2019-2020 学年江苏省南京市九上鼓楼·南外·秦淮一中期末易错题 单选 鼓楼 : ( ) 21. ---As twin sisters, do you have any trouble in your life? --- Yes. We are always mistaken A. as ( B. for C. toD. with ) 28. ---Excuse me, Miss Zhang. Will the winner camp start on time? ---Of course, but if the weather A. runs out ( each other. to be snowy, we may have to cancel it. B. breaks out C. turns out D. finds out ) 30. ---Millie, you play the piano so wonderfully. How can you do that? ---Thanks. I to practice it for two hours every hours every day when I was only four. A. was made B. was makingC. made D. have made ( ) 31. ---I don’t like drama series. It’s a waste of time. --- . It usually takes weeks or even months to know the end. A. So do I ( B. Neither do I C. So I do D. Neither I do ) 33. In late autumn, the foliage on the trees dances in the cold wind and falls into piles upon the ground. The word “foliage” in the sentence means A.leaves . B. fruits C. flowers D. nuts 南外 : 2. Since she couldn't afford to buy a flat for herself, she _____ back to live with her mother. A. goes B. went C. has gone D. had gone 4. As President Xi puts it, China has _____ fine culture and students in Macao should learn the history of our country as it helps us to know where we are from and where we are going. A. a number of B. a great deal of C. the number of D. a great many 5. -It's already 9 p.m. now. How long will the meeting last? - _____ we reach an agreement. Be patient. A. Until B. When C.As soon as D. Not until 6. -Mum, can I go to watch Star Wars:Episode LX with my classmates? -Well, you can't go _____ your work is finished. A. if B. unless C. when D. since 7. They are _____ little kids that they are hardly seen among so many people. A. so B. such C. very D. quite 10. Which of the following is a newspaper headline? A. I.M. Pei's New York home is open to offers. B. Sichuan mine flooding:4 dead,14 missing. C. China is going to launch the first private 5G satellite. D. President Xi Jinping praised the achievements of Macao. 12. -You look so sad. What's up? -The problem _____ to be much more difficult than I thought. A. put out B. broke out C. found out D. turned out 15. Tom and I belong to a team. If he doesn't agree on the plan, _____. A. neither do I B. neither I will C. nor do I D. neither will I 秦淮一中 : 21.-Could you tell me something about CGTN News Hour? -Certainly. It's _____ one-hour round-up of world news. A.a B.an C.the D.不填 22.Some people always mistake Sydney, a world-famous city _____ the capital of Australia In fact, its capital is Canberra. A.to B.of C.for D.into 23. _____ there are a large number of great writers and artists born and living in Nanjing, it is named as the World Literature Centre. A.Until B.Since C.Unless D.While 25.-The play which has won high _____ all over the world will be shown in Nanjing next Sunday. -Why not go and watch it? A.price B.point C.prize D.praise 26-Have you ever heard Tan Dun's music for Beijing Olympics? -Yes. _____ wonderful music it is! A.What B.How C.How a D.What a 28.-Where can I find my English teacher? I want to ask her a question -I don't know, but she was seen _____ the office at nine in the morning A.left B.leave C.leaving D to leave 31.Jackie Chan worked so hard that he was _____ with an Oscar in 2016. A.received B.recorded C.presented D.considered 35.-I'm sure that I can come first in the English exam. -_____! You neither listen in class nor do homework carefully at home. A.In your dreams B.What a pity C.Have a good time D.Believe it or not 答案: 单选 鼓楼:21.B /28.C/30.A/31.B/33.A 南外:2.B/4.B/5.A/6.B/7.B/10.B/12.D/15.D 秦淮一中:21.A/22.C/23.B/25.D/26.A/28.D/31.C/35.A 词汇 鼓楼: 63.--- Our country will take (far) steps in opening up its market to the world in the following years. --- I think the government has made a wise and great decision. 65. Some old people refuse to put their money in a bank because they are afraid it will (steal). 南外: 41. This is an _____ (新的) plan which still needs further discussion. 45. What beautiful views! I ____ (简直) can't believe my eyes. 46. The girl was refused by the manager and was filled with a sense of ____ (lose). 47. You should consider ____ (control) your temper when you speak to the elderly. 49. The World of Dinosaurs is a science fiction film, which brings dinosaurs ____ (live) on the screen. 秦淮一中: 62.The little girl tried to cheer up and forget her memories of____(悲伤) 69.This script catches several ____ (direct)attention because of its exci

docx文档 2019-2020学年牛津九年级上册江苏省南京市鼓楼 南外 秦淮一中期末易错题整理

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