语篇视角下英语高考“七选五”阅读理解试题研究与实战训练 05 ——典型结构说明文题组与答案解析 说明文类 典型结构说明文 【文本结构】 典型结构说明文常用“总——分——(总)”式结构行文,由总体说明、分别说明和总结三部分构成,这 类说明文语篇多以方法、技巧、建议为其内容,说明如何做事。文章的首段往往作出总体说明,通常在引 入文章的主题后明确说明的维度(或角度),对整个文章起到统领作用;接下来文章会用若干个段落按首 段中提出维度分别进行说明,各个分别说明的段落之间构成平行并列关系,甚至段落内部结构都有高度的 一致性,即每段围绕某一方面展开说明,段落主旨句通常位于句首,说明的方法有举例子、分类别、作比 较、列数字、下定义、作诠释、打比方、引用等,有时段尾还有一个总结性的句子;结构完整的说明文在 文章结尾用一个段落对整个文章进行总结,与文章的首段相呼应,但很多短小的说明文没有结尾的总结性 段落,历年英语高考 “七选五”阅读理解说明文多采用“总——分”式结构,大多无总结性段落。 【解题关键】 理清语篇文本结构、说明方法和行文逻辑是解答典型结构说明文类“七选五”阅读理解试题的关键。在 解答说明文类“七选五”阅读理解试题时,首先要快速浏览全文,浏览第一段时要弄清楚所要说明的对象, 一般来说,说明文的首段会先引入话题,然后再明确文章的主旨——对什么进行说明;在快速浏览的过程 中要从整体上去看语篇文本结构,弄清各个段落之间的关系以及段落的行文特点,如果文章有标题、小标 题、加粗字体的主旨句、项目符等信息时,要充分利用这些信息理清文章主旨、篇章结构和段落结构;接 下来在整体理解的基础上,细读各个段落,理清段落内部结构和句际间逻辑关系,同时留意语篇文本各段 的说明方法,根据上下文内容,利用词汇衔接、语意关联、句式结构、逻辑关系、指称指代等线索确定答 案。 实战训练 2——典型结构说明文题组 1 试题要求:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Passage 1 话题:成功法则 词数:297 words 难度指数:★★☆☆☆ Success comes with hard work. To succeed you must have the desire and the determination. Not all people will be successful in life, but success can be achieved. Here are some tips to succeed. First, you must believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. 36 In everything you do you should have a high level of self-confidence. Work hard and be disciplined. Success does not come overnight; you must work hard for it and be disciplined (守纪律的). 37 It won’t be easy to be successful, but it can be done. 38 It is important to remember that even as you work hard you should take some time to have fun. There is time for everything; set a time to have fun and never neglect your family and friends. It is also important to remember that you should get the work done first, and then have fun. Take time to educate yourself and become qualified. 39 In this global economy, those wishing to succeed must have the necessary tools to be successful, and that includes having an education. Do not let the past define who you are; you define who you are. 40 Everyone can be successful in certain field and it has nothing to do with your past or what kind of family you come from. Answers 36 37 38 A. Balance your life. B. Never forget where you’re coming from. C. Never think that you learn as much on the job. D. Without believing in yourself you have already lost the race. E. Without these two, it is almost impossible for you to be successful. 39 40 F. An individual should always show respect to other people and behave well. G. Whatever your background is, you can break through any barriers (障碍) to be successful. Passage 2 话题:兴趣爱好 词数:313 words 难度指数:★★☆☆☆ Hobbies not only make people more interesting, but they are an opportunity to become passionate about something. 36 And they are a great conversation starter. Hobbies create shared interests among friends and teach you new things. There are many hobbies, and finding one you love is important in creating a rich life. Finding a hobby you love is easier than you may realize, but it takes thought and consideration. 37 Think about what makes you happy and what you enjoy doing. Consider your past jobs, childhood activities and even the classes you especially enjoyed in school. Did you love photography class in high school? Have you always enjoyed antiques (古董)? List every possible hobby you would consider, even if it seems unusual. Decide what type of hobby you would like to pursue. 38 Different types of hobbies include collections, sports, skiing and creative work, such as painting or drawing. Remove the hobbies on your list that are unrealistic. 39 If you want to pursue a creative hobby, cross off hobbies that don’t fit this category, such as sports. Choose a hobby on your shortened list to get started with. There is no rule against having more than one hobby. Choose a few hobbies from your list that you would like to pursue. Answers 36 37 38 40 39 40 A. Consider the benefits of each hobby. B. Make a list of possible hobbies you could be interested in. C. Hobbies can give you something to do when you are bored. D. Talk about your hobby with your friends and ask them for advice. E. Focus on the different types of hobbies that you would be most interested in. F. Try the few hobbies out to see which ones you love most and would like to continue. G. Cross off hobbies that would be too expensive or time-wasting for your present lifestyle. Passage 3 话题:高效学习 词数:307 words 难度指数:★★★☆☆ Here are some tips on how to teach yourself to study effectively. 36 When determining the best appro

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