her,but she agreed.(  ) C.followed D.saved 6.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣This _______to be an important matter. ﹣﹣﹣Sure it is!All of us should take it seriously.(  ) A.expects B.hopes C.shares D.appears 7 . ( 1 分 ) In cold winter , the temperature ( 温 度 ) in Harbin often remains ( 保 持 ) (  ) A.above B.below C.under D.over 8.(1 分)—What do you really want to say? —OK.I'll come straight to the A.message :I want to borrow some money.(  ) B.point C.news D.way 9.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣How was your hiking to the mountain? ﹣﹣﹣It was tiring,but quite exciting.We walked farther _______ we thought.(  ) A.than B.as C.although D.because 10.(1 分)—What are you doing now? —You see,I'm a mother of three children.My job is getting them for school every morning. (  ) A.healthy B.ready C.successful D.clean 11.(1 分)—How do you feel about the book Mr.Smith asked us to read? —Not so hot.I A.had interest half through it.(  ) B.added C.took D.lost 12.(1 分)—I can hardly see the words on the blackboard. —Well,let's go and take the front seats so that we may see .(  ) A.clearer B.more comfortable C.more clearly D.more carefully 13.(1 分)﹣Will Jim fly to Taiwan for a holiday? ﹣He _____try.In fact,it depends on how much the journey costs.(  ) A.may B.has to C.need D.must 14.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣What do they do to deal with the accident? ﹣﹣﹣The doctors and nurses _______ a medical team and started out just now.(  ) A.worked out B.made up C.helped out D.belonged to 15.(1 分)—Excuse me,could you tell me —In front of our school gate.(  ) A.where I can find you tomorrow morning B.where should we meet ? C.what time should we arrive at the park D.what we need to take with us 三、完形填空(本题 15 分,每小题 15 分)阅读下面对话和短文,掌握其大意,然后所 给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 16 . ( 15 分 ) We'd never been to China before.So my parents booked us a ( 1 )     in Beijing.Then I decided to buy my father a book called China:Know Before You Go. "Looks very interesting,but we don't(2)   that." he said.How(3)   he was! Our first evening in Beijing began at about nine o' clock.We walked past an ( 4 ) restaurant.The staff(员工)were cleaning tables and were about to go home. "This looks good. " said my father. "I think it's about to close. " I said. "People eat (5) than in the UK.It says so in my book. " "Oh,terrible!" said my father, "The night is young!" The staff looked a bit unhappy but(6)    us to a table.A young woman handed us a(7) , all in Chinese.My father pointed to a few things. "That's what we want.He said.My father picked up the chopsticks and started tapping(敲击)the bowl like playing the drums. "Don't do that,Dad." I said. "It's not(8)   in China." After a while one very large plate of food arrived in the middle of the table.My father took it and started eating. "Where's the(9)   of the food?" he said to the waitress. ""Dad," I said, "everyone(10)   food here.That dish you're eating is for(11)   ." But he ate everything on the plate, "Dad," I said(12)   ." Finally,my father asked for the bill.He(13)   and handed the waiter 20 yuan before leaving.The waiter looked (14 )    . "What are you doing ?" I said. "People don't give tips ( 小 费 ) in China." I never felt so embarrassed in all my life.The food and the ( 15 ) were fantastic and I'll surely go back to China.Next time I'll leave my father at home. (1)A.book B.holiday C.ticket D.room (2)A.need B.make C.mind D.read (3)A.clever B.kind C.wrong D.serious (4)A.amazing B.interesting C.empty D.expensive (5)A.faster B.quicker C.later D.earlier (6)A.helped B.showed C.asked D.told (7)A.note B.menu C.list D.paper (8)A.interesting B.polite C.creative D.wonderful (9)A.rest B.name C.price D.choice (10)A.tastes B.buys C.shares D.cooks (11)A.everybody B.somebody

doc文档 湖北省武汉市开发区2020-2021学年八年级(上学期)期中英语试卷

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