中考冲刺语法专项 1.—How can I get more information? —Call us _______ 0746-8946317 for more information. 2. The smile on the teacher's face means his _______ (satisfy) with my answer. 3. Although my grandmother is over 80 years old, she is much _______ (healthy) than some young people. 4. Old Tom is having his _______ (ninety) birthday party with his friends. 5. Kate's uncle has________egg and some bread for his breakfast every morning. 6. When you visit a foreign country, it's important to ask for help _______ (polite). 7. We should often ask _______ (we) what we should do for our parents. 8. Chinese people are proud _______ the Great Wall. 9. The first cartoon film with sound and music _______ (make) in New York in 1928. 10. I don't like _______ (India) food because it seems rather strange to me. 11. Every minute I spent in Beijing is _______ (value) to me. 12. How many _______ (photo) did you take when you visited the museum? 13.—How _______ do you go to the library? —At least once a week. 14. I knew the earth _______ (move) around the sun when I was very young. 15. There are several________(Canada) working in our factory. They are friendly and helpful. 16. Peter bought _______ useful dictionary in the bookstore yesterday. 17. Although she is in her eighties, the famous scientist still keeps _______ doing research on medicine. 18. Money might make you _______ (wealth) ,but fiends make you rich. 19. Heroes are just common people who do something _______ (usual). 20. Everyone _______ Tom went to the cinema yesterday. He was badly ill. 21. Remember that the medicine should be taken _______ (one) a day after lunch. 22. Students should be given time to discuss the book _______ their classmates. 23. —Tom, would you like some bread? —Thanks, I'm full now. I _______ (have) my breakfast. 24.“A miss is as good as a mile,”I often say to _______ (I). 25. I'm sorry I took your school uniform _______ mistake. But where is mine? 26. When I got home last night, my parents _______ (discuss) where to go for summer holiday. 27. The medical treatment is developing so fast _______ many incurable diseases can be cured (治 愈) at present, 28. My iPad caught a virus (病毒) last night and it can't work _______ (complete) now. 29. Wu Lei prepared well and had no difficulty _______ (win) the speech competition. 30.What _________ interesting movie! 31. I remember telling her the thing last week, _________ she forgot it. 32. Watching TV for a long time is _________ (harm) to your eyes. 33. My hometown _________ (change) a lot so far. I feel so happy. 34. To achieve our dreams, we must take every life choice_________ (serious). 35. –Look! Some people _________(cut) in the line. We should wait although others don’t follow the rule. 36. Lily bought a new house _________ a big garden last month. 37. Jane is seven years old. But she can cook by _________(she). 38. –How do you feel after visiting the science museum? —Those _________(invent) have a great influence on us. 39. Out teacher asked us _________(do) a survey about whether students should wear uniforms. 40. —Who is the boy that played basketball with you just now? —He is Jack, a friend of _________(I) 41. Bruce should _________(praise) for the progress he has made this term. 42. Sandy likes the koala. She thinks it is one of _________(interesting) animals that she has ever seen. 43. –Isn’t that Helen over there? No, it _________ be her. I’m sure she doesn’t wear glasses. 44. The “share-go” cars _________ use electricity not only cute but also are environmentally friendly. 45. it is unusual for an armless boy to play ___________ piano so well with his feet. 46. Boys, don’t play with these ___________ (knife). They are dangerous. 47. Miss Zhao always makes her class interesting, which helps to make herself ___________(understand) easily. 48. The song I Believe I can fly tells us that believing ___________ ourselves is very important. 49. In foreign countries, foreigners often use body language to show ___________(they) feelings. 50. It’s ___________(fair) for you to clean such a big classroom alone. 51. We don’t know the love of our parents ___________ we become parents ourselves one day. 52. Tom’s mother always encourages him ___________(work) out problems by himself. 53. My grandpa has kept these photos for over 30 years ___________ they can bring him sweet memorizes. 54. Where is ___________(deep) salt lake in the world? 55. France is a beautiful ___________(west) country. 56. We had a peaceful af

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