译林高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 1 基础知识练习 2 (Grammar and usage-Project)(含答案) 一、英汉互译 1. come across 2. throw oneself into... 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 对...印象深刻 对...感到厌倦 在平底锅里煎牛排 好得不得了 fall apart 刺激食客的食欲 be without equal 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. better still your best bet 日常生活必不可少的一部分 让人汗流如注 使人满意,正合需要 同朋友交往 work one’s way through 二、根据提示填写正确形式的词汇。 1. The (气氛) is lively and modern, with its wall (paint) white and light blue. 2. The film star wears glasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without easily 3. Ben t 4. She gave them an extra h 5. Autumn is the best season 6. They would not understand what a 7. They all walked barefoot across the 8. Last month I was lucky enough (recognize). (倾倒)the contents of the drawer onto the table. (一份) of ice-cream. (travel) in Beijing for its (温和的) weather. (令人难过的) struggle my whole life has been. (潮湿的) sand to the water's (have)a chance (边缘). (make)a trip into space with my friend Li Yanping, an astronomer. 9. The restaurant serves a 10. (自助餐) breakfast and a well-prepared choice of meals. (locate) in the downtown, the supermarket attracts many locals every day. 11. With its beautiful (风景), Guangzhou is also abundant in traveling resources. 12. The design has to appeal 13. We’ve made a 14. My all ages and social groups. (打赌) on which team will win the game. (上年纪的) grandma still 15. Mum bought some (烘烤) mooncakes for the whole family every year. (面粉) to make dumpling wrappers. 16. The team transforms the family's long weekend of celebration with less expensive but still 17. We eventually found the cat in the wardrobe(衣柜), surrounded by six 18. There are still lots of problems (可爱的) kittens. (solve)before we are ready for a long stay. 19. It is more likely to have a driving accident when it is (有雾的). 20. Trade between developing countries and industrialized countries is beginning to 21. Be careful not to damage other people's (财产). (扩大). (taste) recipes. 22. In the Ming and Qing 23. The painting is 24. The (dynasty), Chinese literature entered a new epoch. (估计)to be worth over 1 million dollars. (本质的)difference between this class and other French classes is that this is intended for business people. 25. She has an appetite 26. His new album includes 27. There have been some adventure. (多样的) (版本) of the same songs. (impress) entries in the wildlife photography section. 28. Nothing can change, or will change, without technological 29. There has been a shift of (创新). (重点,重视) from manufacturing to service industries. 30. Our plan is to invite(invite) Mr. Tomas and Mrs. Lin as the judges of the singing competition which will be held (hold)next Friday. 31. They looked at him with a (混合) of horror, envy, and awe. 32. Now that the problem has been identified, (合适的) action can be taken. 三、一词多义 1. plain (1) In general, a plain carpet makes a room look bigger. (2) Bronwen's dress was plain but it hung well on her. (3) It was plain to him that I was having a nervous breakdown. (4) She is a plain girl, but kind to everyone. (5) Once there were 70 million buffalo(野牛) on the plains. 2. delicate (1) The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body. (2) Making green tea is a delicate process that most people get wrong idea about it. (3) He had delicate hands. (4) She was physically delicate and psychologically unstable. (5) Young beans have a tender texture(口感) and a delicate flavour. 3. consume (1) The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels. (2) Before he died he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol. (3) Carolyn was consumed with guilt(内疚). (4) The hotel was quickly consumed by fire. 4. loose (1) If a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend that it's taken out. (2) The sheep had got out and were loose on the road. (3) The potatoes were sold loose, not in bags. (4) Students are asked to tie back their loose hair in the lab. (5) She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers. (6) That girl was desperate to break loose from parental control when in college. (7) Forget the exam. Hang loose and stay cool. 四、根据括号内的提示补全句子。 1. 这个观念流行起来,如今广州的各家餐厅用一千多种点心使食客们胃口大开,一道更比一道精致,美 味。(课文原句回译) , and today Guangzhou’s restaurants , each 2. than past. 我最喜欢四川火锅的一点在于,它们为朋友间的交往提供了很棒的机会,因为一顿饭能吃上好几个小 时。(课文原句回译) about Sichuan hotpots is meal friends since a . 3. 香味很快传到我的鼻子里,我开始流口水。(课文原句回译) 4. 外出吃饭也是一种社交活动,让我可以加强我和朋友们的关系。(课文原句回译) 5. 治愈系食物不仅能填饱我们的肚子,还能令我们心情振奋。(not only 倒装) 6. 小女孩很生气,把玩具扔到地上,摔成

doc文档 Unit 1 基础知识练习2(Grammar and usage-Project) -2021-2022学年高中英语牛津译林版选择性必修第一册

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