备战 2022 高考英语全国名校最新模拟试题分类汇编 第三期 专题 04 阅读七选五 (2022·山西·一模)Life offers its fair share of challenges. At any given time, anyone can face difficult sea- sons in their life. It is true for you. When you're experiencing difficulty, it's always helpful to have a support system to get through it. ____1____Knowing this, there are a few ways you can become supportive of a family member who is in the midst of a struggle. Offer legal resources. If you have family members who are in trouble with the law, you can offer assistance by pointing in the direction of various legal resources, You can even decide to cover a part of their legal fees in court. ____2____ Provide encouragement. When people are down on their luck, it's really easy for them to get discouraged and give up. Instead, it's a wise move to offer words of encouragement to the person. Always remind them that they're strong, capable and more powerful than they realize.____3____ Be a safe place. Sometimes, people struggle because they don't feel any love or support from anyone around them. ____4____Be their light in the dark places. This can do so much for someone who is carrying a lot on the inside. ____5____You never want to make a person feel like they can't make it without you in their life. If you're allowing the family member to live with you for a certain period of time, be strict about what needs to happen during that time. Make sure that they develop a plan, time line and measured action steps that can help them get back on their feet. A.No man is an island. B.Encourage independence C.In fact, they are surrounded by pressure. D.Always compete with your family members. E.Tell them that they will get through this situation. F.It's all up to you to decide how you can help them. G.However, you know that there's nothing you can do. (2022·辽宁实验中学一模)“Music is where everything started,” Samira Horton says. ____6____ She has been rapping and performing since she was 6 years old. Through music, DJ Annie Red says, “I can express myself and let out my emotion.” The rising hip-hop star uses music to share a message about bullying. “I was bullied a lot,” she says, “even today, especially because of my voice.” DJ Annie Red has a deep voice. ____7____ But DJ Annie Red has found a way to rise above their rude remarks. Instead of thinking of her voice as a weakness, she uses it to spread her anti-bullying message far and wide. ____8____ She posts her music online, too. She likes to give students a rhythmic and interactive show while teaching them how to overcome bullying. “It makes them feel like they're not alone.” Annie Red believes that standing up to bullying is more important than ever. ____9____ “You don't have to show your face at all,” she says. “Someone could easily be affected by that.” ____10____ She believes that kids of her generation can make things better by finding their passions, and using those passions to inspire changes, as she has. “Kids' being more confident in themselves and wanting to do something that they really enjoy doing is something that motivates me to keep doing what I do.” A.But she sees a brighter future ahead. B.People have told her she sounds like a boy. C.She encourages kids of all ages to stand up to bullying. D.DJ Annie Red has performed at schools, festivals and Brooklyn Net games. E.Her 2017 book, The Bully Stop, is based on her song “No You Won't Bully Me”. F.The 13-year-old from Brooklyn, New York, is known to the world as DJ Annie Red. G.That's because people can bully others on social media while hiding behind a username. (2022·河北唐山·一模)When I was an incoming(即将入学的)student in University of Oxford,I participated FYSOP. Ever since then, whenever it comes up in conversation, I am met with the following question: “What is FYSOP?” ____11____ FYSOP stands for First Year Student Outreach Project, which focuses around a week service to the city of Oxford and its various neighborhoods. ____12____ They volunteer for the Oxford community at local sites helping out schools, parks or non-profit organizations. Students are divided into groups and led by student leaders. These leaders ensure that each place is prepared and that the students get there safely.____13____In this way the incoming students are able to reflect on what it means to give back and to be a part of the community. These conversations are important for incoming students because of the change they experience starting out in college. ____14____ Students obtain valuable volunteer expe

doc文档 专题04 阅读七选五-备战2022高考英语全国名校最新模拟试题分类汇编

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