主题二十二 家庭教育(Family Education) 家庭教育非小事,它在孩子的成长中起着不可忽视的作用,它配合学校教育进行着孩子成长历程中的 德育教育。这一主题可以涉及不少问题,如:零用钱如何合理使用。孩子们是否该承担家务活,如何学会 与人沟通,等等。希望这一主题的讨论能对大家有所帮助。 一.主题词汇 need guidance a burden to the family fully express one's gratitude mutually support understand and love exercise the muscles of our arms be pleased to, increase communication between kids and parents take a rest from a day's hard work 二.有用句型 1. It's our duty to share the heavy burden of housework with our parents. 2. Meanwhile, it is also a joy to relax ourselves by doing some physical work. 3. From my point of view,... is a good method of cultivating talents. 4.However, I don't think people should ... 5.Members from a good family mutually support, understand and love each other. 6. If we do some housework, our parents will have time to take a rest. They will also be pleased to feel our love and gratitude. 7. Why not start today by washing the dishes for your mum after dinner? 8. In summary, sharing housework with parents is very important to everyone. 三.模拟试题 请以“Share housework”为题写一篇短文。 Questions for reference: a. Do you usually share housework with your parents? b. Why or why not (Give at lease two reasons) c.What do you think of sharing housework with your parents? 要点分析 1.在具体论证中,理由一定要充分; 2.时态:可以选用一般现在时; 3.注意突出一个中心或主题。 写作素材 I.表明观点的 1. As far as I'm concerned, it's our duty to share the heavy burden of housework with our parents. 2. As we grow up, parents are always there to give us support and guidance. They try hard to make our home loving and comfortable. 3. As a Grade Nine student, I should do some housework for my mum. I also want to be independent by doing so. 4. Doing chores is very important for every child. It can help us take a break from our schoolwork and care for our parents. II.具体论证的 1. In a way, doing housework benefits us physically and mentally. 2. When we are free, we can help our parents wash the dishes and do the laundry. 3. For example,when we are mopping the floor,we exercise the muscles of our arms. 4. After we get up,we should make the bed by ourselves,and help clean the bedroom and other rooms. 5. Sharing housework promotes communication between kids and parents. 6. It's the thing that we can do to show our gratitude and love to our parents. III.小结性的 1. If we experience the labor of doing housework, we will love our parents more. 2. To summarize, sharing housework is a mutually beneficial way to build a happy family. 例文 Share housework As we grow up, parents are always there to give us support and guidance. They try hard to make our home loving and comfortable. As far as I'm concerned, it's our duty to share the heavy burden of housework with our parents. In a way, doing housework benefits us physically and mentally.First,we can got a lot of practice by doing housework.For example,when we are mopping the floor,we exercise the muscles of our arms. Second,it’s the thing that we can do to show our gratitude and love to our parents. At last,sharing housework promotes communication between kids and parents. Healthy family relationships cannot do without proper communication. To summarize, sharing housework is a mutually beneficial way to build a happy family. 四.写作操练 1.每个人都会设想自己未来从事的工作。请以“My dream job”为题写一篇短文。 My dream job My dream job is to be a doctor. Illnesses and diseases always bring pains and sufferings to us humans, but doctors can help us get rid of them. Doctors are trained to know the causes of different kinds of illnesses and the best ways to cure the patients. They can give us advice on how to keep healthy.They can let patients gain health and happiness again and give patients the hope to live on. Now I must study hard at my lessons to make good preparations to be a doctor. I believe my dream can come true and I can be a good doctor in the future. 2.请以“Everyone needs help.”为题写一篇短文。 Everyone needs help Everyone in the world needs help, even if he is the strongest or the greatest man in the world.Though we should learn to be independent,asking for help is also a way to deal with difficulties.When I am in trouble, I can ask my friends for help. If I have some trouble with my study,my teachers will help me at once. Actually, everyone needs help and we can ask others for help. So If you need help, don't be shy to say, “Can you help me?” 3. 与人相处是一门不小的学问。请以“How to get along well with others”为题写一篇短文,具体谈谈你与人 相处时的一些好的方法。 How to get along well with others As we know, students should learn how to get along well with others. But h

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