2021 高考英语一轮复习单元核心词汇自查清单(人教版) Book 4 Unit 4 Body language I.核心单词速记 1.    n. 飞行; 航班 2.   vt. &vi. 接近; 靠近; 走近 n. 接近; 方法; 途径 3.   adj. 主要的 4.   vi. 猛冲; 突进 5.   n. 成人; 成年人 adj. 成人的; 成熟的 6.   adv. 简单地; 只 7.   adj. 口语的 8.   adj. 可能的 9.   n. 十字路口 10.   n. 作用; 功能; 职能 vi. 起作用; 运转 11.   n. 安逸; 舒适 vt. 减轻(痛苦、忧虑) 12.   adj. 错误的; 假的 13.   n. 拳头 14.   vi. 打呵欠 15.   adj. 主观的 16.   vi. &vt. 拥抱 17.   n. 等级; 军衔 Ⅱ. 高频单词拓展 1. state v. 陈述; 说明→ n. 陈述; 说明 2. greet vi. & vt. 迎接; 问候→ n. 问候; 招呼 3. associate vt. 联想; 联系 → n. 社团; 联系; 联想 4. curious adj. 好奇的→ adv. 好奇地→ 5. defend vt. 保护; 保卫→ n. 防御; 保卫 6. misunderstand vt. 误解; 误会→ 7. face n. 脸 → n. 误解; 误会 adj. 面部的 8. anger n. 怒气; 怒火→ 9. major adj. 主要的→ adj. 生气的→ 11. true adj. 真实的→ n. 代表→ n. 事实, 真相→ III.核心短语闪记 保卫……以免受 2. 很可能……; 有希望…… 3. 总的来说; 通常 4. adv. 生气地 n. 大多数 10. represent vt. 代表; 象征→ 1. n. 好奇心 舒适; 快活; 自由自在 adj. 有代表性的 n. 代表(人) adv. 真实地; 真诚地; 真正地 5. 丢脸 6. 背对; 背弃 IV.经典句式回顾 1. (第一个到达的人) was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. (动词不定式作后置定语) 2. (并不是在所有文化背景下人们都以相同的方式互致问候), nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. (not all. . . 表示部分 否定) 3. However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others (更可能接触他们). (be likely to do. . . 很可能做……) closely and 4. (握紧拳头)and shaking it almost always means that someone is angry and threatening another person. (v. -ing 作主语) V.高考用语再现 (I)核心单词运用 1. (2019·全国卷 I)Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window are (可能) to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead. 2. (2019·北京高考) She also (靠近)dentists to learn more about teeth cleaning. 3. (2019·浙江高考)Their victory in America was still remembered as a (主要的) turning point in the history of rock and roll. 4. (2019·天津高考) As he walked the long hallway, some popped out of line to (拥抱)him. 5. (2018· 北京高考 )Some reading in advance is needed like The Story of the Stone while some online courses of (II)拓展单词运用 (口语) Chinese can be helpful. 1. (2019·全国卷Ⅲ)“This indicates that there is a certain way quantity is (represent) in their brains, ”Dr. Livingstone says. 2. (2019·江苏高考 )Li Jiang and Su Hua don’t agree on what to wear when (greet) the British students. 3. (2018·全国卷Ⅲ) Many Chinese people have a (misunderstand)of traditions. They think tradition means old things from the past. 4. (2018·北京高考)Anger is a particularly strong feeling and maybe people think that they have reasons to feel (anger). (III)核心短语运用 1. (2019·全国卷Ⅱ) (与社区相连)as you freely give your time, money, skills, or services provides a real joy. 2. (2019· 北 京 高 考 )These developments ( 可 能 ) make our current problems with robocalls much worse. 3. (2018·浙江高考)By following the basic rules of respecting others, taking care of what belongs to you, and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood, (通常), you will quickly become a good neighbor that everyone appreciates. 4. (2017·天津高考)The new study is not (第一个去探索的)the contagious effects of personality traits. 答案: I.1. flight  2. approach 3. major 4. dash 6. simply 7. spoken 11. ease 12. false Ⅱ. 1. statement 5. adult 8. likely 9. crossroads 10. function 13. fist 2.greeting 14. yawn 15. subjective 16. hug 17. rank 3.association 4.curiously;curiosity 5.defence 6. misunderstanding 7. facial 8.angry;angrily 9. majority 10. representation; representative 11. truth; truly III.1. defend. . . against  2. be likely to 4. at ease 5. lose face 3. in general 6. turn one’s back to IV.1. The first person to arrive 2. Not all cultures greet each other the same way 3. are more likely to touch them 4. Making a fist V.(I)1. likely 2. approached 3. major 4. hug 5.spoken (II)1.represented 2. greeting 3.misunderstanding 4.angry (III)1.Connecting to the community 2. are likely to 3.in general 4.the first to explore

doc文档 清单19 Book 4 Unit 4 Body language-2021高考英语一轮复习单元核心词汇自查清单(人教版)

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清单19 Book 4 Unit 4 Body language-2021高考英语一轮复习单元核心词汇自查清单(人教版) 第 1 页 清单19 Book 4 Unit 4 Body language-2021高考英语一轮复习单元核心词汇自查清单(人教版) 第 2 页 清单19 Book 4 Unit 4 Body language-2021高考英语一轮复习单元核心词汇自查清单(人教版) 第 3 页 清单19 Book 4 Unit 4 Body language-2021高考英语一轮复习单元核心词汇自查清单(人教版) 第 4 页 清单19 Book 4 Unit 4 Body language-2021高考英语一轮复习单元核心词汇自查清单(人教版) 第 5 页
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