备战 2022 中考英语完形填空话题分类训练 (中考真题+各地模拟题) 专题 41 社会关系 Passage 1 (2021·湖北荆门·中考真题)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选 项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 One Friday night, a poor art student Joseph was playing the violin at New York subway station. In front of him was a 1 with a few dollars. He needed some more money for his tuition(学费). Joseph was playing his last piece of music when a middle-aged man who looked excited 2 and put a 50-dollar banknote(钞票) into the hat. Joseph nodded to the man The next 4 , Joseph came to the same place as usual. 5 3 . from the night before, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground. The paper said, “Last night, a gentleman put something unexpected into my hat 6 . Please come to get it.” Interested, many passers-by stopped, wondering what the unexpected thing could be. Just then, a man 7 through the crowd to Joseph and shouted excitedly, “Thank God you’re here. I knew you are a(n) 8 man.” “Did you lose something, sir?” asked Joseph. The man nodded, “Yes, a lottery ticket.” Joseph took out a ticket, “Is this one The gentleman 10 9 ?” the ticket and then hugged Joseph tightly, saying “Thank you, thank you, young man.” It turned out that the middle-aged man find that he was the lucky 12 11 the ticket the other day and was excited to of $100,000. Overjoyed, he took out a put it in Joseph’s hat on his way home. 13 banknote and 14 , the lottery ticket was also thrown in. When Joseph found it was a winning lottery ticket, he decided to return it to the owner. To thank Joseph, the owner 15 him $500 as a gift. Joseph’s honesty paid off. 1.A.basket B.hat C.box D.bag 2.A.stopped B.left C.called D.refused 3.A.sadly B.busily C.thankfully D.disappointedly 4.A.morning B.afternoon C.midnight D.night 5.A.Different B.Separate C.Far D.Tired 6.A.by mistake B.on purpose C.in public D.with difficulty 7.A.climbed B.pulled C.rushed D.circled 8.A.poor B.honest C.wise D.clever 9.A.his B.ours C.hers D.yours 10.A.pushed B.dropped C.checked D.showed 11.A.found B.received C.printed D.bought 12.A.loser B.winner C.supporter D.finder 13.A.10-dollar B.20-dollar C.50-dollar D.100-dollar 14.A.However B.So C.Besides D.Again 15.A.borrowed B.offered C.required D.lent Passage 2 (2020·湖南湘潭·中考真题) Kelly could hardly believe that she had been so stupid! At lunchtime in a busy sandwich bar, she had hung her Seconds later, the bag had keys had gone with it. 17 16 on the back of her chair. and her mobile phone, her money, her bank cards and her 18 she was with her friend, Anna. Using Anna’s phone, Kelly was able to call the bank and the phone company 19 . The thief would not be able to use her cards of her phone, at least! Back at the office, Kelly began to feel better. Her workmates asked if 20 could lend her some money. One more difficulty was ahead. Kelly’s bicycle was locked. Unless she could unlock it, she would not be able to get home that night. She asked Tom, the Building Manager, if he could 21 . He tried very hard, but he couldn’t cut or 22 the lock. Kelly rang the fire brigade(消防队) and explained the situation. Four 23 later, a red fire-engine pulled up outside the building. “We always travel like this,” one of the 24 joked, as the others took down the cutting equipment(设备) and freed Kelly’s bicycle. As she 25 her bicycle home, Kelly thought, “For every one thief in London, there are thousands of ordinary kind people!” 16.A.coat B.bag C.umbrella 17.A.gone B.fallen C.dropped 18.A.Clearly B.Suddenly C.Luckily 19.A.at once B.for a while C.in the end 20.A.we B.you C.they 21.A.help B.promise C.accept 22.A.repair B.break C.change 23.A.weeks B.days C.minutes 24.A.firemen B.policemen C.postmen 25.A.made B.rode C.carried Passage 3 (2013·安徽·中考真题) of 26 It is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind ? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too being looked at, he may 28 uncomfortable. It is the same in daily life. When you are looked at for several more times, you will look is anything wrong with you. If looking at you. 32 27 . If he notices that he is 29 up and down in order to 30 if there 31 goes wrong, you will feel angry with the person who is can speak, right? Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are . If you wish to draw someone's 33 34 , you may look at him or her for more than ten seconds. For lovers, they enjoy looking

doc文档 专题41 社会关系-备战2022中考英语完形填空话题分类训练(中考真题+各地模拟题)

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