高一英语 Unit1 Teenage Life- Reading: The Freshman Challenge Teaching Design I. Objectives Students are expected to 1. know more about life of senior high school students in western countries, which may get them to be more interested in English learning 2. improve their reading skills, e.g. skimming, and ability of cooperating with others by discussing in groups 3. learn to describe their school life in English II. Procedure Step 1. Warming-up Activity Briefly describe your life in this senior high school from the following aspects.  衣 We have to wear _________________(校服) everyday.  食 We have meals in the _____________( 学 校 食 堂 ), which serves very___________(可口的或难吃的)food.  住 Most of us live ________( 在 校 园 里 ), and ____ (12 个 )students share a room, which I think is very crowded, but my roommates are very ________(友好的)and helpful.  行 We__________________( 不 被 允 许 ) to go out of campus, except when it's weekend GUESS: What's the school life in other countries, e.g. America, like? Step 2. Global Reading Skim the passage and match each paragraph with a proper main idea. Reading para.1 Senior high school is a challenge para.2 Adam will have to study harder for the future and get used to being responsible for a lot more para.3 Adam had to choose extra-curricular activities para.4 Adam had to choose courses Step 3. Careful Answer the following questions. 1. Whose school life is the passage about?__________ 2.How does he feel about the first week? ________________ para.2:___________________________________________ True or False ( ) 1. Adam chose the courses all by himself.( ) 2. Adam finds Chinese very difficult, but he is confident to learn it well. ( ) 3. His adviser suggested that he should take the advanced maths. para.3: ___________________________________________ Multiple choice1. What extra-curricular activity did Adam choose? A. Football Club B. Volunteer club C. Violin Club 2. What didn't Adam do after he joined the club? A. He handed out food to homeless people in the community every Wednesday B. He played football every Wednesday. C. He worked at a soup kitchen. para.4:__________________________________________ Fill in the blanks according to this paragraph. As a _________________________(高中生), Adam realizes that he has to study__________(hard) than before and be __________________( 更 加负责任的). He is a little worried about _________________(跟上,赶 上 ) the other students in his__________( 高 级 的 ) course. Besides, he finds that___________(get) used to all the homework is quite difficult. Still feeling happy and ________(confidence), he will be well-prepared for ______(大学) or ________(what) else comes in the future. Step 4. Post-reading Task Write an article about your school life according to the clues given below and share it in class. Clues:介绍你自己:名字、学校、班级衣食住行:(选两个) 学习的科目:语数英......;哪一科最难;最喜欢哪一科;有没有信 心等 期待:想去哪个大学 My School Life ———————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————

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人教版(2019)高一英语 Book 1 Unit1 Teenage Life- Reading The Freshman Challenge教学设计 第 1 页 人教版(2019)高一英语 Book 1 Unit1 Teenage Life- Reading The Freshman Challenge教学设计 第 2 页 人教版(2019)高一英语 Book 1 Unit1 Teenage Life- Reading The Freshman Challenge教学设计 第 3 页 人教版(2019)高一英语 Book 1 Unit1 Teenage Life- Reading The Freshman Challenge教学设计 第 4 页
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