浙江省部分地区 2021-2022 学年高二上学期期末英语解析版试题分类汇编 阅读理解专题 浙江省台州市 2021-2022 学年高二上学期期末质量评估英语试题 第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 A My first year of college was a fairy tale that took place studying abroad in the historic and enriched city of Valencia, Spain. Recently I came across the Spanish expression merecer la pena, or to be worth it. Looking back on my time in Valencia, I can safely and firmly say that the hard work truly mereció la pena. Departing to any new place requires adaptation and my move to Spain was no exception. Becoming comfortable with the Spanish culture did take tine and learning Spanish has required every ounce of my patience. In the rare chance that time travel would ever exist and I could go back in time, I would without a doubt choose to study abroad in Spain again. Granted, there are a few chapters in my fairy tale that I would tweak, but my only true regret is not being able to converse fluently and flawlessly in Spanish after having spent eleven months in Spain. That being said, I did improve my Spanish-speaking skills. However, I was hoping for a dramatic improvement, which sadly never occurred. Therefore, if I were permitted any do-overs, I would immerse myself more in the Spanish culture and language than I did. Although I did make many Spanish acquaintances while in Valencia, the trouble with these Spanish friends of mine was their eagerness to practice their English, thus hindering my aim to improve my Spanish. Further aggravating was the fact that their English ability was already far greater than the knowledge that I had of Spanish, which not only occasionally embarrassed me over my mistakes and lack of vocabulary, but also forced English to be the language for our conversations if we ever had serious matters to discuss. Yet, beyond that, I bloomed and changed in more ways than I'd thought possible. Overall my experience in Spain could be described like no other: sweeter than a Valencian orange. 1. What did the author regret about her study abroad? A. That she didn't achieve Spanish fluency. B. That she didn't improve her oral Spanish. C. That she didn't make any Spanish friends. D. That she didn't experience the Spanish culture. 2. Why did the Spanish communicate with the author in English? A. To avoid serious discussions. B. To test the author's vocabulary. C. To reduce embarrassing mistakes. D. To sharpen their speaking skills. 3. What did the author think of her experience in Spain? A Strange B. Frustrating. C. Carefree. D. Rewarding. B What is the secret to the world's most creative minds — the minds of resourceful inventors, innovative scientists and inspired artists? Are they simply lucky to be born with the right genes? Most studies suggest that only about ten percent of creativity is determined by a person's genes. So what are the requirements for creativity? First of all, creativity takes time. We tend to think of breakthroughs as coming in a sudden flash of brilliance, but this is rarely the case. Ideas often develop and form over a long period. In fact, many of history's most creative people have a reputation as daydreamers or procrastinators. Martin Luther King, Jr, reportedly wrote his "I Have a Dream" speech at ten o'clock the night before he delivered it, but it had gone through a long period of "preparation and incubation" in his mind before that. In a surprising twist, creativity may also be sparked by suffering. We can see this in the lives of many great creative geniuses. Artist Paul Klee suffered great pain for much of his life as did many other artists, and composer Johann Sebastian Bach lost both his parents when he was only nine years old. Those investigating the sources of creativity have noted that some creative geniuses do not always fit in well with social norms. They don't seem able to suppress the fountain of ideas that bubble up in their minds, some of which may seem inappropriate to others. Creative people are also curious. They seem wired to seek novelty and take risks. As children, creative people are often unable to sit still, unable to focus on their lessons, instead, always looking for something new and interesting to capture their attention. The search for the source of creativity continues. Most researchers agree that the answer will be complex and that there is probably no single characteristic which can explain the world's most creative minds. 4. Martin Luther King's speech is mentioned to show___

doc文档 浙江省部分地区2021-2022学年高二上学期期末英语试题汇编 阅读理解专题

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