2021 年 4 月浙大附中高一下期中考试 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 10 个小题;每小题 3 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从题中所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂 黑。 A In our daily lives, we probably make silly mistakes. While these moments can be worrying, they can also be handled with humor. When we share a laugh at our mistakes, we can calm ourselves down with a thread of understanding and acceptance. When one morning in a rush to school, I spilled (泼洒)my cup of orange juice. I immediately thought of the precious minutes I would have to spend in cleaning up the floor. I raced back and forth to the sink(洗 碗槽)with a kitchen cloth soaked (浸透)with juice to wash off. My legs were shaking as I watched from my window the school bus coming to my street. Within a minute, I had thrown the orange juice-soaked cloth to the sink and ran outside to join the group of kids in entering the bus. When thinking about my morning rush to clean up the spilled juice on the bus, I realized how much unnecessary stress and worry I put myself through. I ended up smiling to myself about my minor nervousness over spilled juice. These days I don’t usually spill orange juice, but I do sometimes spill a bit of spaghetti sauce on my pant or put on my sweater backwards when I’m really tired and in a hurry for school. In each of my mistakes, I try to remind myself not to take myself so seriously. It takes me a minute to calm down, take a deep breath and smile at my carelessness. It is the ability to see mistakes in a different way that enables me to find humor in everyday moments. Humor, however, doesn’t always have to arise from silly mistakes. Kids may have a good laugh at comic books, classic jokes and stories told by friends and parents. What matters more is not where you find the humor in life, but that you can appreciate it. 21. When we make mistakes in our daily lives, we____________. A. should treat them properly B. may try to enjoy ourselves C. must know the value of them D. had better forget them in time 22. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that the author___________. A. makes many mistakes now and then B. tries to keep himself calm with humor C. has been used to being busy every day D. always makes other people around happy 23. What does the author intend to tell us? A. We should try to find where humor lies. B. We can be happy by enjoying humor. C. It is natural for us to make mistakes. D. Reading is a good habit for every person. B It goes without saying that many Western wedding customs are completely different from those of Asian cultures. Some are so rooted in history that many Westerners have no idea whether they even exist. Traditionally, June has been the most popular month for people to get married. One reason is that June 1 was the date of an ancient Roman festival celebrating the marriage of the god Jupiter and his wife Juno. Another reason will likely astonish you. Centuries ago, taking a bath was not as common as it is today. Some people took a bath only once a year, typically in May. Since June was a time most wedding guests would not be too smelly, that month was preferred. Another wedding custom is for the bride to “wear something new, something borrowed and something blue.” Having something old is said to protect the newlywed’ future baby, while the new item shows optimism for the future. Meanwhile, something borrowed is meant to bring good luck, and something blue is promise of being faithful. Lesser known is the fact that the bride is also supposed to have a sixpence in her shoe for prosperity(兴旺),Interestingly, in Sweden, brides are given two coins before getting marriedone gold from her mother and the other silver from her father-also to put in her shoes. These fascinating customs show just how important certain wedding traditions are in Western cultures. The concept of the “white wedding”, in which the bride wears a white wedding dress, is a familiar one. It is thought, mistakenly though, that this is a tradition that developed in ancient times and originates from the belief of white being a symbol of purity. Actually, the custom of brides wearing this color dates back less than 200 years and is attributed to the wedding of Queen Victoria. The queen’s choice of white for her wedding was unusual for the time as other colors, especially red, were much more common. After news of Victoria’s highly publicized wedding to Prince Albert spread, not just around the United Kingdom, but to other nations including the United States, women began following in

doc文档 浙江省浙江大学附属中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题

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