译林版英语 7BU6 错题再做题 一.单项选择 1. Don't keep your window closed all day. you should let fresh air in ____it. A.across B. over. C. past. D. through 2. There is only_____ rice at home. we need some more for away. A.much B. a little 3. C. many D.a few. Zhang Chang_______and said“please sit here ,grandpa ”to an old man on the bus. A.fell down B. stood up C. turned to 4. D. ran away. Little Jerry didn't like animals but there were big dogs _____,so she was very afraid. A.all around 5. B. all over C. next to D. far from. Eric often goes camping at weekends and he is good at________ at tent. A.Putting on B. putting up C. Put in 6. D. putting away. Wendy is_____ to close the window without getting on a chair. A.tall enough B.enough tall C. high enough D.enough high. 7. Tony is_____ young to drive a car, but he always wants to try. A.very B. quiet C. too D. so. 8. John eats a lot and doesn't exercise ,so he becomes_____. A.fat and fat B. fat and fattest C. fatter and fatter D. fat and fatter 9. Jimmy tried his best, but he_____ the apple on the big tree. A. reached. B. can’t reach C.doesn't reach D.couldn't reach. 10. How do you feel about the film? --________! The best this year. A.By underground B.Wonderful C. Tired D. At the cinema. 11. --Shall we go to the hill tomorrow morning?--_____It will be a bad day tomorrow. A. Sounds good B. A great idea, C. Forget it D.I hope not. 12. The prices of the houses at the moment are very______. A.high B. expensive C.higher D.more expensive. 13. Mary ,how can I get to Nanjing from Taizhou next week? --You'd better take a train._______the suitable trains in the timetable. A.set up B.put up C.take up D. look up. 14. It wasn't easy for Alice to________ from the rabbit hole. A.get away, B.get back C.get along D.get up. 15. A primary school in England has_____ signs at is three entrances, saying: Green your child with a smile, not a mobile. A.put into B. put up C. put on D.put up. 16. When you feel helpless and_______, just remember you're not____ in the world, because your friends are around you A. alone ;alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; alone D.lonely;lonely. 17. Could you please help me _____the picture on the wall?-- OK, no problem, A.put on B. put up C.put off D. put out. 18. I didn't see you ______in. You must have been very quiet. A.comes B. to come C. come D. have come. 19. --When _____you free last week? --Well, I ____have a free day because there was too much work A. did ;didn't B.were;didn't C. were ;wasn't D.did; wasn't 20. I saw Millie_____ in the street when I went to open the door. A.is walking B.to walk C. walks D.walking 21. I spent three hours_____ shopping yesterday.This skirt ____me 200 yuan. A.going ;cost B.went; costs C. to go ;cost, D. go ;costs. 22. We were all _______to hear the_______ news. A.excited; amazed. B.exciting; amazed C.excited; amazing D.exciting; amazing. 23. I _____and______ my head yesterday. A. fall;hit B. fell;hit C. falls hits D. fell; hitting 24. The fish that my mother cooks _____ A. tastes good B.tastes well C.taste good D.taste well 25. They found ______alone on the boat when they woke up. A.them B. their C.they D.themselves 26. Chang Zhou is famous_____ an old city ____a long history. A .as;has B. for;with C. as;with D. for;has 27.--Tom, I'm sorry I used your computer while you were away this morning. --______ A.That's all right,B. Come on, C.That's right D. All right 28.Did you think ______interesting to put meat between two pieces of bread. A.it's B.that C. this. D.it 29.Lucy, this fish smells______. But Mom ,something is wrong with my nose .I can't smell_____ A. nice; well. B.well; well. C.nice,;nice. D.well,;nice 30. The little boy opened the door _____the key on the table. A.use B. with C. for D. of 二,词汇运用 1. We have to go through a hard________(时期)_. We're sure hope is in front of us. 2. She didn't study hard, so she__________ (失败)the exam again. 3. You'd better knock on the door before___________ (进入)a room. 4. I said hello to Tom when he _________(经过)by just now, but he didn't hear. 5. The children became very __________(激动)when they got to the park gate. 6. She wore those strange clothes,Everyone ______ (注意)her when she came in. 7. I like playing ___________(在外面)when it is sunny. 8. The door is __________(lock),we must wait here for mom to be back. 9. Lucy found__________(she) lying under her bed when she woke. 10. Tiansheng Bridge has a history of over six._______(century). 11.

doc文档 Unit6错题再做题(有答案)2020-2021学年江苏省常州市译林版七年级英语下册

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