Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section A 1a~2d 一.根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1.The    (闹钟) is too old. I want to buy a new one. 2.The sailor found something     (奇怪的) at the bottom of the river. 3.I forgot to take an     (伞) with me, so I got wet all over. 4.Lisa ran to the bus stop quickly, but she still     (错过) the early bus. 5.—What were you doing when the     (暴风雨) came? —I was taking a shower. 6. He sat down and     (开始) to read a newspaper. 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The teacher asked me to make a study plan at the     (begin) of the new term. 2.Don't speak to the     (strange) over there. He may be a bad man. 3.Lisa was busy     (clean) her room at that time yesterday afternoon. 4.Earthquakes always happen     (sudden), so it is difficult to know when they come. 5. It is raining     (heavy) outside. I have to stay at home. 三.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.下雨的时候你正在做什么? What were you doing             of the rain? 2. 昨天下午放学的时候天正下着大雪。                  when school was over yesterday afternoon. 3.今天早上我的闹钟没有响,所以我又迟到了。 My alarm didn't         this morning, so I was late again. 4.露西刚才没看到有人正向她走过来。 Lucy         anyone     towards her just now. 5.请告诉我昨天下午发生了什么。 Please tell me         yesterday afternoon. 6.昨天我给你打电话了,但是你没有接。 Yesterday I called you, but you didn't         . 7.地震发生的时候,他们正在超市购物。 They were shopping in the supermarket                 the earthquake. 四.单项填空 (  )1.—Hi, David. I need help     my homework. Could you please give me a hand? —Sure. A.on B.with C.to D.for (  )2.When I called Lisa, she was busy     dinner for her family. A.cook B.cooked C.to cook D.cooking (  )3. Please     the rubbish and put it into the proper rubbish bin. A.look up B.get up C.grow up D.pick up (  )4. Mike     the furniture into his new flat this time yesterday. A.would move B.was moving C.has moved D.had moved (  )5. —How do you feel     you are looking through the old pictures? —How time flies! A.because B.though C.while D.unless 五. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 begin, strange, suddenly, heavy go off, pick up, take a hot shower, wait for 1. Look! There’s something _________ in the sky. What’s it? 2. Jackie stood up and _________ to move around his room. 3. It rained _________ last night and it is very wet now. 4. A warm thought (想法) _________ came to me. I might buy some flowers for my mom. 5. Every night Mr. Black ____________ before going to bed. 6. Jane got up as soon as the alarm clock ____________. 7. The Smiths are ____________ someone to serve them. 8. I called Mr. Miller three times, but he didn’t ____________. 六.补全对话   根据对话内容,从方框中选出合适的句子,填在对话空缺处,使对话内容完整、连贯。两项多余。 Mrs. Lin:Hi, Mrs. Wang! Mrs. Wang:Hello, Mrs. Lin! Mrs. Lin:I called you at 10:00 this morning, but there was no reply. Mrs. Wang:I was shopping at that time. Mrs. Lin:1.     Mrs. Wang:Yes, I bought two T-shirts and a pair of sports shoes.2.     Mrs. Lin:3.     Mrs. Wang:It took me the whole morning. I hate shopping in the crowded supermarket. Mrs. Lin:4.     But I like shopping online. Mrs. Wang:Shopping online? Mrs. Lin:Yes, it's fast and easy.5.     Mrs. Wang:I think I'll have a try next time. A.So do I. B.Did you buy anything? C.What did you buy? D.It can save a lot of time. E.How long did it take you? F.Did it take you a long time? G.But there were too many people in the supermarket. 七.阅读理解 Many kids help parents to do chores in the house. They may take out the trash,walk the dog or sweep the floor. In return, some kids get money or other rewards (报酬) from their parents,such as 20 minutes to play computer games. But some people do not think that kids should get rewards for doing chores. One of them is Jane Smith, a parenting educator and family coach. She believes if kids get rewards,they may think that work isn't worth doing unless you get something in return. For example, kids won't sweep the floor if they see it is dirty. But they will do it if their parents reward them for it. “Every house is a team effort,”Jane said.“A home is a living place for everyone in the family. It's important for kids to see that we all have a responsibility (责任) to keep our home clean.” Other people hold different opinions. They believe that money or other rewards encourage kids to do more chores. It also teaches them real world lessons. They can learn about how we need to work to make money. Now, there are also apps that encourage kids to do chores.The apps give kids points and digital (电子的) gifts that can be used either online or in life. With the ChoreMonster,kids earn(赚

doc文档 Unit5 SectionA 1a-2d课后练习2021-2022学年人教版八年级英语下册

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