Unit 8 Pets 单元语法练 一 、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Mary is very_____(beauty). 2. Kitty aways speaks in a ____(gentle)voice. 3. The street is too _____(noise). 4. Our classroom is 10 meters____(wide). 5. We shouldn't be ____(rude) to the old. 二、用适当的不定代词填空 6.Don't worry.Th ere is______wrong with you. 7.If you don't tell_____about it,____will know. 8.--Can you hear_____?--Yes,but l can see_______. 9.Please get _____ready at once,We'll go a t nine o'clock. 10.Would you like____to eat? [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 三.单项选择 11.(,常州) The music in the supermarket sounded so ______that I wanted to leave at once. A,soft B.wonderful C.friendly D.noisy 12(,重庆)_____is here.Let’s begin our meeting. A.Anybody B.Somebody C.Everybody D.Nobody 12My father doesn’t like the color of the tie becaus e it is too_____. A.dear B.short C.thin D.dark 14(热点题) What do you think of the the TV sitcom Home With Kids? It’s very _____.Many children like watching it. A.boring B.funny C.surprising D.terrible 15-Your tea,please. -There must be _____in the tea.It tastes good. A.anything sweet B.something sweet C.sweet some thing D.everything sweet 16____is watching TV.Turn it off,will you? A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.Everybody 17Grandma, you must feel_____after cleaning the house.Let’s take a rest. A.tired B.well C.good D.angry 18(CJ(What do you think ____h er___? A.make;sad B.makes;sadly C.made;sad D.made;sadly 19(CJ)-he cake looks____. -Yes,and it tastes even_____. A.well;good B.nice;better C.good;worse D.better;best 20.(CJ)Put it down,Tom.You mustn’t read____letter. A.else anyone’s B,anyone’s else [来源:Zxxk.Com] [来源:学.科.网] [来源:学科网] C.anyone else’s D.anyone else 解题方法点拨: 固定搭配 交际法【6-10】 单元培优练 一. 陷阱题 1. First it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from ______. A. everyone else B. the other C. someone else D. the rest 2. She doesn’t know anyone here. 5he has got_______to talk to. A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one 3. —One week’s time has been wasted. —I can’t believe we did all that work for __ A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything [来源:学科网] 二.中考题 1. -Mum,may I have some cakes? -Sorry,there’s _____left in the box.I’ll go and buy some for you tonight. A,nothing B,no one C.no D.none 2. Now more and more Chinese people are _____enough to buy cars. A.rich B,weak C ,p oor D.strong 二. 名校题 1.( 唐山龙华中学期末考试) Be_____(细心).Make sure not to make the same mistake next time. 2.(格致初级中学期末考试) We should keep our eyes c_____while doing eye exercises. 3.(郑州外国语中学期末考试) -How much money did you pay for the drink? -None.It was_____. A.easy B.free C.chea p D.expensive 解题方法点拨: 固定结构法 【二 1.2】 答案及点拔: 单项语法练 一.1 beautiful 点拨:beauty 的形容词 beautiful 2.gentle 3.nosiy 点拨:noise 的形容词 noisy 4.wide 5.rude 二. 6. nothing 7. anything/Nobody 8. anything/Nobody 9.everything 10. something 三.11. D 点拨:根据句意,我想离开,所以很吵,noisy 12C 13D 点拨:形容颜色,只能是深,其他选项不符合句意 14B 15 B 点拨:不定代词+形容词,所以排除 C,而肯定句,所以排除 A,肯定是有一些甜的东 西,所以是 something sweet 16A 17A 18 点拨:make+sb.+adj.,使某人保持一种状态,再根据时态,故选 C 19 B 点拨:系动词+adj.even+比较级 20.C 点拨:句意:汤姆,把信放下,你不许看别人的信,此题考查不定代词的名词所有格 的问题,else 与形容词修饰不定代词时应放在其后面,如,anyone else,nothing important.anyone else’s 意为“别人的”。 单元培优练 一.1. A 点拨:易错项 C 或 D, 本题看似是和别人不同,会误选 C。或足比其余的人,误 选 D.从句意分析,应该是“和任何。一个其他的人不同”,因此填 everyone else。 2.D 点拨:易选成 C,本题出现错误的情况是对题意的不理解。根据前文的意思,没有 一个认识的人,是完全否定,后一句也应该是完全否定。所 以选 D 3. B 点拨:易选成 A 或 D ,前者说: 一周的时间已被浪费掉了。后者说:我无法相信我 们所做的一切毫无结果/什么都没换来。句中的 for 有替换、兑换之意。一周内干了许多 工作,却劳而无功,所以才白白浪费了一周时间,没有换来任何成果。 二.1.D 点拨:句意:妈妈,我可以吃点蛋糕吗?对不起,盒子里没了,今晚我去给你买 点吧。no one 没有人,nothing 什么都没有,用来回答 what 的提问,no 用于否定回答或放 在名词前作定语=not any;只有 none 才可以用来指代上文出现的名词,这里指上文说的 cakes.故选 D 2.A 三.1 .careful 2.closed 3.B 点拨:从答语中的 none 可知饮料是免费的,故选 B

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