完形填空—记叙文类 真题在线 【 2020· 山东卷】 Molai grew up in a tiny village in India. The village lay near some wetlands which became hi s second_____1_____. He learned the value and beauty of ____2____ there from a very young ag e. When he was 16, Molai began to notice something ____3____ happening around his home. A flood had hit the area earlier that year and the ____4____ it caused had driven away a number o f birds. ____5____, the number of snakes had declined as well. He ____6____ that it was becaus e there weren’t enough trees to protect them from the ____7____. The solution, of course, was to plant trees so the animals could seek ____8____ during the daytime. He turned to the ____9___ _ department for help but was told that nothing would grow there. However, Molai went looking on his own and _____10_____a nearby island where he began to plant trees. ____11____ young plants in the dry season was ______12______for a lone boy. Molai built at the _____13_____ of each sapling(幼树)a bamboo platform, where he placed earthen pots wit h small holes to______14______ rainwater. The water would then drip(滴落)on the plants below. Molai _____15_____ to plant trees for the next 37 years. His efforts have resulted in 1 ,360 acres of naturally-grown land that has become home to many plants and animals. 1. A. dream B. job C. home D. choice 2. A. nature B. youth C. culture D. knowledge 3. A. precious B. interesting C. disturbing D. awkward 4. A. waste B. tension C. pain D. damage 5. A. Besides B. However C. Therefore D. Otherwise 6. A. agreed B. realized C. remembered D. predicted 7. A. noise B. heat C. disease D. dust 8. A. directions B. partners C. help D. shelter 9. A. labor B. police C. forest D. finance 10. A. rebuilt B. discovered C. left D. managed 11. A. Decorating B. Observing C. Watering D. Guarding 12. A. tough B. illegal C. fantastic D. beneficial 13. A. back B. top C. foot D. side 14. A. cool down B. keep off C. purify D. collect 15. A. returned B. learned C. failed D. continued 【答案】1-5 CACDA 6-10 BBDCB 11-15 CABDD 【解析】这是一篇记叙文。Molai 在印度的一个小村庄长大。16 岁的时候,一场洪水导致 他的家园遭受巨大损失。树木的缺乏导致这些动物失去了遮蔽物,很多鸟儿离开,蛇类数 量减少。Molai 决定改变这一切,他经过努力,在附近找到了一个小岛,开始种树。在 30 多年的时间里,他的努力使 1360 英亩的天然土地成为许多动植物的家园。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个村庄位于一些湿地附近,那里成了他的第二个家。A. dream 梦想;B. job 工作;C. home 家;D. choice 选择。根据空前的 second 可知,他出生的 村庄是他的家,村庄附近的一些“湿地”成为了他的第二个“家”。故选 C。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他从小就在那里了解到了大自然的价值和美丽。 A. nature 自然;B. youth 青春,年轻;C. culture 文化;D. knowledge 知识。湿地展现了“大自然”的价 值和美。故选 A。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:16 岁时,Molai 开始注意到他的家周围发生了一些令人 不安的事情。A. precious 宝贵的;B. interesting 有趣的;C. disturbing 令人不安的,引起烦 恼的;D. awkward 尴尬的,笨拙的。该段后半部分提到:洪水侵袭,很多鸟儿离开,蛇的数 量减少。这些情况都不正常,令人不安。故选 C。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那年早些时候,一场洪水袭击了这个地区,洪水造成的损 害赶走了很多鸟类。A. waste 废物;B. tension 紧张;C. pain 疼痛,痛苦;D. damage 损害, 伤害。洪水侵袭这个地区,它会“损害”庄稼、树木,这些都会导致鸟儿们离开。故选 D。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,蛇的数量也减少了。A. Besides 此外,另外;B. Ho wever 但是;C. Therefore 因此;D. Otherwise 否则。根据 as well 可知,洪水不仅导致很多 鸟儿离开。而且,它还导致蛇的数量减少。故选 A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他意识到这是因为没有足够的树来保护它们免受炎热的影 响。A. agreed 同意;B. realized 意识到;C. remembered 记住,记起;D. predicted 预测。Mo lai“意识到”鸟儿离开、蛇类减少是因为没有足够的树木。故选 B。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他意识到这是因为没有足够的树来保护它们免受炎热的影 响。A. noise 噪音;B. heat 热;C. disease 疾病;D. dust 尘土。根据常识可知,树木可以提 供阴凉,从而保护鸟类和蛇类免受炎热的影响。故选 B。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当然,解决的办法是种树,这样动物们就可以在白天寻找 栖身之处。A. directions 方向;B. partners 伙伴,合作伙伴;C. help 帮助;D. shelter 遮蔽, 庇护,遮蔽物。树木可以给动物们提供“遮蔽”。故选 D。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他向森林部门求助,但被告知那里什么也不长。A. labor 劳 动;B. police 警察;C. forest 森林;D. finance 财政,金融。根据前一句中的“The solution, of course, was to plant trees”可知,Molai 想要种树,所以他应该向“森林”部门求助。故选 C。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,Molai 自己去看了看,发现了附近的一个岛屿,他 开始在那里种树。A. rebuilt 重建;B. discovered 发现;C. left 离开;D. managed 设法做成。 根据前面的”looking on his own”可知,他自己去看,那么接下来就应该是他”发现”了一个小 岛。故选 B。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对一个孤独的男孩来说,在旱季给幼苗浇水是很困难的。 A. Decorating 装饰;B. Observing 观察到;C. Watering 浇水;D. Guarding 守卫。该段后半 部分叙述的是 Molai 想尽办法收集水的努力。再结合该句中的“the dry season”可知,在旱季 给幼苗“浇水”很难。故选 C。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对一个孤独的男孩来说,在旱季给幼苗浇水是很困难的。 A. tough 困难的;B. illegal 非法的;C. fantastic 极好的;D. beneficial 有益的。根据该段后 半部分的叙述可知,Molai 想尽办法收集雨水,由此推知,旱季缺水,给幼苗浇水很“难”。 故选 A。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Molai 在每棵树苗的顶端都搭建了一个竹子平台,在那里 他放置了带有小洞的陶罐来收集雨水。A. back 背部;B. top 顶端;C. foot 脚;D. side 一边, 一侧。根据该段最后一句“The water would then drip on the plants below”可知,水滴在下面的 植物上。由此推知,竹子平台应该在每棵树苗的”顶端”。故选 B。 14.考查动词(短语)辨析。句意:Molai 在每棵树苗的顶端都搭建了一个竹子平台,在那 里他放置了带有小洞的陶罐来收集雨水。A. cool down 冷却下来;B. keep off 与……保持距 离;C. purify 净化,使纯净;D. collect 收集。根据常识可知,陶罐是用来盛水的。由此可 知,他将陶罐放到竹子平台上“收集”雨水。故选 D。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的 37 年里,M

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